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The TV was my worst nightmare right now. I watched the two of them go to the pharmacy, which already brought back evil memories for me. I could tell it did the same to Y/n. Taylor was there, which was shitty. Kelly was there too, so that was relieving. They bought the tests, and travelled home. That's when it got hard to watch. 

Y/n talked to Zacky about our struggles getting pregnant, and Ace. I cried a lot during this, while remembering my beautiful baby girl. I thought about her every single day up here, wondering where she may be. I hope I can see her somewhere up here. I haven't fully explored the afterlife yet. This scene of Y/n's life inspired me to find Ace. 

Y/n and Zacky fell asleep in each other's arms soon after they talked. I admired how she looked while sleeping, so quiet and peaceful. Then I turned off the TV with that image in mind. 

I walked around the whole part of this place that I was at. It looked exactly like the city I was born and raised in. Everyone who lived there and passed on is up here as well. I know that Ace will be here. Then it hit me. My living quarter looks like the house Y/n and I shared. It is the only home I ever really knew. Ace only ever lived in one place as a live child. The hospital. 

That's why there's a hospital up here.. 

It confused me when I first got here, why there was a hospital where dead souls live. Now it makes sense. 

I walk in and get greeted by a hospital worker that I remember seeing in the news after she got shot here by a psycho kid. It was ages ago. I forgot about it until now. 

"Hello dear, what are you doing in this place?" she asked, smiling at me. 

"I'm looking for my daughter. She died as a newborn in this hospital about two years ago. Her name was Ace." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. 

"Calm down sir, she's here. You will see her." she reassured me in a calm voice, "Could you tell me the cause of her death?" 

"She had heart failure a few minutes after her birth. Me and her mother held her and listened to her slow heartbeat for only a few minutes before her nose started bleeding and the doctors took her away." 

The nurse looked sad, and she came out from behind the counter. "It's alright sir, I know who you're talking about. Come with me." 

I felt a rush of happiness. I couldn't believe I would see my baby girl again. The nurse took me to the NICU and pointed at a little incubator with the name "Ace" plastered on the side. She is so beautiful. 

"I'll go get her for you." the nurse said. I thanked her as she was walking away. She returned with my delicate little girl. I was handed the baby. I held her in my arms and started crying happy tears. 

"My baby." I whispered while kissing her on the head. 

The nurse told me that she is perfectly fine up here, has no heart issues, and will grow up like a normal child until she reaches the age of 20, where she will forever stop ageing and continue living up here with her daddy. 

I thanked the nurse waaay too much, then left with my gorgeous baby girl. 

A/N- I thought y'all would enjoy that after the last chapter :) 

Lost and Found - Zacky VengeanceWhere stories live. Discover now