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AN: the Pic above is Rhaella's and the italics is high valyrian because I am too lazy to translate. If you see any typing or grammar mistakes in my stories please comment on it I'll correct it.

282 AC Dragonstone Island , Crownlands

It happened too fast well probably because stannis was getting closer. The guards wrapped my mothers body and placed it atop on the pyre at the beach all it left was to light it. I was carrying daenerys and viserys was standing next to me. Ser Willem darry lit the pyre . We stood there watching the flames engulfing her body. Viserys was sobbing next to me.
"From the fire we come to the fire we return " she murmed viserys repeating what she said.
Her mother didn't deserve this. She was supposed to be with us watching dany grow up, to be there at rhaegar's coronation but now it all seem like a dream ,a fairy tale she can tell to herself .
Her brother was dead so was her parents. Now all that remained of house targaryen was vis and dany and her.
After the flames died down we took the ashes and intered it with our grandmother's queen shaera targaryen.

After that ser Willem took us to ship. And all she could do was to watch her home fading away. Dany was sleeping viserys was next to her as always. Her brother never left her from the time he could walk always following her like a shadow her partner in crime .
"Will we ever come back here lora?"
"Yes we will and we will come with fire and blood. But we have to protect dany first we promised mother vis"
"Yes we will " her brother said with all the courage a 6 year old can have.
As the time went she couldn't see dragonstone anymore. So she took viserys to bed and was about to turn back " can you stay with me Lora?"
"Of course little dragon "

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