Chapter 2: Leaving the shire

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"Hurry up master Boggins!" Fili shouted as he mounted his pony.

"I'll join you in a moment," Bilbo replied as he looked at his house one more time. After he signed the contract last night, he was starting to think that he would never see his home again.

"Funeral arrangements?" Bilbo asked as he read the contents of the contract.

"Aye, that is in case something happens to you during the quest," Balin said. Bilbo swallowed hard as he sent a strong gust of wind hit his window.

"Blasted wind." He heard Gandalf mutter. Bilbo shook his head and signed the contract.

Bilbo sighed as he posted a piece of paper on his door. He used some of his power to grow vines and leaves on his door to prevent the Sackville-Baggins from entering his home. He doesn't want his silverware stolen again.

"What took you so long, master Baggins?" Óin asked as bilbo mounted his pony. Bilbo grimaced uncomfortably as he sat down on his pony. Although he loved ponies, he always found it uncomfortable to ride one. He preferred walking.

"I had to leave a note just in case someone tried to steal my silverware again," Bilbo said as he rode in the back of the company with Óin, Ori, and Bofur.

"Again?" Ori asked as he stared at the hobbit.

"Long story," Bilbo said as he dismissed the topic.

The company rode for the whole day until moonrise when they set up camp for the night.

"Here's yer dinner, master Baggins," Bofur said as he handed Bilbo some roasted beef.

"Thank you, master bofur, and please call me bilbo," Bilbo replied as he merrily took the food. He never ate anything the whole day, so he was quite famished.

"Of course, but you must also call, me Bofur," Bofur said as bilbo gave a soft smile at the dwarf before he started eating his dinner.

"Can you give this to Fili and Kili when yer done, lad? They're watching the ponies." Bofur said as he handed two plates to bilbo. Bilbo nodded and continued eating his dinner. He saw Gandalf stomp away from a glaring Thorin.

"Fili! Kili! I have your dinner!" Bilbo said as he approached the two dwarrow.

"B-bilbo..!" Kili said as he looked at the hobbit. Bilbo stared at the two young dwarrow.

"Why do I have a feeling that you did something?" Bilbo asked, eyeing the two.

"U-us? Of course not..! We did no such thing of the sort, right kili?" Fili said as he frantically looked at his brother.

"Yes..! Nothing to see here." Kili replied, looking just as frantic as his brother. Bilbo eyed the two brothers before releasing a sigh.

"What did you do?" Bilbo asked, looking a little disappointed at the two young dwarrow. The brothers were silent for a few minutes before accepting their defeat.

"We may have a slight problem, master Baggins." Fili said, looking at the ground, avoiding eye contact.

"What's wrong?" Bilbo asked as he set down the plates of food he was holding on a nearby rock.

"Well.. we might have lost two ponies..." Fili said in a barely audible voice.

"Come again?"

"We lost two ponies." Fili said more clearly this time. Bilbo's eyes widened at the news.

"How?!" Bilbo nearly shrieked.

"We fell asleep, and then when we woke, they were gone!" Kili exclaimed.

Child of the green lady and the smith|Bagginshield Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα