If The Kids Are United

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"Oh my god, man!" Fatgum exclaims as I mope into the Bar & Grill's kitchen. The smell of grilled ham and cheese mixed with the everlasting alcoholic aroma smacks me in the face like a kid swinging around a wiffle bat. I have no choice but to collapse on the nearest box, probably filled with packaged ingredients, using it like a stool as I slump over. "You look terrible."

"Thanks," I grumble, trying and failing to rub the sleep out of my eyes. It's been two weeks since I gave Dabi my number, two weeks since that night I drove him home. And in these measly two weeks, Dabi has earned his place as the number one reason I can't sleep. Besides the fact that I can never get his face out of my head, we've also been texting non-stop. I didn't go to bed until four in the morning last night because the two of us spent hours sending each other funny tiktoks. I laughed so hard I think I might've popped a lung.

It's fucking terrible. I feel like shit. But honestly, I'll probably do it again tonight.

"Have trouble sleeping again?" Fatgum asks, flipping the grilled cheese on the massive indoor grill. He must've seen me drooling because he butters two more pieces of bread and tosses them on there, a sandwich with two slices of American cheese between them. "Did you try that medicine Mic gave you?"

"Yeah, that's not the problem this time," I say between a yawn. I pull myself to my feet and pick up my bag containing my work clothes. "I stayed up pretty late talking to someone."

If we were outdoors, the sun would've had to shield its eyes from Fat's blinding smile. He tumbles toward me, arms outstretched, greasy spatula swinging in the air, and before I know it, I'm swallowed by his warm embrace. "That's amazing, Keigo! I'm so proud of you! I'm happy for you, kid!"

"Thanks," I say with a small chuckle. "He's really cool. Rough around the edges, but he's a total dork once you get to know him. I hope things work out with him, because I don't really know what I'm doing."

"He's lucky a nice guy like you is even looking his way," Fatgum declares. "You're a real catch, Keigo! Don't put yourself down. Everything will work itself out, I promise. Are you two...?"

"No, we're not official yet, if that's what you're asking," I say, gently pulling away from the hug. "He doesn't really seem like the guy to date, so I'm going to take it pretty slow."

Fatgum nods, turning back to scoop the finished sandwiches from the grill. "Sounds like a good idea to me." One of the sandwiches goes on a plate with home fries and grilled ham, and the other is wrapped in a paper towel and handed to me. "Shoot for the stars kiddo," he tells me. "Worst case scenario, you land on the moon. But either way, you're still outta this world."

"You're the corniest guy I've ever met," I say, pulling Fatgum into another quick hug.

"Thanks, darlin'. Now eat up and get to work. Today's gonna be busy."

"Keigo!" Rumi calls, bustling into the kitchen. "C'mon, man! I'm covering half your tables right now and there's a Karen out here that could really use a smooth talker to calm her down!" She grabs the grilled cheese plate and a few sodas from the fridge and leaves in a flash, grumbling to herself about kicking the lady's teeth in.

Laughing, I hop to the corner and change into my work clothes. I shove my old clothes into my bag and push them into the corner before hurrying out front. Fatgum was right: today is busy. A third of the tables are full, and Rumi looks like she's playing whack-a-mole trying to get everyone situated. A few of the regulars greet me as I pass by, and I answer with small waves of my own. I follow the sound of arguing to the front of the bar area where some blonde lady is screaming at Aizawa.

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