01. Moonlit Farm

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I wasn't the greatest with memory as a child, even now, I couldn't even tell you what I had for breakfast. Perhaps that's what got me into that situation so long ago? I was surrounded by tall trees, trees that weren't from my home forest. I felt so exhausted, so tired as I listened to the chirping of the crickets. I could only keep my eyes half open, I looked as though I had given up in my life. My eyes were on the moon that gleamed with the stars as they danced in the sky, yet I wasn't mentally there. I remember only thinking about where I was, where my home was, I twitched my fingers, perhaps my brain was checking if I was still alive? I sluggishly sat up in the grass, it was softer compared to the mountain grass

There was something nagging me in my head, telling me to walk, I didn't want to, I wanted to sleep off the dreaded feeling of exhaustion, but I didn't know when the sun would come up. That's the downside of having demon genes, there's always that chance you won't get to enjoy the sun. I don't turn into ash like my father would, I only get the feeling of it. I remember when I was a child that I saw my mother tending to the garden, I only ever saw the flowers in the night so I was curious as to what they looked like in the suns rays

I tried stepping out from the shadows of our covered porch, only feel my flesh burn with the heat of a thousand fires. I remember my parent's horrified expressions as I screamed with agany while covering part of my face. I hated it, the feeling of the sun I never tried going outside again, afraid my skin being eaten and knawed at by the light of the sun. I don't turn into ash, I burn. As I grew, I forever had a large burn on that reminded me of this curse. I can't heal like my father, but the burned skin feels like sand paper. Now that I look back on it, perhaps that's what got my legs to move? The memory of the sun?

I was walking in a random direction, I didn't know where I was going, I just wanted to hide. The forest seemed a bit quieter as I walked, I could hear the grass shifting beneath my bare feet, it really does pay off when you have skin tougher than a normal human. I always loved the feeling of the grass, it made me feel more... normal. I suppose. The moon seemed different in this forest, it also had an affect on me. Back home, it was a beautiful night light that made me feel at peace and safe, but in a forest I was so unfamiliar with? It felt more like a guide, a directional object that was leading me somewhere.

I don't remember how long I was walking for, but my legs started to ache after awhile, my vision became so blurry. I leaned on a tree for support, I knew I couldn't pass out there, there was no coverage from what was to come after the slowly setting moon, I felt so helpless, so afraid, so lonely. As though the heavens wanted me to live, I smelled something new, yet so familiar. Being able to smell better than a human has always been a double edged sword for me, I could smell things as lovely as fresh bread, but also as disgusting as when a restroom was used.

What I smelled at that moment was humans, and where there were humans, there was shelter. Ignoring the ache in my legs, I pushed myself off the tree and picked up the pace in fear of being slower than the sun. My mind was focused an une thing, and that was the need to survive. I've always had to do that, especially with my heritage. It was difficult for my parents to find or even build a home that would prevent any sunshine from getting through. They decided to go with an empty home and put thick curtains over all the windows and long patios with large over head roofs. It was nice, it was safe. I pushed it to the back of my mind as I kept speed walking, following the scent of a human.

It turns out, it wasn't that far of a walk. I remember the feeling of relief washing over me like a tidal wave when I saw a three story house. It didn't look that special, in all honesty. It looked as though it was barely holding its three stories, and I could smell the old wood. The smell of humans was coming from the old house, they were most likely inside. That was also relieving to me, it meant I didn't have to run from their terrified screams and angry insults. Despite looking somewhat human I still had demon features

My nails were naturally long with blue tips, my canines were much sharper than a humans, and I had black lines running from beneath my eyes and down to my jaw. There's even my burn mark that started at my forehead and ended just beside my eye

Believe me, it was much bigger when I was a kid. Another reason I was so cautious with humans, they were afraid of me only because they looked at me. I looked around and noticed a small area surrounded by wire, I could smell chickens. I cringed at the thought of having to hide in a chicken coup, but then, I saw a large red barn.

It had large doors, and based on where the moon was lowering, the best place to hide in would be near the doors. I decided to be quick, I wanted nothing more than some sleep. I did my best to be quiet. Tanjiro helped with that actually, I wondered how he and his friends where so quiet when they ran, and he helped quite a bit in feeding my curiosity.

Once I got to the barn, I saw what looked like equipment of some sort on a table that was also covered in an odd scent. I didn't bother with it and went to the corner farthest from any windows and the doors

I sat down on the cold floor, I didnt mind it though, it was nice. I laid down, closing my eyes before drifting off into sleep. Now that I think about it, what would ve happened if 1 had payed more attention to the equipmen miaad in with the humans? Perhaps I would've taken my chances and kept running, perhaps they wouldn't have found me.

I don't regret it though. To this day, I wouldn't change a thing about what I did that night, because I don't think I'd be where I am today without them.

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