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ᴇᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3 || ᴀ ᴛʀᴀᴘ-=============================

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ᴇᴘɪsᴏᴅᴇ 3 || ᴀ ᴛʀᴀᴘ-

||ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ᴘᴏᴠ||

Iseul's lips formed a satisfaction smile looking at the fine batter of cake, her fingers wrapped around the whisk move inorder to stir the batter, which is mixture of fresh berries.
She smile when the batter's air bubble vanish.
She put the bowl of batter on the counter of her kitchen.
She dipped her index finger inside the batter and pulled out feeling the batter wrapped around her finger.
She moaned softly tasting the batter.
Her mind exclaim.

She took the small moulds of pink papper, pouring the batter inside the small moulds she grab her oven gloves.

She put the tray of cupcake inside the oven.
" Iseul, WHERE ARE YOU?! "

Iseul's brows knitted hearing tone of her aunt whom she consider as her mother not biological but emotional.
She immediately took the cupcake out from the oven and remove apron from her body and rum out the kitchen.

Iseul smile looking at her aunt, who is tasting pancake with a amazed expression, which Iseul made for them for breakfast before baking cupcakes.

Aunt : " Iseul.. I love it. "

Aunt exclaimed while eating the pancake with a satisfaction expression.
Iseul's lips spread a wide smile, she wish she could say how much she practice for baking pancake.

" seojim.. Seojim.. Did you send rose's bag. ", said park sujoon, Iseul's uncle , while climbing down the stairs.

Iseul and aunt seojim look at sujoon direction.
Seojim : " ahh.. I forget to send the bag.. Sorry darling "

Sujoon sigh hearing his wife's words, Iseul bitted her lips looking at disappointed face of her uncle.

Iseul look at her aunt, Iseul pointes her index finger towards herself and saw sign of walking by her two finger.
Seojim, her aunt smile understanding what Iseul wants to say.

Seojim : " ahh darling i think Iseul should go and send the bag. "

Sujoon smile and shook his head, " its ok my daughter.. I will send it. "

Iseul shook her head and smile giving them look of understanding.
Sujoon smile and nodded his head allowing Iseul to send bag and visit rose.

Iseul place fresh strawberry on the top of cupcake.
She clapp her hands with a wide smile.
She put the fresh cupcake inside the taffy shade box.
And took a stick note.
' fresh cupcake for my sweet sister rose. '
She wrote and run towards her room to change her clothes as she gonna visit her sister who just got married yesterday.

Iseul pull the breaks of car infront of the big magnificent mansion.
Her eyes widened looking at the beauty of the mansion.
She frown noticing too gaurds in black outfit patrolling around the mansion.
She park her car and step out of the car.

Iseul gulp looking at muscular bodyguard patrolling around the mansion.
Iseul bow infront of bodyguard, she frown when bodyguard bow back.

Bodyguard's who are standing infront of Iseul patrolling the big door of mansion exchange a eye contact and nodded thier head.
Bodyguard's move away giving a little place for Iseul.

Iseul's brows knitted together, why they let her in?
Aren't they should first inquiry about her identity.
She shook her head shrugged her thoughts and walk inside the mansion.

Naive girl walk inside the mansion without thinking much.
Not knowing its trap, trap for her.

Iseul flinch hard when someone came infront of her and bow head.
Iseul bow back in respect.

Gaurd : " mam please follow me.. I will escort you to mr jeon's room. "

Iseul gulp before nodding, she followed him silently. Isn't it weird they knew why she is here.

Gaurd : " mam here. "
Gaurd said stopping infront of door of room. Iseul bow infront being helpless as she can't say thanks for help.

Gaurd's eyes widen at her behavior, this girl is being too much respectful which was rare for him as he always had encounter with overstyling and arrogant girls.
Gaurd bow in showing respect and walk away.

Iseul clench the package, and gulp feeling unknown fear.
Fear, unknown fear. She can feel feel something strong.

She shook her head and grab the doorknob of her sister's room.
Little did she know, room doesn't belong to her sister nor mansion.

Iseul slowly pull the door and step inside the room.
Iseul gasp and her eyes widened looking at the interior of room.
Her gaze roam inside the room in search of sister, she frown founding no clue of her sister.
Iseul turn to leave but her feets halter hearing the splashing sounds of water.
Iseul sigh, maybe she is inside the bathroom.
Iseul walk towards the king sized bed in the middle of room.

Iseul sit on king size bed with her eyes around the magnificent room. Black walls, silver furniture, door and window frames black along with silver glittering curtain.
Iseul gulp looking at the dark room which has no source of lights, room is packed, windows are also closed.
Iseul flinch hearing the door clicking sound. She turned around and her breathe got stuck inside her lungs looking at him. Her brother in law, jeon jungkook.


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