Veglia - Part 9

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     The elders came forward to greet them as he stepped onto the hard ground. They bowed low and held their hands out, speaking words in their own language, but then one of the women spoke in the Tharian common tongue.

     "Welcome to our world," she said. "On behalf of all my race I offer my sincere apologies for the actions we ordered against you. I swear to you that we meant only to protect ourselves and meant no harm to any of your race. If you feel the need to exact retribution for our actions, I beg that you punish the three of us, and we alone, for it is we alone who bear the guilt. We place ourselves at your mercy."

     "We haven't come here to seek retribution," said Strong, "but only to establish peaceful, friendly relations with you. On behalf of all the races and peoples involved in building the Ship of Space, I am authorised to accept your apology. Let us put the past behind us and move on. Our two peoples have much to offer each other. Together we can accomplish more and reach further than either of us can alone."

     It was obviously a speech he'd been rehearsing for a long time and Thomas saw the effect it was having on the felisians as the elder translated it for the others. Only now was the full terror they'd been experiencing made evident as it slipped mercifully away, to be replaced by a great sigh of relief. Beaming smiles appeared on many faces.

     "We know well the trials and rigours of space travel," the elder added, "and know how weary you must be after your long journey. We offer you and all your people the hospitality of our city, therefore. The chance to rest and refresh yourselves before we begin the great work you came so far to perform." She indicated the building from which they'd come. "We have food and drink and luxurious apartments that we have tried to adapt in the human way. We have spared no efforts to make you feel welcome among us."

     Thomas studied her carefully, suddenly wary. Were they trying to lure the whole crew away from their ship, into what must be the felisian equivalent of a tavern, where they could be separated and easily captured? No, of course not, he decided a moment later. They wouldn't be mad enough to antagonise them at this delicate stage. Probably it was just a matter of protocol. They felt duty bound to offer hospitality to all their guests, even though they knew there was no way they could accept.

     This theory was confirmed when they showed no surprise at the Captain's carefully worded reply. "We thank you for your kind offer, but we regret regulations forbid more than a certain number of men to leave the ship at any one time. Since we expect to be here for some days, though, perhaps we could take turns to accept your gracious hospitality. I'm sure the men would be glad for a bit of shore leave."

     "We would be overjoyed to entertain your crew," said the elder with pleasure and relief. "Please, come this way and see what we have prepared for you."

     Strong and Thomas followed the elders back to the building, therefore, the wizard trying to control his anxiety. I can teleport out any time I want, he reminded himself, and once we're back aboard, the scout ship can take to the air in seconds. Just as fast as it takes to chop the guy ropes with axes.

     He glanced back at the ship to see Matthew and Lirenna standing at the railing, looking at him anxiously. Poor Matthew, the wizard thought. I keep doing this to him. Making him watch while I go into danger. Still, at least this time he's got Lirenna with him, sharing the decision to let him go. If the worst happens, he doesn't have to worry about how he's going to explain it to her.

     He smiled back at them and raised a hand reassuringly. They waved back at him. Matthew turned to say something to Lirenna, which made her smile gratefully back at him. Then the Flight Leader raised his voice to speak to the crew, loudly enough for Thomas to hear it.

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