Secret Butterflies

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Lisa was as curious as any four-year-old child. She had the fantastic ability to wander off if she was not restrained or contained to prevent it. She still found occasions such as birthday parties, when they'd go to the lake for a day, or even camping to wander off. She would grab a moment of relaxed oversight, and off she went again. It was always curiosity with her. The world was bright and had terrific sounds. The smells of flowers and mud and wet dogs were all wonderful. She kept trying to catch the clouds but could never quite reach them. On this day, the family went camping along a river at the base of a relatively local mountain. The water was full of tiny fish and little waterfalls, the air was crisp, and the shrubs and smaller plants were all in bloom. Aromas were everywhere, and it was sensational for anyone to see. It all readily held the attention of everyone firmly for many reasons.

While her parents unpacked and set up the campsite for their day, she saw a butterfly. It was her first butterfly, and it was unbelievably beautiful. It had large yellow and black wings and long black legs. It fluttered about from flower to flower, flying in a wild pattern of ups and downs and sideways twists that completely mesmerized Lisa. She couldn't help but follow it. Her parents were both in different parts of their car unpacking and setting up things, and each thought the other was watching over her. This was one of those moments she could escape as she always did. Lisa had a knack for taking advantage of that window of opportunity, and that extraordinary butterfly was the best fun as she followed it over toward the river's shallows.

The butterfly landed on a massive log from a tree that fell long ago that crossed over the river but was resting on the riverbed on the thick branch stumps on the bottom side of the trunk. It made the waters spread out around it, and even Lisa could easily wade across the small stream at that place. It was only a few inches deep, and the log acted like a guard rail. The butterfly flitted across the waters inches from Lisa, and she followed it, laughing and trying to catch that beautiful creature. As she crossed the water, more butterflies appeared and began dancing in the sunlight as she chased them farther up and into the hillsides. Soon Lisa's parents started calling for her. They realized that she was not being watched. Either parent thought the other was, and she had slipped away. Now they were following her footsteps on the ground and calling out for her loudly.

Lisa was running into the small clearing on the hillside, following the growing collection of butterflies she had chased there. She got tired for the moment and sat down on the dirt with her legs in front of her. She pouted at the mean butterflies. She just wanted to see them up close. One came down right then, flitted in front of her, and then landed on the big toe of her shoe. It faced her, moved its wings up and down several times, and then stopped. She took a long look at it and thought it was the most beautiful creature alive. It took off again, and Lisa got up to follow. It joined the other butterflies as they continued into the hillside with Lisa in tow, giggling and talking to them as best she could. Soon she came to a most wondrous place. It was a small clearing with a pond, perhaps only fifty feet across and a few inches deep. Reeds and other plants grew around its edges. The clearing was filled with thousands more of those unique butterflies. Many of them came down and landed on Lisa's dress and arms. She held out her arms carefully as if to fly herself, and they flitted about as if they wanted to help her make that come true. She was beyond giggles now. She achieved active awe.

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