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It's been a few weeks now and with help from Cisco, Barry begins using his abilities to stop minor crimes and help citizens across the city. While Isla has been noticing Barry acting differently around her, his mind being more spaced out and always sneaking around. She thinks it might be because he found out about Iris and Eddie and was mad she didn't tell him, but how do you tell that to someone? Especially since she's known since they were kids he has had the biggest crush on her.

"Great to see you can come to work on time Isla." Joe said while rolling his eyes as the girl walked onto the crime scene, "He's not here?" Isla sighed, "Never is. You call him? I feel like if I do, I'll yell." He chuckled while patting the girl's shoulder, "Yes sir."

Isla quickly pulled out her phone and called Barry Allen. She wasn't quite sure if he would even answer, that's how distant he has been towards her, but he promised her and Iris to go to this award thing tonight, so hopefully he remembers.

"Hey Isla, what's up?" Barry smiled while answering the phone call, "Ooooooo it's Isla." Cisco smirked while going back to his computer, "Oh nothing much, just a fresh crime scene, a dead body that looks disgusting by the way, detectives interviewing witnesses. Yellow tape stretched over everything. Oh, also people looking for a CSI. Can you tell me where to find one?" Barry's eyes grew wide as he heard the girl finish her sentence, "I'll be there in five. Sorry." "Don't tell me that, tell Joe. Bye Barry." She chuckled and quickly hung up.

"My day job beckons." He told his friends at STAR labs, swiftly running out of the lab in his suit, "When do you think he will realize he didn't take his clothes?"

"He's on his way Joe." Isla said while placing her phone in her pocket, "Thank you Barnes. Now as for you, I know there's not much to see from the footage but can you see what you can pick out from descriptors?" He asked, "You know I can." She smiled and a few minutes later, Barry walked in "Hey. Sorry I'm late."

"Doing a little Fall shopping?" Singh asked, noticing Barry still had a tag on his jacket, "Oh, heh, I was going so fast this morning, I didn't even notice." Barry said anxiously while scratching the back of his neck

"I downloaded surveillance footage off the video camera. Looks like only one perp." Eddie said to Joe and Singh while showing them the footage as Barry got on the ground and started to do his thing.

"Footage may only show one, but it was six guys." Barry spoke up, "Look, the tracks. They're all crossing each other. Six sets of footprints. Six guns stolen.
We should be looking for a crew." He then got a better look at the tracks, "Huh. Weird. The shoes. Looks like they're all the same size. Men's 10s, I'd guess. Just like you, captain. Not that you're a suspect, sir." Barry said quickly and Singh rolled his eyes at the brunette and left with Eddie, not giving Barry a second glance.

"I thought you were smart?" Isla smirked and followed the two out of the crime scene

Once they got back to the station Joe gave Barry a stern talking to, "Your ability to multitask is remarkable. The way you can embarrass me...the captain, and yourself, at the same time." He sighed while looking Barry in the eyes, "Joe, I'm sorry." Barry responded and Isla stood there awkwardly, "I'm starting to think, "Joe, I'm sorry" is my actual name considering how often you say it to me." He looked over and saw Isla standing with them looking at her feet, she's waiting for Joe to send her the footage and being emotional support for Barry, "Isla why don't you go to the lab, I'll send you the stuff in a few. I need to have a father-son talk with Barry here."

She nodded and looked at Barry with a comforting smile, "Good luck." She chuckled and headed up

As she left Joe watched Barry stare at her the whole way up the stairs, "Barry!" Joe called, snapping him out of his staring

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