Night On Maple Street

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It was a rather usual Halloween night. Kids laughing, candy all over the streets from the little kids, and children in costumes everywhere you turn. I had to take my little brother trick-or-treating since he was only six years old. I didn't mind though, I had nothing to do anyways. There was a Halloween party at my best friend's house but I wasn't invited.

"Let's go to this house next!"

"Ok, go ahead!" He was so cute I could never say no to him.

I finally looked at the house he was going to and got a weird feeling in my stomach. It was a giant abandoned-looking house with broken windows, grass probably not been cut for years, and a red balloon in one of the windows. Wait, a red balloon? That was very unusual. I was about to stop my brother from going there but I was too late. He rang the doorbell. I was scared of what would happen to him, but it was just trick-or-treating, right?

I was still unsure about this place so I decided to go up to the door with him. I was surprised when a rather old man dressed as a clown opened the door. He muttered something under his breath but I was too focused on the large display of knives in his kitchen.

"Hey," the old man said rather excitedly. "Come on in, I've got so much candy for you two!" I really didn't wanna go in but my brother was already walking in and I couldn't leave him alone in a creepy old man's house. Walking in sent chills down my spine, something was off about this place.

As he showed us around I was making sure Jack was always in my sight, you never know what would happen if he left my sight. Shucks, he could even die. Who knows what an old man in a creepy clown costume would do to Jack.

The creepy old man was showing us down a dark scary hallway which had a door at the end. He opened it and said, "You guys can go first." I didn't like the idea but the tone in his voice didn't sound like he was asking. I took my little brother's hand and we both stepped inside the room to only find stairs.

SLAM! The door shut behind us, me and Jack were both really scared. We were trapped in an old man's basement with no escape

"What should we do?" My brother asked with fear in his voice.

"We'll get out of here, don't worry about it," I tried to sound convincing because it would scare him if I told him the truth. We were trapped in an old man's basement who was dressed as a clown on his favorite holiday.

I was thinking of what to do when the old man opened the door to the basement. He said, "I've got your candy just like I promised!" He said that rather excited and I found it very suspicious, but my brother seemed very excited.

I tried to tell him to not take a piece of candy but I was too late. He dropped to the floor dead. I decided if I didn't have my brother with me, I didn't have anybody and I took a piece of candy.

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