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                 ♧Chan's Pov♧

"Chan,it's 4 am,what in the world did I tell you about staying u-where are you going?" I don't have time for his jittery mess right now.

"Yang needs me,if I don't come back or at least call,just know,I'm probably in jail." I said to Jisung before slamming the door behind me breaking into a sprint down the stairs.

I have to get to Jeongin,he needs me. Why didn't he mention anything? What pushed him over the edge? He seemed fine earlier this morning? I shove the door open running to my car.

I get into my car throwing it into reverse and started to press the speed limit. His apartment is 3 minutes away but I should be able to get there in 2 or 1 with the speed I am going.

I park into the parking garage before running up to the third floor where I see Jeongin's head on Felix's shoulder sobbing. "I just want Channie" The way he said it breaks my heart into a million pieces.

I run over to them as Jeongin throws himself at me wrapping his small arms around my waist "Chan, I m-missed you" I rub his back up and down as I kiss his forehead.

"I missed you as well. You are safe my baby." I whisper to him before looking over at Felix. I have never seen Felix this mad but I can see he is soft for Jeongin.

"Am I good enough for you? Why do you stay?" He clasps me tighter as he sobs. My heart sinks when he says this.

"You will always be enough for me. You are more than I ever dreamed of,I love you with all my heart and I will always accept you. I love everything about you and nothing will ever change my mind. You are the one I want,the one I need" I said to him as I hold him close to my body.

Jeongin starts crying as I slowly wrap my arm around his legs and my other arm around his back. "Hold onto me love." He locks his arms around my neck laying his head on my chest.

He seems so fragile and weak when in this state but I will take him in any and every form. Felix opens the door for me as I walk into the apartment navigating to his bedroom "Thank you for coming Chan, I'm sorry." He rubs my shoulder a little bit before kissing my neck.

"I will always show for you no matter what time of day, I promise." I kiss his forehead before sitting him down on his bed gently.  "I'll be back in a minute,I just want to talk to Felix for a moment."

Felix comes in with a trash can sitting it the side of the bedside. "He might act like he can hold his alcohol but he'll be spewing within a couple of minutes."

"Can I talk to you about you know?" I ask him before he shakes his head.

"Worry about Jeongin first, then tomorrow morning,I will tell you what happened." Felix says as he leans up against the door frame as he knows I will ask more questions.

I look over at Jeongin as he is laying down, closing his eyes. It's better for him to sleep it off anyways. "How do you even know?" I ask him as he pulls his phone out of his pocket

"We have a tracker on each other,especially since Jeongin is still so young,I feel like a parent kinda even though I'm only a year older" Felix laughs a little

"Yeah and I'm two years older than him. Funny how that ended up to be huh?" I smile before Jeongin sighs sitting up.

"Channie,come to bed and cuddle me pleaseee." Jeongin whines as Felix points over at Jeongin.

"He's your responsibility tonight,my job is done. I granted his wish and now do your magic" Felix says in English before walking out the door.

I take off my shoes sitting them by the door frame before laying down next to Jeongin, letting the scent of alcohol and citrus fill the air. The man always smells like citrus due to his cologne that he puts on.

Cuffed  ⛓ Jeongchan (1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang