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Warning : death's mentioned

After 6 failed pregnancies Aelora's birth was a boon to not only her parents but to the realm too. It slowed down the growing paranoia of the King to an extent. After getting the long awaited daughter the fire burning in the kings eyes dimmed. But not for long eventually the fire in his eyes burned brighter till it spread and started a rebellion that killed the dragon prince and bought down the targaryen dynasty build by the conqueror and his sister wives on fire and blood

282 AC - Sea dragon tower, dragon stone castle,dragon stone island.

Aelora's POV

Growing up Aelora was a curious child always exploring the castles never sitting around idle . The kingsguard had to lock her in the bedroom every night to make sure she won't sneak away. They thought that was enough. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for her there happen to be a passage in her room at the red keep so her wanderings never stopped .
So she knew about what the realm said about her father, the Mad King they call him. And his madness is what caused her to be here. The summer storm was still raging destroying the velaryon fleet the last thing that stood between them and the usurper's men coming to kill them like they did with her niece and nephew. The news had reached them how her brother felled at the trident and how tywin lannisters dog killed her nephew and niece,what they did to elia.Thats what led her mother to go into a early labour after all. And here she was singing viserys into sleep so he won't have to hear her mothers screams. After making sure viserys had slept she went to gather her things.


One day trying to find another passage way in her room in red keep she happen to stumble upon a box . It was hidden in a secret door in her room . She was tracing her finger around the stone carvings depicting dragons when her fingers pricked and a drop of blood touched on the dragons eye it glowed lightly and a door appeared well not exactly a door it was not that big . Unable to contain her curiosity she opened it and she found a small box . It was heavy and was black in colour with golden engravings that looked like runes, she guessed.
And naturally she opened it and she almost dropped the box . She swore that many things can't be stored in a box that small. She slowly took out every thing in it.There was a journal of visenya targaryen explaining about the spells she created. Another was a book about the valyrian gods- the 14 flames and how to worship them. Then another about how to hatch dragon eggs and how to take care of the dragons their biology . Then another book on healing spells. And so many dragon lores that the maesters at citadel will kill to have. So she took extra care to not let it fall to anyone's hands. Every night she read about the dragons and history. She didn't try the spells because the books specifically told not to use the spells if you are below 10. So the trait of self preservation in her told not to do it and she didn't. When her mother told they are going to dragonstone she first went and pick the books. After they reached the island she did her usual job - explore and find secret passages. She was good at it. So one day she sneaked away to the dragonmout and found some eggs they were 3 in total and bought them to her rooms.

So when she heard the servants talking about stannis baratheon nearing the island and how ser Willem darry planned to sneak them away she went to her Chambers and packed the books and eggs and kept them under her clothes. Luckily the runes in the box still worked so she could keep the eggs in them and pass of it as a jewellery box. Just when she placed the box and was about to leave the room when ser Willem came and told her to pack.So she did. And she went and woke viserys telling him to pack too. When he was done ser Willem took us to mothers room. I wanted to vomit when the smell of blood hit me. When I entered I saw my mother laying on a bed covered in her blood. But she still had that gentle smile on her face that I loved. She called me near her. "Lora"" munna"(mother)" Rhaenagon aōha mandia daenerys"(meet your sister daenerys) "I'll protect her don't worry munna .I promise " she said.She was 8 not stupid she knew when she saw her mothers face that she was dying. Her usually pale flawless skin went unnaturally pale she looked like a ghost.
She knew what her mother wanted from her so she did just that ." I'll protect her and vis I swear it "she said with all the courage she could muster when all she wanted was to cry and beg her mother to not leave her. But she has to stay strong for her brother and now for her sister too. Her mother gave her a greatful smile.With that she closed her eyes and took her last breath .
Aelora sighed and turned to ser Willem. "How much time until the usurper's men will be here?"
They'll be here by the morrow princess.we have to leave now"
"We'll leave but not before cremating my mother."
"But princess "
"No I won't come with you until I give my mother a funeral she deserves ."
"Very well princess "

AN: the picture above is Aelora

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