03. Hospitality

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Kindness from strangers was quite rare for me to have. Being a burned, half demon and be given kindness from humans was even more rare for me. Perhaps that knowledge is what lead me to to have my reactions to my past situation. I held my legs close my chest and hid part of my face in my knees as I stared at the new faces. Among the new faces, were the familiar faces of Mikey and Donatello, two humans, and another turtle who was taller than Mikey, and shorter that Donatello, he also wore a red mask and had electric green eyes. He was scowling at me, clearly not happy to be up, while the humans looked curious. "Explain to me again what they're doing here?" the frowning turtle questioned.

"Oh, right!" Mikey exclaimed as he stood near me on some sort of listen bed. "Everyone, meet (Y/n), I found them sleeping in the barn this morning." Mikey explained with a smile.

"Why were they in the barn?" the male human questioned. He was dressed in grays and blacks, with multiple teeth missing from what I could see. The female human was walking up to me, however, I was bit more wary of humans at the time.

"Hi, I'm April," the girl introduced with her hand held out. I simply pulled myself away with a furrowed brow. When it came to being I didn't trust, humans were at the top of the list. Human's were the ones who drove my parents out of their own home simply because of my father's meer existence, they feared the meer sight of me and had even attempted to burn me themselves. With the turtles, I was lenient due to how they were similar to myself, but any human that I didn't trust wasn't one I wanted to shake hands with. April pulled her hand away, but she didn't stop smiling. "Do you know where your home is?" April questioned as though I was a child.

I'll admit, I wasn't fond of the way she spoke to me, I was older than her. I looked away from her and held my knees to my chest, not wanting to look her in the eye any longer than I wanted. "Go away.." I muttered. It wasn't the nicest thing I could've done, but the past can be changed, can it? She looked a little hurt, and it didn't go unnoticed by the grungy boy.

"Hey, she was just being nice," he said with a glare. I didn't take him seriously, it was hard to with the gaps in his teeth and the sound of his voice. I didn't give him a reaction, I simply stared at the old blankets I was on. From the corner of my eye, I could see him pouting, which amused me a bit.

"So they don't like people, great! We can totally let them stay," the red wearing turtle said. It was obvious he was being sarcastic from the bored look in his eyes, but I didn't care much for it.

"Really?" Mikey questioned excitedly. Perhaps Mikey wasn't the sharpest person at the time.

"No, bone head. If they can't play nice with others, then why should we let them stay?" Red Turtle questioned, quickly making Mikey slump.

"Guys, we can't expect them to shake hands with everyone they meet. Let's give them shelter for awhile, and then we decide whether or not we let them stay while we're here." Donatello suggested. I was grateful for someone like him, I doubt I'd be where I am now if it wasn't for him. Mikey seemed to gleam at the statement.

"You hear that (Y/n)? You can stay!" Mikey exclaimed as he hugged me. I didn't give much of a reaction, but I was confused. I can't help but remember myself looking like a confused puppy, perhaps I was similar to a child at the time.

"Didn't Mikey say they're afraid of the sun?" Grunge Boy questioned. "How can we take care of them if they won't go near the sun?"

"Well, if you weren't so blind," Donatello started, "you'd notice that this side of the barn doesn't get any sunlight. So, we'll make them their own little space in order to keep them safe." Donatello stated with a smug look as the boy, now known as Casey, glared at him.

"Good idea Donnie," April said, receiving a bashful look from the purple clad turtle. She turned to me, and I tensed up. "Tonight, we can get you washed up, I doubt you want to sleep in dirt." April said with a smile. I was confused by her actions, but I still kept a neutral face. April seemed nice, but the lack of trust I had towards her and Casey wouldn't be gone from just a few kind words.

"How are they supposed to wash up if the only bathroom with a tub is occupied?" Red Turtle questioned again. The mention of this seemed to capture the attention of the others. I didn't exactly care at the time, I was actually comfortable in the clothes I was wearing. It was a night shirt and some baggy pants, my mother thought that if we wanted to blend in better, we should attempt to dress with the times. I've always wondered how mother managed to get my father to actually agree, he was quite stubborn.

"I'm fine," I mumbled. That got there attention, but I didn't much care. "I can wait." I finished. This seemed to settle them, which I was somewhat glad about. I'm not one to enjoy situations or conversations that involve me, especially when the conversation is held by unknown people.

"Alright, we should get started on our day now." April said. There were no disagreements among the others. The humans, Mikey, and the red turtle left while Donatello stayed to work at the desk on the other side of the barn. I still hadn't caught his name when they left, but I doubted he was going to give it to me.

While Donatello was doing, well, whatever he was doing at the desk, I laid on my back and stared at the wooden ceiling of the barn, something I did in most situations. Whenever I was bored at home, I would simply stare at the ceiling and wonder. With Tanjiro and his friends, I would listen to his stories and how they defeated so many demons. While reminiscing, questions flooding my mind.

Where were Tanjiro and his friends? Where were my parents? Was everyone alright? were they worried? I sat back up and held my legs close to me as I continued to focus on those questions. I wasn't used to being alone in a place full of strangers at the time, I usually had at least one familiar person with me. I felt like sleeping, until there was a loud crash. I flinched and held my legs closer to me as I looked over to where Donatello was sitting, I saw broken glass and an odd colored liquid spilled on the floor. He let out a sound of disappointment and looked over to my stiff form. "Sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you," he said as he started picking up the large pieces of glass.

I relaxed a bit as I let out a hum of understanding, which I doubt he ever heard. Sometimes I wonder what he was making in the first place, but I don't think I would've understood it in the first place. I knew that I would most likely have to get used to those habits of his, along with the unusual hospitality.

𝙰 𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚏 𝙵𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚝 || 𝚃𝙼𝙽𝚃 𝚡 𝙺𝙽𝚈! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 (Continued)Where stories live. Discover now