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37| “ ᴇɴᴠɪᴏᴜs ᴡᴏᴍᴀɴ, ʀᴏsᴇ. ”

||ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ᴘᴏᴠ||


Jungkook growled with tremendous anger in his already rough vocals to iseul who is holding knife on her clench and pointing sharp edge at her wrist, close to her veins.

Iseul instantly shakes her head denying his orders, with her trembling hands holding knife in dense grip.
As thats the only way.. To stay away from him.

Rage inside his veins build up more, causing his eyes turn dark, veins pop out from his forehead at her deny.
His mascular chest buffed, his breathes turned heavy, looking at her crying face, innocence filled eyes, he never knew his little woman would demand her freedom in this way.
He didn't fvcking liked it.


He again howled wildly glaring at her teary orbs, with his exasperation filled eyes.
But to his wild vexed filled words, she replied with shake.
She again shakes her head.
She instantly moves her hands and fingers, telling him by her signs to let her go.

He instantly dips his finger on his hairs, push his sweaty hairs back.
He clenches his teeth with intense anger, his deep furious gaze kept looking at her wrist.
The burning flames of his anger instantly widens the fire, when the knife accidentally hit her skin, creating a small cut.

“ PUT THAT FVCKING KNIFE DOWN!! PARK ISEUL! ”He growls wildly as if he ks animal, and his hands instantly drags out the gun from the belt.

Iseul's eyes widens.
Her dense around tha knife loosens, her furious gaze instantly took shade of innocence.
The fiercest shade was gone.

Iseul’s hands instantly loose the hold of knife, when loud sound of bullet hitting head created in the house causing the choas inside the room.

The gaurd standing beside jungkook, fell down on the floor.
Jungkook’s furious eyes just kept his stare at the woman, standing timidly while palms covering her ears.
While his gun aimed at the direction of dead gaurd who was standing there few minutes ago, but now dead.

" LEAVE! "

His vexed growl echoes, inducing iseul's soft sobs halts, maid gulps and gaurds standing behind him jump.

Iseul's eyes instantly went wide, she grops the hand of the maid, who was passing by her.

" Miss-- ", maid's trembling voice halted when the little girl shakes her head to not leave her alone with him, begging her to take her with them.
Pleading them with her innocence eyes.

The little girl’s eyes instantly put mercy in the heart of maid, her heart clenched inside her chest.

“ Marry has two kids waiting at home.... I don't want them to be orphan! ”

His words were enough, to let maid know, she is displeasing her boss..

Maid's eyes sorrowfully apologize with her eyes, and places her hands above iseul's hands and slowly snatch her hand from iseul's strong grip.

Iseul's throat went dry, her eyes again teared up with extreme fear & anxiety, looking at the maid exiting the room.

" So what you were going to do.... Love? "

Sweat bead formed on her forehead, her heart fell down with extreme trepidation, her eyes shakes with dread fear.
She oscillates her orbs towards him.

But a sob cracks out, hearing the sounds of unbuckling belts, she instantly shakes her head being frightened when he wraps the belt around his hands.

" you were fvcking trying to threat me... Love? ", he rasped with chuckles, mocking her with raised eyebrows and with slinky eyes, which are only filled extreme wrath.

" on bed.. Iseul with your ass up... I am going to fvcking teach you how to behave! "

He husked, while forwarding his steps towards the poor girl, who was standing timidly gazing at his belt wrapped around his wrist.
Iseul oscillates her head, with her innocence gaze staring at leather belt, soft hiccups escapes from her throat as the fear surrounded around her heart of getting hit by belt.

" Huh? "
" No? "
" you should have thought this.. Before insulting me infront of my workers.. Love. ", he again rasped with sultry deepness in his vocal, and eyes burning with vexation, but their was amaze in his eyes, he is perfectly amazed by the timid girl, who dared to threat him & fvcking insult him infront of the bunch of members.

He was in meeting, agreeing to provision of the contract, but receiving call he founds out his woman was threatening his workers.

A deep chuckle Adopted his throat, his woman has kind of faculty, the name mentioned by the maid, was enough to let his all dominance melt, and submission adopt.

His sultry gaze instantly urges down to her clothes, her divine body visible through her seen through material shirt instantly raise his monstrous desires, his eyes fells on her thick thighs which are visible as lady infront of his demonic eyes is present only in his shirt.

" here always to protect you little lady... You can absolutely can wear anything you want... "

" But the devil inside of wants to punish you so fvcking hard... Knowing other than me... Those gaurds also witnessed you in this fvcking seductive attire. "

He whispered with wrathful vocals her fingers clasped the edge of the shirt hearing upon him.
Her anxious eyes instantly started to roam, with uneven breathing.

The tears blurred her orbs, her feets went numb, her knees weakened when his footsteps halts infront of her.

The hazard presence successfully made her physical feature halts.
She wants to run, far away from his crode clutches.
Run, where?
She has wide sense of being caged sparrow in his territory, now, it seems, the whole worlds is belongs to him.

The thoughts of her shutters, when she shudders.
As the leather belt touches her timid skin.

" On bed... Like a little good girl you are for me.", he whispered, bending his posture, staring at her head rubbing the leather belt on her cheek.

She gently shakes her head, gazing down at the floor.

“ RIGHT NOW! ”, he harshly growled while loosening the straps of the belt and hitting the belt in the air, causing loud whipped sound echoed inside the room.

Iseul shudders again, at the loud trembling sound of whipping, belt.
She instantly hovered her palms above her ears with extreme fear and terrified posture.



“ I can't sleep da-dad!!! That woman is sleeping in my husband’s arms... I will not let that happen!! ”

Rose said with her wide infectious eyes, staring with abnormal emotions at her dad.

“ i-i will destroy her.. Dad! ”
“ I promise... Park iseul! ”

She growled gawking at her dad with satanist smirk.

“ No-”

“ call him... Dad.. Tell him.. His work! ”


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