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Morning light shone through the curtains and dimly lit christmas lights were barely visible still. Small grunts from a blue-haired girl left her mouth as she moved slightly in her sleep, an alerted brunette was confused and didn't know how to help.

All she could do was curl up onto Chloe's side and hope that she would get up or force her awake, her decisions were cut short when the bluenette awoke, "Max!"

Chloe's breath was quick and her heartbeat was increasingly faster then her sleeping self, Max had a worried expression on her face and moved to Chloe'slap and sat down on it.

"I'm here Chloe" Max said softly and held Chloe's cheeks,

"I-I... Please don't leave..." Chloe muttered and moved Max closer into her, wrapping her arms around Max and Max did the same to Chloe.

"I'm not leaving. Never leaving you." Max replied sternly and nuzzled herself over Chloe, fully making Chloe wake up with a strong scent that Max had.

"I know you won't leave... I just... Last night... When you said goodbye, and you talked about your parents... My brain decided to say it was you actually saying goodbye to me or something." Chloe laughed slightly at her words, "It's silly I know..."

"Why would I leave? I love you" Max said with a smile and used her thumb to get rid of small tears escaping Chloe's eyes,

"You... Love me?" Chloe's heart was about to explode with happiness.

"Mhm! I'm never ever ever leave you anddd... uh.. word...." Max forgot a specific word at this point and Chloe told her to say 'word' if she forgot in case she knew how to help her.

"Word I just... Lo..."


"Yeah! I love you! I no leave and I love you!" Max said with a large smile on her face, being pleased as she knew what to say, or well what she thought made sense.

Chloe was smiling back and felt an urge to just kiss Max on the lips, and so, she leaned closer towards Max and held her cheek softly,

Max looked back into Chloe's eyes and felt butterflies in her stomach, this was a new feeling. Completely new, she knew that this was a new human-like feeling and she wanted more of it. It drew her into Chloe's embrase and so the two closed the space between them and kissed.

The two deepened the kiss and got as close as they could be with one another. A few moments of upmost bliss went by and they had to stop to breathe.

Once they let go of each others lips, both began breathing in quickly and leaned each others forehead on the other's and smiled at each other. Both had red faces from blushing so hard and they knew that they both wanted more.

Chloe knew what would happen but she didn't want to overstep her boundaries so she stopped going further for now. Max was still new to all of these human body parts and she had no idea how sex with her would work.

They looked deeply into each others eyes and let go of each other slightly, being less rough then before.

"Chloe?" Max asked,


"Do you love me?"

Chloe blinked and looked at the girl who was tilting her head at her, "Huh?"

"I said I love you. Don't you say it back?"

A loving smile went across the punk's lips, "I love you Max. More then you'll ever know."


A week had passed and the two had been inseperable, Max was speaking more fluently and was spending more time with Joyce as a human. It was getting more obvious to Joyce that something was off with Max and Chloe's cat-Max but didn't want to pry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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