Chapter 1: The Dezmonds' Daughter

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Hello to all fans of Spy X Family reading this! (First, thank you for reading this). Before you can scroll down, don't forget to give @roseblood890 , who's my bestie, your love, she helped me decide the theme of this book!

Three of the best doctors known to the world were paid a fortune to travel from their various countries to the Dezmond Mansion to help with the birth of the newest Dezmond, Y/N Dezmond. As usual, Donovan Dezmond called in to inform that he would not make it to a turning point of his family's for more than about 10 minutes.

After a lot of rushing about of the doctors and nurses, the shushing and calming down of the two-year-old Damian, a baby's loud cries echoed through the walls of the place. 

"Damian... Demeterius..." mumbled a weak Melinda in a luxurious king-sized bed. "Damian, I told you about how I'm going to sleep for a long, long time soon, right?"

"Okaa-sama go now?" a meek looking toddler asked, waddling over to Melinda, and nestling himself up against her chest and Demeterius mumbled, "Don't say that..."

"Yes...okaa-san's going soon. But you'll have... a sister to keep you company instead. You promise to protect her?"

"I'll pwotect her even more than Demetwius will!"

"No you won't." Demeterius said. Damian puffed out his cheeks and said, "Yes I will!"

"...that's my boy." Melinda breathed unsteadily. "Damian, did you see your sister?"

"No, mother! The mean doctors didn't let me! They said imouto-chan was sick!"

Damian's words echoed in Melinda's head and her eyes widened. "No! Don't... don't tell me... this is a joke, right??" Hearing her slightly louder tone, Damian got a little scared and fell out of his mother's grip.

"Mother... Y/N is a sick girl. The doctors didn't think she'd survive, but she did. She looks so much like Damian." Demeterius said, looking down.

A maid came at the door.

"D-dezmond-sama h-has arrived!" she squeaked nervously. Sure enough, there were loud sound of boots worn by rich men click-clacking from inside the carpeted halls, getting louder by the minute, until a voice yelled, "Get out of the way, girl!" and the maid fearfully stepped aside in a flash.

"Melinda," began the father of the Dezmond house. "I've told you. There cannot be any rumors about any Dezmond being weak or sickly. You have given birth to a very sick female. I warned about this two years ago, you protested, but the boy who was born was healthy, so there was no further argument about it." 

Donovan took a deep breath. "Let me correct my statement. There cannot be any rumors about any Dezmond child being weak or sickly, since you yourself are, Melinda, but you are an adult, who now cannot be replaced or kicked out of the family, as you have given birth to three Dezmond heirs and are about to pass away anyways."

"Donovan, please! Don't do it!" pleaded Melinda, who was now tearing up. Demeterius's eyes had widened in horror, he knew what his father meant. Damian wanted to ask what was going on, but he had learned from the past not to interrupt a conversation which his father was involved in.

Donovan looked down for a minute, and Melinda could swear she saw the slightest tint of guilt fill his eyes, but in less than a nanosecond, his eyes were back to their blank, I-don't-care-ish appearance. "I apologize, Melinda. Y/N cannot be a Dezmond in her state."

"No!" wheezed Melinda, tears rolling down her cheeks. "DONOVAN, DON'T DO THIS TO YOUR OWN DAUGHTER! NO! I AM THE MOTHER; I HAVE A SAY IN THIS!"

"I do not have a daughter, Melinda. Not anymore." were the last words said by the man before swiftly walking out.

"He can't do this!" Melinda would have screamed, but she didn't have the energy. She tried getting out of bed, but she couldn't. Melinda knew that her time had come.

"Damian, I'm about to tell you something very important, okay, baby? I'm about to sleep for a very long time, and they will bury me deep in the earth so I can sleep in peace, but don't worry, you'll see me again one day. You do have a sister, but your father's sending her off to the orphanage in the West, so that no one thinks she's a Dezmond. So please look out for a sickly girl named Y/N who looks a lot like you and treat her like your sister. Make sure to be kind to everyone, the maids, the butlers, the orphans, the poor, everyone. Don't be like your father."

Damian was now crying. What was going on? "Don't go, mother!" he sobbed. Even Demeterius was crying.

"I'm sorry." was all Melinda said before her eyes rolled to the back of her head. It was all over for her now.

Okay, the first chapter was a bit angsty and short, but the next chapters will have a lot of fluff! 

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