I don't know if Dabi is my boyfriend. The only thing I'm certain of is how much space he takes up in my mind. (Spoiler alert, it's a lot.) He's so interesting, so captivating in ways I've never seen before. I find it absolutely bizarre that a mean scary guy like him can be so patient and gentle. He's warm-blooded, kind-hearted, and very considerate, contrary to popular belief. I have a running theory that he doesn't want people to see this side of him, which only fuels my interest in him even more.
And I still don't know his name.
At this point, I'm not that curious. I don't plan on breaking down his walls and exploring his dark past, whatever it may be. I'm happy where we are now. Friends, roommates, semi-boyfriends– whatever he wants to call it, I'm happy. There's no need to go out of my way to learn more about him when I'm already being spoiled with so much of him.
At around ten, Present Mic saunters out into the restaurant era to assess the place. He's been swamped with all different kinds of paperwork from the Battle of the Bands competition, so he didn't get to see the three kickoff bands. Not that there was much to see, but still.
"Hey! Hawks!" he exclaims, patting me hard on the back as I set down two middle-aged ladies' basket of fries. "How's it going out here? Is Mr. Hawks treating you nicely, ladies?"
The women giggle, batting their eyelashes and nodding profusely. I hide my uneasiness with a friendly smile. I expect Present Mic to dive head-first into some small talk with the ladies, but instead he pulls me off to the side. We head into the employees only staff roof, and his face falls into a more stern expression, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
"How're you doing, kiddo?" Mic asks.
I furrow my eyebrows, a little confused. "I'm fine... why? Did something happen?"
"Rumi told me you moved in with the LOV's guitarist."
"Technically he moved in with me," I say with a small chuckle. "But yeah, in a sense."
"...And how did you come to this conclusion?" Present Mic says, his eyebrows raised in subtle disbelief.
I'm starting to get suspicious, but I play along. Even though we go to karaoke together every now and then, he's still my boss. "We've been hanging out a lot in the past five months. His place is pretty crowded, and mine is empty. I don't see how that has anything to do with my job though."
"I just want to make sure you're safe," Mic says.
"Why wouldn't I be? I'm an adult. I can take care of myself."
"No need to get defensive," Mic says, his tone lightening up a bit. "We're just worried about you, kid. I don't know if you know this, but Dabi's got quite the reputation. He spent five years in prison for–"
"Look, that's not really any of my business," I say a little too quickly. "He'll tell me himself when he's ready. And when I'm ready, I'll tell him about myself. But I'm not gonna get hung up on the past. I don't know where you and Rumi are hearing all this stuff about him, but from what I know, he's a really good guy. He treats me really well, and I like him a lot."
Mic sighs, a soft smile painted lazily on his face. "As long as you're safe and happy," he says. "But promise me that if it starts to get bad, you'll let someone know."
Mic claps me on the back again, then ruffles my hair like I'm a middle school football player running off the field after a half-assed touchdown and not an overworked and overpaid employee. "Alright, you're free to clock out early. And take that stinky boyfriend of yours with you. He's scaring my customers."

Rock My World - DabiHawks
Fanfiction⚠️ DRUGS, SH, IMPLIED SA AND CHILD ABUSE⚠️ Guitarist Dabi x Singer Hawks "He's covered in poorly-done tattoos. His hair dye was probably purchased at a Halloween yard sale. His clothes are tattered, he smells like sweat and stale booze, and he seems...