self harm-fresh angst/fluff

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The CQ family had been having a pleasant dinner together. Geno, the oldest and sickest, was in good spirits, and Error, the middle child, was in a better mood than usual. Everything seemed to be going well until Fresh, the youngest, excused himself from the table.

Moments later, Geno and Error heard a loud thud coming from Fresh's bedroom. They rushed to his room to find him on the floor, his arms covered in blood. Geno and Error were horrified and immediately ran to their mother for help.

Mom was shocked and horrified to see Fresh in such a state. She quickly took him to the hospital, where the doctors confirmed that Fresh had been self-harming as a form of self-punishment and as a way to feel something.

The CQ family was devastated. They had no idea that Fresh was struggling so much. They had been so focused on Geno's health and Error's anger issues that they had failed to notice Fresh's pain.

Mom and the brothers decided to get Fresh the help he needed. They found a therapist who specialized in self-harm and worked with Fresh to help him cope with his emotions in healthier ways.

With the help of his family and his therapist, Fresh was able to heal and find peace. He was able to move past his self-harming and find healthier ways to express his emotions.

The CQ family was relieved and grateful that Fresh was able to get the help he needed. They were also thankful that they had caught Fresh in the act and were able to get him the help he needed before it was too late

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