Loving You

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                 ♧Chan's Pov♧

The silence that is filling the room is nerve-racking, maybe I shouldn't have asked him to do that. After all,we have only known each other for half a month,let alone anything else. "Of course that is if you want to. You know,I would never make you do anything against your will"

"No..no it's not that,but one more thing before I give you my answer,why do you like me? How do you know that it's not lust?" Jeongin's voice seems happy but there is something odd about his voice. 

I am going to have to ask Felix about this in the morning. "I like you for your personality from the way you light up a whole room when you smile to your cuddly but horny personality. My heart yearns for you,I want you and only you." 

 Jeongin sits up from a lying position as he cups my face and kisses me gently. His kiss is sweet and light as I can feel a smile on his lips at every small light kiss he gives me. "Yes Chan,you got me,now you gotta keep me." He whispers on my lips before I kiss him again quickly

"But we haven't even known each other for that long Chan." His happiness slowly dropped in his voice. 

"It would just be wasted time my love,I just want to spend all my time and love on you" I kiss his nose. "Besides who gets to tell us that? Society? It's none of their business,are they us? No. Who tells us how or when to love someone? Are you happy?" 

Jeongin lightly pushes a strand of hair away from my face then trails the finger down my neck "Happier than I ever have been." He smiles before I pull him close to my chest holding him

"So what if I decide that you're my destiny? Who can tell us otherwise? Who's going to stop us? Jeongin,as long as you are happy,that's all that matters" I rub his side up and down before tears slip down his perfect cheeks.

"Thank you Chan, my life has changed so much thanks to you" He sucks in a deep breath as I move my hand from his waist to his back. "You mean so much to me, you have no idea" 

"Come on baby,it's okay, I got you now, just lay down with me. I'll protect you." Oh fuck,I forgot to call Jisung and tell him that I was going to spend the night here. He's most likely to send the armed guard next or find someone to hack my phone to get the location.

 "Felix" I shout as Jeongin is now laying his head down my chest and I left my phone in the living room. 

"Oi? Forgot your phone mate?" Felix asks as he hold up my cell phone, tossing it to me as it lands on my thigh. "Fucker has been ringing for the past 10 minutes. Jisung has been calling you almost non-stop. I think you better answer before the cops come"  

"Thank you Felix and sorry to disturb you. Sleep well" I hear Felix sleepily groan before pulling the bedroom door shut behind him.

I swipe the answer as Jisung says "getting fucked again? Horny man, good job. Getting laid while you're still young" I look over at Jeongin as he presses his lips together trying not to laugh.

"Yeah yeah,I forgot to tell you,I'm staying the night at Jeongin's place." I roll my eyes at Jisung's statement. I'm only paying half way attention to him since Jeongin is rubbing my bare chest up and down slowly.

Changbin chimes in "What's next? Moving in with him? Marriage?" Oh so he wants to try to be killed too today? They must have nothing else better to do.

"Oh yeah? Do you even want to speak about what's going on between you and the red worker Seungmin? I heard some things that even I don't want to say out loud." Jeongin chimes in as my jaw drops,wait a red worker?

Well maybe I was wrong about him,maybe he does have some Skeletons in the closet. And I'm the only one that has a yellow worker boyfriend.

"Oh yeah I.N? Do you really want me to give the truth out?" Changbin says playfully as I hear Jisung squeak in excitement.

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