A Year Later

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Tamryn was sitting next to the pool watching Ryan and Lydia’s two kids
while they were swimming. It’s nice to be back. She hasn’t been here in
a year since Liam left. She missed her family so much. She couldn’t
face coming here. She couldn’t stay in her and Liam’s home without him
This weekend she had no choice. Ryan told all of them to be here. He
had important news to share with them. She wondered if it had
something to do with Liam. Her heart jolted just thinking of him. She
was still very much in love with him. He stayed true to his words and
hasn’t contacted her at all. She just prayed that wherever he was, that
he would be safe.
She had to go back to Cape Town and rebuild her life from the start.
Liam was gone and so was Tristan. She had to find a new partner for
her figure skating. And so, she did. She started to fix all her attention
on her skating and getting to know her new partner. Gerald was now a
close friend and very much married! She made sure not to make the
same mistakes and getting a partner who could fall in love with her
Allan arrived a bit later. Alone with his two kids. Stephanie was not with
him. She could see that his marriage was in serious trouble. She still
did not understand what happened between the two of them. Was Liam
really involved? She never got the chance to figure it out before he left.
So many things happened during that weekend.
Allan came to sit next to her. She saw that he was drinking. This was
the new him. He never drank, but lately his was never without a drink.
She could smell the liquor on him.
“What’s going on with you?” she asked softly. “You look a mess!”
“Well thank you!” he said and burst out laughing.

“Allan, drinking is not the answer! Believe me! It brings you nowhere!”
She took a hold of his arm to get his attention. “Is it still you and
Stephanie? Where is she?”
“What else? That pretty little wife of mine has found herself a new
lover!” He was loud and his words were slurry.
“Are you sure?” Tamryn looked over to his kids, now also in the
swimming pool with their cousins. Luckily, they did not hear what Allan
“O hell yeah! She thinks I’m stupid! She and Liam works late into the
night. Every night. Sometimes she doesn’t even bother to come home
over the weekends!”
There was a stab in her heart when he mentioned Liam’s name. When
did he get back and why did she not know he was here? What is he
doing with Stephanie? He did not even bother to contact her when he
got back! Did she mean so little to him that he can forget her so easily?
“Are you sure of your facts?” She wanted to cry but fought hard to hold
the tears back.
“She confessed it, Sis.” There was so much pain in her brother’s eyes.
“She told me straight. They are going to move in together. She wants
Louise to grow up with her real father!”
He took the wind right out of her with those words. How could Liam and
Stephanie do this to them? How could Liam not tell her about
Stephanie. Did he have so little respect for her just to throw her aside
and make a new life that suits him better? After all they went through
together. And why didn’t he tell her sooner about Louise? He had more
than enough time! He knew about that for a very long time. All these
questions in her mind made her feel nauseous.
“There is something else you should know!” Allan slurred again.
“Something Ryan doesn’t have the guts to talk about.”
“What is that?” Tamryn didn’t have the energy for more. But if it
concerned her, she had to know.

“Liam is responsible for Mom and Dad’s death!” Allan looked disgusted.
The hatred he had for Liam was clearly visible.
Tamryn drew in a sharp breath: “How can you say that, Allan? They
died in a car accident! We all know that!” Allan was taking his vendetta
too far now!
“I know, Sis. And we were there! Ryan and I were called to the scene of
the accident. When we got there, they were still alive!” Allan started
“What has this got to do with Liam?” she wanted to know.
He tried to gain his composure before he told her the whole story: “There
was another accident that night. On the highway. A huge pile up. It
involved a lot of cars and a truck.” Tamryn tried to figure out what this
had to do with the accident of their parents. She listened without saying
a word.
Allan continued: “The ambulances could not get through. So, we called
Liam to come and help. He would know what to do! But he didn’t
answer his phone! Ryan and I tried many times. Still, he didn’t answer.
He was too busy with another woman!”
Tamryn felt the blood drain from her face. “What?” was all she could
manage to get out.
“By the time he finally answered his phone, it was too late. They were
already gone.” He drained the last bit of the liquor in his glass and stood
up to get a refill.
Tamryn started to shiver uncontrollably. She followed him to the kitchen.
“Why do I not know of this?” she asked angry.
“Ryan told me not to say a word to anyone.” He took his now full again
glass and walked past her. “Guess he wanted to protect our brother!” he
said over his shoulder. He slumped away and went back to his chair
near the swimming pool.
Tamryn just stood there. Her whole body was shaking. How could Liam
do this? How could he live a lie like this? She always trusted him with
everything. She always believed every single word that came out of his mouth. Her whole world came tumbling down again. She had to get
away! She turned around and bumped over a chair that was in her way.
She looked at Allan one last time and ran into her house.

Love Thy BrotherOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz