Chapter 12

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Kenny Pov

I wake up and feel something on my chest.  I look down and see a sleepy y/n laying there. I stare at her for a while and admire all of her perfections, she was stunning. No wonder all the guys were after her she's amazing. I still don't know why she'd get with some poor boy like me, I mean she's way out of my league. I decide to make us breakfast before school, my parents were out and my brother and sister were staying out of town with my grandparents. So it was just me and y/n alone.

I began making pancakes. Id had a lot of experience cooking since I took care of my sister all the time. A few minutes later I felt two arms wrap around my torso and a head leaning on my back. "Good morning sleepyhead." I say to her. She snuggles her face into the back of my shirt and I can hear her muffled response. "Ughh what time is it?" I giggled at her exhaustion. "6:30 but we don't have to leave till 8 we have plenty of time so you go and relax on the couch and I'll bring your breakfast." She smiled and collapsed on the couch.

Y/n PoV
I sit on the couch and scroll through my phone answering some messages.
Wendy: hey girl are you coming to bebes party tonight? I'm going with Stan I'm pretty sure!

Y/n: sure I'll bring Kenny, if that's alright.

Wendy: ofc it's alright! Remember wear protection ;)

You giggled slightly at your best friends text. "What are you smiling at?" Kenny said slightly startling me. He held two plates in his hand stacked with pancakes. "Just a text from Wendy. She's invited us to Bebes party tonight if you're up for it?" Kenny looked at you his face slightly worried. "What's wrong hun?" You scooted closer to him. "Well I just don't want to see someone at the party.." you raised an eyebrow. "Who?" You asked curious. "Clyde. He's known for assaulting girls at parties and getting in their pants." You stop Kenny's talking by placing a finger over his lips. "Kenny trust me. If your worried you shouldn't be because he might not even be there plus I wouldn't ever let him go near me. Now eat up we need to get ready for school!" You said placing a kiss upon his lips.

*time skip you're both at the bus stop*
You held Kenny's hand. It was so nice to feel his warm hands heat up your cold ones. You realise how big Kenny's hands are they were bigger than yours. "So." The two of you turned around to be greeted by a tired looking red head. "Are you two finally official?" You both smiled and nodded. Kyle lightly smiled. "It's about time. I was getting sick of Kenny always talking about you y/n" Kenny looked away and blushed. His parka mainly hid his red face but you could still tell. "I don't think stans coming to school today. He said he was sick." Kyle said looking around. "Well we'll well, if it isn't the poor boy and the barbie doll. I see you two finally got together." "Don't call me poor boy fatass." Cartman threw a snowball at Kenny. "I'm not fat I'm big boned!"
"Yeah right!" Kenny said throwing a snowball back.

That soon turned into a snowball fight with me and Kyle just observing. Cartmans throws got sloppy and he panted for air. "Jeez cartman you've been throwing snowballs for a few minutes how are you tired?" You asked he shot you a dirty look. "I-i you know what. S-screw you guys I'm..going home." The three of you watched as he walked away and just as he did the bus pulled up. Since there was only three of you now you could all sit at the back of the bus. Kenny sat in the middle with you and Kyle on each side. You rest your head on his shoulder and instantly get girls and even some boys looking and whispering at the two of you. "I heard he's using another girl." "She's such a slut." "Are they a couple? Ew" "looks like mcwhoremicks at it again. Poor girl" these comments worried you but you tried to stay calm though it was hard.

Kenny put his hand on you thigh and bent down a little to whisper in your ear. "Don't listen to those comments y/n i love you so much, don't forget it." His hot breath on your ear sent chills down your spine. You smiled and nodded slightly. Kenny turned and continued to talk to Kyle about who knows what. Soon enough we were at school. Ugh you did not want to be here. At least you had a party to look forward to. You dreamt of your outfit. Nothing too revealing but nothing too casual either. Choices choices. 

*time skip to lunch*
You sat with the guys as normal. It was much quieter without cartman, you weren't complaining it was really nice. "Does anyone know where Kenny is?" You asked noticing your boyfriend wasn't at the table like usual. "Hm I'm not sure. Maybe check the janitors closet hes always in there. Don't ask why." Craig answered. "Great thank you!" You quickly stand up and head to the janitors closet. You hear some rumbling and some banging. You open the door and find Kenny and.. Clyde?! "What's going on here?" Clyde looks terrified. He was pale and very obviously shaken up.

"Me and Clyde were just having a little friendly conversation. Isn't that right Clyde?" Kenny stared at Clyde. "Yep that's right." He said forcing a smile and a slight chuckle. "I gotta go. Like now." Clyde exited stumbling a little. You felt someone grab your arm and pull you into the janitors closet. "Hello princess." Kenny said with a smirk holding onto your waist. "Hello there. Do you want to tell me what that was all about?" You asked motioning to the whole Clyde situation. "I was just warning him no big deal."

"Warning him about what?" Kenny lifted your chin up so the both of you locked eyes. "About what would happen to him if he even laid a finger on your gorgeous body." You giggle. "Kennyy yku didn't have to do all that you doofus." "Nobody touches my girl but me." You both kiss for a while until your interrupted by the bell. "What class are you in?" You asked him. "Gym what about you?" You fake smile. "Jinx." You both head separate ways to change you both agreed to meet after though. "Heyy y/n!" Wendy said cheerfully.  "Any ideas for outfits tonight?" She asked. You nodded thinking about what you had in mind were keeping it a surprise for everyone.

"It's a secret. But yeah I do what about you?" She slumped down. "Ugh don't remind me I'm lost." You both laugh and head into the gym.

*time skip bc I'm lazy*

After school you got home and showered. Wendy was coming over so you could both get ready together and then head over to bebes. Once you were out the shower you grabbed your outfit. (Change this if you don't like it). It was a black dress with mesh for sleeves, fishnets and black dms. Wendy was obsessing over you. She also had a nice outfit. She wore a white dress with a fluffy collar and white heels. The two of you were basically playing opposites that night. When the two of you were ready you both began walking to bebes. It's just a high school party. You have your best friend, boyfriend, friend group. What could go wrong?

A/n okay the next chapter may contain some lemon. Depends how I'm feeling. I hope you've all enjoyed this so far thank you all so much for this love. 💕💕💕

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