I'm Home

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                ♤Jeongin's Pov♤

Chan's eyes are wide as he hears what I have to say "Are you sure this isn't a prank?" Chan asks, smiling. It seems like he missed home a lot. But when you have a family that cares and siblings, why wouldn't you?

"I think I would know when I booked a hotel in Sydney, I let Felix tell my father that part of it so we will be meeting him next week" I did book the hotel for 2 weeks after all since I do  have a good sum out back and still have plenty left due to stripping.

"Hold on, next week. No, we can't be here this long..Jisung and Changbin will kill each other before then"

I laugh as I knew that would probably be the case. "About that one,Felix also got that taken care of. I knocked out two birds with one stone" The plane slowly and smoothly lands which means now we can leave the plane at least.

I just hope baggage claim doesn't take forever. We only have his laptop which he is carrying with him and 4 suitcases in total. "What did you do? Do I even want to know? Did you kill one of them and fled the country so they couldn't get you?"

He sure has a wild imagination but that is definitely Jisung's type of humor. "Nah,too much work" I wink at him before we get off the plane and start to head towards baggage claim.

"Yeah true, I mean, maybe it won't go that bad over there. I just hope one of them knows how to cook" He must be in his room half of the time or at the studio and doesn't see the dorms much.

"I left Felix with them so they could take care of him and Felix could keep them two from not killing each other. Let's just hope he didn't bring his stripper shoes." I joke as Chan laughs wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Yeah that's for sure. Although let's face it,I don't think he would have the energy for it yet. I didn't know that Felix even knew Jisung and Changbin"  Chan says as he grabs our suitcases off of the conveyor belt.

"Well yeah,Felix and Minho are the other strippers that he knows in the club. Seungmin is the low key leave me alone gamer boy so don’t expect him to bend over backwards to strike conversation that much with clients."

"Yeah well Minho seems less friendly to be honest" Chan laughs. He does seem that way and I thought the same thing when I first started working there. However when he warms up, things change.

"Nah,he treats the younger workers like his own brothers. Although don't get me wrong, he is still deadly as a rattlesnake when he’s mad. Okay so we have to stop by the rental car company and then we can go to your parents."

I would drive and let him tell me where to go but I am in a country where I can’t read too much of their stuff,and don't know anything about their laws.

The only thing I am thankful for is being able to speak fluent English at least due to the fact of Felix only knowing little Korean when he first moved in with me. He taught me English while I taught him Korean.

“Okay,did Jisung pack the house keys or did he know the full plan of meeting each other’s parents?”

“I think he did pack the keys, he said something about the keys being in your computer bag zipper?” I have no clue as Jisung was bouncing from subject to subject rapidly. Who knows what goes on in that rapper's mind.

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As we are driving,Chan places his hand on my thigh rubbing his hand back and forth “Do you know how to speak English?” Chan asks me as he looks at the road then at me.

“Felix taught me a long time ago but I guess he knew this day would come. While I am here, I need to get my birth certificate because Felix said that my last name is Lee and not Yang.” Chan looks over at me surprised.

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