Krishnaa Meets Ansh

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The room was pitch black

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The room was pitch black. Everything was still. Even the winds seemed as if they are waiting for something to happen. No light, no window, no anything, just darkness. Neverending Darkness, just like her life.Suffocating her. She was turning and walking around in search of escape. Her wide eyes were desperately searching for a ray of light. And then she felt it. Someone was coming towards her with full force. She could feel it, her energy, her helplessness was surging through the air around Krishnaa and suffocating her. The loud beating of her heart was heard by her as she felt a strange kind of pain inside her chest, coiling and beating against her body for an escape but she felt as if her legs were held by hands and they had clamped her legs to the ground. A strong force twirled around her as she open her mouth wide to breathe. Her chest was falling up and down rapidly as she took a large gulp of air. Her eyes were on fire. They were burning and so was her body. Her legs were no longer supporting her but have become like noodles, twisting and twirling as if they had no bones in them. As if sensing her weakness, she was pinned to the wall. She twisted her arms and legs and jerked from one side to another to free herself from the unseen grip when she a stern voice.


Her eyes popped out as a shudder passed through her backbone. She looked everywhere frantically to find the origin of the voice when her eyes fell on the shapeless fog near her. Her temperature rose higher and she sweated profusely as she saw it forming a shape. A shape of a female perhaps. Her eyes were closed by the amount of energy the thing was emitting but she forced her eyes wide open and screamed out loud as she witness the most horrific sight of her life.

In front of her stood a woman. Half burned and another half colored in shades of purple and blue in many places. Her left eye socket was fractured and her neck had blue almost black markings, the marking of fingers to be precise. The right eye, a pit of endless black was staring right into her eyes as if reading her soul.

Tears formed in Krishnaa's eyes as fear eluded from every pore of her skin and she closed them tight while struggling for escape and screaming every minute for help.

" I used to be like you too, you know, so beautiful, so kind, so naive."

Krishnaa stopped struggling and looked at the woman in front of her. The fear was still there in her heart but the pain in her voice pricked like needles. She felt pity for her as she noticed a helpless look on her disfigured face that mirrored her own.

She spoke in urgency, "This is the last time I am visiting you. I want your help in exchange for mine. He, my husband, was connected to your parents' death. Many were.  Things are not as simple as they may seem to you, Krishnaa. It's a wide network. And today you will meet someone, trust him."

Krishnaa's eyes closed as the invisible hands cocooned her tightly and she became short for air. Taking a large gulp of air in a go, she forcibly open her eyes again only to find herself in a small, dingy, and stinky room with only a small role that functioned as a mirror. Her eyes went wider as she felt her surrounding and herself. Finally, she let out a sigh of relief and lay on the sheet. She felt uncomfortable as her shirt was clinging closer due to heavy sweating and the summer season didn't help neither the lack of a pillow did. There was no fan nor a good ventilation system and hot breezes became unwanted quest welcoming themselves through the hole. Her thought went towards that woman again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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