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"Regular movie scale, that was a seven or an eight. Zombie movie scale, it was, like, a four, tops." Barry explained to Iris as the two walked out of the movie theater, "There's a zombie movie scale?" Iris chuckled

"Did you know that zombies exist in nature?" Barry smiled, "There's a species of fungi that infects ants, causing the ants to attack plants that can release spores which in turn infect new hosts." He explained, extremely happy about what he knew but he noticed that Iris was very confused "I'm going full nerd again, aren't I?"

The one thing that he hated about Iris is that she'd never pay attention to his nerd rants, whereas Isla would listen to them all and have complete conversations with him about the topic, even if she had never heard about it before.

"Yeah. It's okay though. You are still the cutest nerd that I know." Iris smiled, "Anyways, I'm a lot more interested in the amazing as of late."

"You mean 'cause of this "streak" thing? Between you and Isla.." Barry groaned, rolling his eyes for obvious reasons to himself but to others, not so much

"He's out there. People are talking about him." Iris stated, "How do you even know he's a he? Maybe it's a she."

"It's a man, okay? You know I am really intuitive about this kind of stuff."

Barry just kept walking beside her no longer really putting into this conversation, hopefully she'd stop talking about it eventually, "Someone even posted a picture after being yanked from a car accident! Here, what do you see?" Iris asked while showing him her phone screen, instead of the picture he saw Eddie's face pop up.

"I see your boyfriend's calling."

"Oh, I should probably get this. I'm crashing at his place tonight, and he's supposed to leave a key for me somewhere." She smiled while walking a bit away from Barry, "Hey, babe. Not much, just hanging out with Barry."

While Barry looked around the street to try and distract himself, he also got a call, "Hey Cisco."

"Code 237 on Waid Boulevard." Cisco said confidently, "Public indecency?" Barry asked, annoyed that that's what he called for, "Wait, I think I meant a 239."

"Dog leash violation?" Barry asked again, more confused than the first one, "Bad man with a gun in a getaway car. Go." Caitlin yelled, Barry carefully running from Iris and to the scene


"Cisco! That can't happen again." Isla said fearfully, "Especially not at work."

"Explain to me what happened again?" He asked while scratching the back of his neck on the other side of the phone, "So I was doing my job, interviewing this guy so I could draw. The guy started making me uncomfortable and being rude. The more rude with me he got the more angrier I got. I felt this weird surge and the guy I was interviewing looked at me like I was crazy, my vision turned a hue of blue and I ran to the bathroom to find my eyes glowing! Glowing bright blue Cisco!" Isla took some deep breaths while sitting in her bed

"Your eyes glow when you're angry?" He questioned while sitting at the computer in the cortex, "That's so cool." He mumbled under his breath

"I guess so. Cisco.. What the hell is going on with me?" She sighed while plopping on her bed, "You have to let me tell Caitlin. She needs to run some tests. I can only do so much."

"If Cait needs to know.. then tell her. But you have to promise me, no one tells Barry."


"Then tell Caitlin to call me and whenever she is free, I'll come in and she can test me like a lab rat." She said before hearing a large siren type noise on cisco's end of the call, "What is that?" Isla asked worriedly, "It's a computer malfunction! I'll call you back!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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