All Hell Broke Loose

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The following day was more relaxed. Everybody seemed to be in a good
mood. Tamryn was relaxing next to the pool in one of the sunbathing
chairs with Liam next to her. He saw she was drowsing off and took the
opportunity to talk to Ryan. Ryan was sitting at the garden table reading a
newspaper. When Liam approached he looked up and closed the paper.
He knew why Liam was there to see him.
“Sit down,” he gestured to the chair opposite him. Without a word Liam sat
down. “It seems we have a lot to talk about,” Ryan started.
“Yes. We didn’t really have a chance last night.”
“Or the past few weeks?” Ryan was sounding as if he was accusing Liam
of something.
“It wasn’t something to discuss over the phone, Ryan.” He said and just
stared ahead of him.

“Maybe not,” Ryan gave a sad smile. He felt so sorry for what his brother
and sister had to go through. He looked at Liam and said: “You and
Tamryn, huh? I always thought you two had something special. You
always made us kind of jealous. No one had a place in that special circle
of yours! You two were just too blind to see that!”
“So you are not angry?” Liam felt relieved.
“Oh no! I’m angry as hell!” Ryan said. “What were you thinking of getting
her pregnant? That was totally irresponsible!”
“I know! I know!” Liam put his hands up. “It was really not my intention!”
Ryan was silent for a moment, eyeing his brother: “So what is your
“I really love her. I am going to marry her!” Liam said without hesitation.
“Well, I believe you!” Ryan said: “That’s all I wanted to hear. You certainly
found the best woman. And she certainly could not do better for herself!”
He stood up and shook Liam’s hand. “I couldn’t be prouder of you two.
Just promise me that you will do anything in your power to make her happy
and be happy yourself.” Ryan had a sad look in his eyes. Liam did not ask
him what was wrong. He knew…..
When he looked up he saw Tamryn had woken up and was coming
towards them. Ryan waited until she stood in front of him then he took her
in his arms and held her tight. “Princess, just be happy. That’s all I want!”
he said and kissed her at the top of her head. “You two must make me
proud!” he let Tamryn go and patted Liam on the shoulder. He then quickly
walked away.
“What was that all about?” Tamryn was taken aback by Ryan being so
emotional. Liam just shrugged and stared at his brother walking away.
Later that afternoon, a car was pulling up just behind the condos.
Everybody looked surprised. They were not expecting anyone. Ryan
stood up and went to see who it was. After a short while he came back
saying: “You will not believe who I found!”

Tristan was walking behind Ryan and greeted everyone: “I hope you don’t
mind me coming here uninvited?” he said unsure.
“No! Of course not!” Ryan said and gave him a pat on the shoulder.
“How are you doing, Tristan?” Lydia asked him.
“Oh, I’m fine!” he said and waved a hand. His eyes looked to find Tamryn
and when he saw her he smiled and waved.
Liam just watched while Tristan walked over to her and gave her a hug.
The muscle in his jaw flexed. What the hell is he doing here? Tamryn saw
Liam’s reaction and let Tristan go at once.
“What are you doing here?” she asked surprised.
“I wanted to see you” he said. “We have a lot to talk about.”
“Well, I hope you packed a bag. You are welcome to stay” she said and
ignored the looks Liam gave her. This poor man came all the way to see
her. What was she supposed to do? Send him right back home?
“You are welcome to stay in our condo,” Ryan offered. “Lydia and I are
staying in the main house.”
“Oh, thanks Ryan. That’s really nice of you!” Tristan said
Allan watched Liam’s body language and chuckled. You get some of you
own medicine now brother, he thought. The rest of the evening was
relaxed. They all gathered around the fire after dinner. Tamryn could
sense that Liam was not in a good mood and she knew it was because of
Tristan’s presence. She cannot understand why he is so jealous of Tristan.
There was never anything between them.
After the accident, she didn’t have the strength to talk to him. She just
ignored his calls. She knew that is why he was here now. He came to
back her into a corner. There was no ignoring him anymore. She knew
they had to decide what would be next for their partnership on the ice.

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