The Battle of Castle Gamuk - Part 2

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     That night passed uneventfully and Tak awoke at first light, fully refreshed and ready to swing dragons by their tails. It looked like another fine day was on the way, with the brightest stars managing to hang on in the brightening sky and a brilliant comet pointing down to where the yellow sun would shortly be appearing above the horizon. The marshes were alive with the croaking and barking of swamp dwellers and the singing of wading birds, and the air had the crisp, fresh feel that told the one time peasant boy that it was going to be swelteringly hot before too many hours had passed.

     Yes, it was going to be a fine day! thought the wizard as he jumped out of his sleeping blankets. Barl would probably be back today, with a smile on his face and a signed treaty tucked in his belt, and then they could return to Domandropolis, where he could begin making the arrangements for his marriage. He could see the crowds already as the whole city turned out into the streets to cheer the bridal carriage, carrying her to the temple of All Gods where clerics and priests of all the major faiths would be waiting to give them their blessings. It would be a spectacle such as the city hadn't seen for many years, since the overthrow of Khalkedon in fact. The other Gem Lords would be there to wish them well with a kiss or a handshake, and then they would be off on their honeymoon. The glaciers of Frigia would be beautiful at this time of year, or perhaps the forests of Medisylvestria...

     "Fireball!" cried one of the lookouts, however, jerking the wizard rudely out of his reverie. "Fireball from the castle!"

     The Captain came running out of his tent, his tunic in one hand, and he struggled to pull it on as he dashed across to the edge of the camp, where Tak joined him. As they watched, another bolt of white flame soared from one of the high windows, shooting high into the sky where it blossomed into a ball of yellow fire that lit the whole side of the castle and the courtyard below.

     "It's the signal!" cried the Captain. "Lord Ruby's calling us! Mount up! Mount up and prepare to ride!"

     "What's going on?" demanded Essca, coming to stand beside Tak.

     "Barl's in trouble," replied Tak, taking her by the hand and leading her across to his steed to which he hurriedly began strapping his saddle. "We've got to go help him. You wait here. We'll come back for you when it's over."

     "No, I'm coming with you," the girl replied, her eyes noting the second seat behind the first on the saddle, designed for the carrying of a passenger. "I can help."

     "It's too dangerous. You're safer here." He pulled the last straps tight and swung himself up into the seat.

     Essca hung unto his arm, though. "I can help you! I want to help you!"

     "You can help me best by staying here, where I'll know you're safe. Knowing you're in danger would be too distracting, I wouldn't be able to concentrate."

     Essca's eyes burned with determination, a look that Tak would grow familiar with over the coming years and make him love her all the more. "Is this how you want to start our relationship?" she demanded. "By separating us? I'm a wizard, trained for battle. This is what I've been trained for since infancy. I will not be a kept woman, shut in your bedroom for the rest of my life. I will not be your pampered pet! If you love me, you must love me for what I am. A wizard in my own right."

     Tak stared at her in heartrending anguish, but then he nodded and pulled her into the saddle behind him. "Just be careful, okay? Promise me you'll take care."

     "Promise," cried Essca gratefully, putting her arms around his waist.

     Everyone was mounted on their steeds now, watching him for the signal to take to the air. Tak raised one hand, the other gripping the reins, and shouted the command. The steeds lifted the front ends of their bodies up from the ground, balancing on their muscular tails and bringing their wings clear of the ground. Then, their heads outstretched to their fullest extent on the ends of their serpentine necks, they flapped their mighty wings, fighting their way into the air. Their downdraught sent waves racing across the long grass and leaves swirling into the air and Essca gasped with alarm, her arms tightening around the other wizard.

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