Wolf Heart Marries

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As Wolf Heart stood in front of the chief, the revered older man spoke greetings out loud for all the tribe to hear. He praised Wolf Heart boldly as a man worthy of his tribe-given name. He was also deserving of receiving the gift offered to him now. Then the holy man spoke up and blessed the day. He blessed this wonderful man that honored them all. He spoke of signs and spirits, of seasons and beginnings. He asked that the spirits guide the footsteps of this warrior. The chief continued speaking then. This would not be a loss of a daughter but the gaining of a good son for his family. It was an increase for the tribe in all its ways. Wolf Heart then praised the chief in a most humble reply of honor and worthiness. He also gave thanks for this difficult decision. It was beyond a man's words. Then the tribal leader smiled and stepped aside. He gave way for Wolf Heart to step forward and take his chosen bride. There was no hurry in his footsteps and no hesitation. His bearing was sure as he walked in a straight line up to the woman in his heart. Wolf Heart stood before the one they called Star Joy and looked into her eyes. She could barely contain herself as her heart leaped in excitement. The stars told her this would be so, but it was still exciting for her to be the one chosen from so many worthy sisters.

Since she was a child, Star Joy would look into the night sky and smile at the stars. She pointed at the beautiful way they filled the night sky and winked at her. Her smiles and giggles were contagious to all who were with her. She never failed to share her joyous nature with those around her. Stars are balls of fire, and such a fire was within her spirit. No one had seen that side of her yet. She often claimed that the stars spoke to her and gave her signs. She wasn't a medicine woman or fortune teller. She was born with a connection to the stars that they didn't understand, and Star Joy didn't understand it either. She felt it grow as she got older. Before this man came into their village for the first time, the stars told her to sparkle for the new star she would see. She had no idea what that meant until she locked eyes with him. She felt it happen inside her. The stars looked at him through her. They helped her smile in an air of complete adoration for him. He couldn't help but notice it. He always noticed, and she always had that smile ready for him to see.

Wolf Heart looked straight into her eyes now. He smiled boldly for her to see. He spoke then for all to hear. "I ask you to join me on my life path as my wife. I have always seen you alone among the women here. You make my heart lighter and my path easier. It would be my honor to call you my wife and my companion, to have many children with you, and to make a great new tribe with you as an honor to this tribe. If you accept me, join me before the chief and before the people and become my wife." He smiled at her again and then turned to return to the chief. The holy man readily approved the choice. Star Joy came forward then, beaming with smiles she couldn't control anymore, and it was contagious. All the women were smiling and giggling then. She stood beside Wolf Heart. The chief wed them right there before the tribe. The holy man sanctified it before them all. There were many blessings spoken of then. Many loud calls of approval came from the tribe. Some single ladies were saddened at not being taken, but they all understood this choice and accepted his wise decision. Star Joy was, in her modest way, a spectacular woman. No one could find fault with his choosing her, and the tribes-people celebrated the joining as one happy family.

The couple was presented with many gifts from the entire tribe. They included a large decorated travois to carry the gifts the tribe gave them. Wolf Heart began to resent the choices made, leaving certain things behind with his family. Those thoughts quickly faded as his wife began helping him unload their horse and move their belongings onto the travois. There was a new tent, blankets, coats, and more. The gifts from the tribe were generous and beautiful. No one held back from offering their best belongings, almost in a competition of prideful giving. They were all aware of how Wolf Heart had selflessly helped them in many ways over the last few seasons. It honored them all to return the favor to this good man. The chief was proud of his people for their tribal strength of family and recognition of an honorable guardian spirit man.

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