Championship Weekend: Saturday

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When Tamryn woke up the next morning, Liam was gone. She felt a
sting of disappointment in her stomach but she got dressed and went down stairs to have breakfast with her family. Maybe he was already
waiting there for her.
When she got to their table she noticed that he was not there. She
frowned. What could have had him up so early and where did he go?
She also noticed that Lydia was not there.
“Where is Lydia, Ryan?” she asked.
“She went to the chemist. She is not feeling herself this morning. She
complains a lot that she is constantly tired.” He frowned and you could
see that he was really worried about her.
“Maybe she just need some vitamins or a booster,” Stephanie
“I think I must take her to see a doctor when we get home. She is so
stubborn. I wanted to take her a few weeks ago but she just refused.”
Ryan shook his head but he made up his mind.
“Did anyone see Liam?” Alan wanted to know. “He just disappeared on
all of us last night.” He looked at Tamryn and lifted an eyebrow. She
blushed and looked around the table to see if anyone noticed. Luckily
they were all busy with their breakfast.
“Maybe went to bed early,” Ryan said without looking up from his plate.
“He also look tired and stressed lately. Maybe he also needs a doctor.”
Alan looked at Tamryn again. Lifted his eyebrow again and smiled.
Tamryn just decided to ignore him.
When they were almost done with their breakfast, Lydia came in with a
bag full of pills she bought. “You okay, my Love?” Ryan asked sincerely
“I’m just fine you guys!” she laughed and looked at everyone to assure
them. “Just a bit tired and under the weather these days. Nothing to
worry about.”
Then she turned to Tamryn: “Good luck for today, Sis. I know it’s going
to go great!”
“Thank you! But you all will have to excuse me. I need to get to the
arena. Tristan and I need to do some warm-ups” and with that she left before anyone else would ask more questions about Liam. She would
also like to know where he is and why he did not have breakfast with his
family who he only saw two months ago. But she could not concentrate
on him now. Her nerves were shot as it is. She had to get to Tristan
and set her mind on the Championship. She went upstairs, gathered her
clothing for the day and drove to the arena which was only a few blocks
Tamryn and Tristan stood there in their silver and black outfits and
watched another couple doing their routine for the judges. She looked
over to where her family was sitting and saw that Liam was still nowhere
to be seen. Did he decide this morning after he woke up that he wasn’t
ready for her and a baby? Maybe he changed his mind and didn’t know
how to tell her. Or maybe he decided not to come and support her as he
was totally against her competing today. She was trying to make sense
of his absence but she was also driving herself crazy.
She turned her attention back to the couple on the ice. She had to get
her mind set ready for their routine. She couldn’t let Tristan down. He
depended on her as much as she depended on him. She went over
their routine in her head and then she felt his hands on her shoulders:
“Thought I wasn’t coming, huh?” and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
“Liam!” she almost cried. “Where were you? Everyone was looking for
you this morning!”
“And you?” he teased her. “Were you also looking for me?” He winked
at her. “Sorry I’m late. I was with a patient. I wouldn’t miss this for the
world!” he assured her and hugged her tight. He let her go and greeted
Tristan with a handshake, who was just standing there watching the two
of them. “You better take good care of her” he warned.
Then their names were called and it was their turn to impress the judges.
Liam kissed Tamryn on the forehead and said; “Just be careful!”
Tamryn and Tristan took hands and got on the ice. They skated to
where the judges were sitting and took a bow. The music started and
they started their beautiful performance. Liam just stayed put and
watched their whole routine with clenched fists and a rigid jaw.

The first time Tristan had to lift Tamryn over his head, Liam started
pacing up and down. The spins and twists and flips she had to do in the
air was too much for his nerves. He has watched her before and he was
always proud of what she had become. But never before was she
pregnant with their baby. Liam held his breath the whole time.
The next movement was going to be a very difficult one and Tamryn was
bracing herself for this. She knew the routine very well by now but she
also knew what could go wrong. Within a few turns Tristan would lift her
up above his head where she would have to keep her body in a
horizontal position and he only holding on to one of her arms and her
one leg. It would be as if she was lying on a bed but also not. She would
be in the air above Tristan’s head, resting her entire body on his two
hands. Then she had to free fall, twisting while doing it and just above
the ice Tristan would catch her behind her neck with one hand and she
would have to put one foot out and bring her body up in a circular move
on her skates.
She was ready. Her whole body was rigid and then Tristan lifted her.
Everything was going great. The free fall went as planned and she did
her double twist as they practised. But then all things fell apart! When
Tristan was supposed to catch her, he was not there and her whole body
came crushing down full speed, head first onto the solid ice. Her body
followed and she was sliding along the ice. She was trying to see where
Tristan was but everything around her went black.
The entire time Liam was witnessing the whole incident and his face
went white as ash. The crowd uttered sounds of despair as they saw
the trail of blood Tamryn left behind her while her body kept dragging her
over the ice.
The moment Tamryn fell, Liam was already on the ice. He was trying to
get to her as fast as possible. Blood was streaming from her head and
mouth. The doctor inside of him went in overdrive and he was checking
her for internal injuries and bone breaks. Her pulse was weak and her
pupils was non responsive. He knew he had to act fast en get her to the
nearest hospital.
The next moment Tristan was next to him: “I slipped! I swear I slipped!
There was something on the ice. Is she…” but Liam shoved him aside and picked Tamryn up in his arms. He tried to get across the ice as fast
and safe as possible. Once his feet hit solid ground, he ran to his car
with her in his arms, her body hanging limb. He quickly put her in the
back of his car then he sped off to the nearest hospital.
Everybody was in the waiting room of the hospital. They were all just
sitting there, too shocked about what happened to talk. How could this
have happened? Both Tamryn and Tristan were excellent in what they
did. How could a mistake like this take place? Everybody was
wondering all this but no one dared to ask the questions.
One of the nurses came in. They all jumped up, eager to get some
news. Any news! It’s been hours since they came here and no one was
able to tell them anything up to now.
“Is there any news?” It was Ryan who first reached the nurse.
“Dr Wilson and Dr Scott, your brother, is still busy with her. As soon as
they are done they will come and update you” she said friendly and then
just left. They all just sat down again, not speaking. What was there to
say in any case?
Tristan just sat in the one corner, not able to look anyone in the eyes.
“Tristan,” Lydia said “it’s not your fault, Honey.” She went to sit next to
him and took one of his hands in hers.
“I was supposed to take care of her. Liam asked me to take care of her!
And now he thinks it’s my fault!” he said sadly. Everyone could see he
was still in shock.
“Liam will understand. He is just very worried and over protective of her.
They have a very strong bond.” Tristan was just sitting there with his
head hanging down. “Are you okay? Shouldn’t we let the doctor take a
look at you too?” Lydia asked worried. Tristan also took a bad fall and
he could be seriously injured.
“Thank you. But I’m not leaving until I know Tamryn is safe” he just said
and hung his head again. Lydia knew she would not change his mind.
So she just stayed there next to him.

The next moment the door swung open and Liam came in. His face was
very pale and his mouth was in a thin straight line. He looked at all of
them and drew a hand over his tired face: “She’s fine” he said but held
up a hand when they all started to cheer. “She had a hell of a bump on
her head. They are keeping her overnight for observation. She had a
massive cut above her head and had to get stitches. Some of her ribs
were also bruised. Luckily not broken. So she will be okay.”
They all sighed with relief and Tristan looked at Liam. What he saw in
Liam’s eyes told him that it was not the end of the story. He knew what
was coming and he couldn’t face Liam while he had to tell the family so
he just hung his head again and covered his eyes with his hands.
Liam waited for the cheer and laughter to calm down, then he said in a
calm voice: “There is more….” Everyone was surprised and turned to
him. Didn’t he just say that she would be okay? They watched him
confused and waited for him to carry on.
Liam went and sat down on one of the chairs. Everyone was watching
him closely. He sat on the edge of the chair and rested his elbows on
his legs. His hand went over his face again as if he was trying to erase
the day completely. Then he looked up and his eyes were filled with
tears: “Tammy was eight weeks pregnant. She just lost the baby. Dr
Wilson did everything she could to try and safe it but unfortunately there
was nothing she could do.”
Another shock. When did this happen? How? Who? This was the
questions on everyone’s lips. Allan, who had said nothing this entire
time, jumped up from his chair. He was red in the face. Furious! He
gave Liam a murderous look, then he plucked the door open, went out
and slammed it shut.
Liam did not say a word. He knew this time his brother was right. He
ruined Tamryn’s life. He should have listened to him and stayed far
away. Everybody looked at each other. What the hell was going on?
Then their eyes shifted to Liam. Demanding more information. Liam
knew he had to tell them the truth. There was no way he could hide it
further from them. He looked at the door that just slammed in his face
moments before, and then he turned to them and said: “The baby was
mine.” And with that he stood up slowly and left the room.

Love Thy BrotherNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ