Chapter 3

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Y/n PoV
I was chilling at my house. Mom was still at work and i didn't have to be at cartmans for six so I had some time to kill. I figured I would just listen to music and chill on my bed. That thing my gym teacher said today.. boyfriend. Kenny McCormick my boyfriend. Hm no it can't be. Kenny's my best friend i don't want to ruin that. Right?

Your doorbell rang and it was Stan, you and Stan lived really close to eachother so he figured you two could walk to cartmans house together. You agreed and began walking with him. "Hey Stan?" He looked at you "Yeah y/n?" "How did you know you liked Wendy?" He looked at you with a confused glare and then it clicked "You like someone don't you y/n?" He said with a smirk. You turned fifty shades of red as you denied it but Stan could tell you were lying. "Fine yes I do.. so." He smiled and looked down at you "Go on, who is it?" You thought about weather you should tell him but wait was it a crush I mean you've known Kenny since you guys were 4. "It's Kenny isn't it?" Your head snapped towards him and you blushed madly "Okay fine maybe i have a little crush on him." Stan laughed and said he knew it. He swore he wouldn't tell anyone and you two just talked about some random stuff until you reached cartmans house.

Stan knocked on the door and Kyle answered "Sweet hey guys!" He let you both in and everyone was already in the living room playing games. You both waved. Kenny was sat on the couch so you decided to sit next to him. It wasn't your turn to play yet anyways. Kenny had his hood down and was tapping his foot to the music that cartman and Kyle were playing on the game. You giggled at the cute gesture. Finally, it was yours and Kenny's turn to play, you both got handed a toy guitar with buttons on. You had no clue what to do so Kenny gave his guitar to stab and decided to help you.

He stood behind you and peeked his head over your shoulder. He placed his fingers on top of yours so he could push the buttons. Your face heated up because of how close kenny was to you. Stan got his guitar set up and the three of you began to play. Kenny pressed your fingers down on the buttons and we were doing really well until it got to the guitar solo and it was too fast. Me and Kenny failed and a while after us so did Stan. We all burst into a fit of laughter and kenny slumped back onto the couch.

The phone rang and cartman answered it in another room. He came back after abit and told us school was off tomorrow due to a snowstorm that was due so we all decided to just sleep over at cartmans since there was no school tomorrow. We got the living room set up with snacks and fluffy pillows and decided on s horror movie night. You hated horror movies but you had to agree because the guys wanted to watch one. Everyone got comfy on the sofa and the movie played. You were sat between Stan and Kenny. Halfway through the movie there was a jump-scare. You jumped a little and Kenny looked down at you and giggled lightly.

Kenny knew you hated horror movies and grabbed your hand to reassure you and tell you that everything was okay. You looked up and smiled at him. You mouthed thank you to him and he smiled looking back at the screen. When the next jump scare came on screen you squeezed Kenny's hand and scooted over so you were closer to him.

Kenny's pov
Y/n scooted closer to me and I saw this as my chance so I wrapped my arm around her and kept holding her hand. She realised my arm was around her and leaned back on me a little. I think Stan noticed because he just looked over smirked and looked back at the screen.

Back to y/n pov
I was leaning on Kenny when I felt my eyelids get heavy. I tried to keep them open but I couldn't I rested my head on Kenny's shoulder and drifted my way to sleep.

Woo hoo a new chapter this is where things kind of pick up and they both begin to realise their feelings for each other. Very cute <33

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