
110 5 1

287 AC - Braavos

5 years passed really quickly. I am 13 now viserys 11 and dany 5 and rhaegal, aerion and rhaelys 2.

Well since in visenyas journal she mention to not practice spells and do magic until 10 the moment I turned 11 I started learning everything I could. I decided to give a year for each subject. So I studied about dragons for 1 year. But I learned how to hatch a dragon egg in 1 month so of course I hatched them. I had to incubate them for 1 month.

Dragons are not just a symbol of magic but they produce them the older the dragon the stronger the magic they radiate and this magic is what makes the eggs hatch. This is why when laena velaryon egg hatched after the dance the dragon came out was deformed because even though there was enough magic for a egg to hatch not enough to make them grow properly. So the book mentioned to give the eggs magic by cutting my finger and dropping little amount of blood on the egg as targaryens are blood of the dragon so we have magic in our blood.

It took me 1 month to give enough blood to make the egg hatch. Another thing said in the book was it will take 1 month for the dragon to breathe fire after it hatched and 2 months for the wings to strengthen enough that it can start flying . For 0- 3 years after hatching it is considered as a hatchling and 4 -8years dragons are called drake only after 9 years since its hatching it is considered a full grown dragon. The more a dragon fly it helps its growth.

Rhaegal has green and bronze colour scales and yellow- orange coloured wings.

Aerion has cream and gold colour scales and red-orange wings.

Rhaelys is a she dragon with black and red colour scales and black and red wings.

There are 5 subjects in totals and that subjects have different topics under them.h For 1 year I learned all that was mentioned about dragons. This included their hatching, diet, mating, biology, growth etc. Then for next 1 year I read different journals of dreamers of our family. They explained about some prophecies, how to read omens . Dreamers subjects include not just prophecies but also everything about sight. So they also said how to work glass candles and also how to hide things use concealment spells.

Thank god it was there I had to hide my dragons in a trunk till I Learned that spell no one apart from me will ever know how hard it was. Another work this concealment spell do is that it also hides the sound and shadow. So I don't have to worry too much for now and leave them in my room telling the servants to stay away from it.

Currently I am learning healing spells and potions I am not done yet.

So here I am feeding my dragons and musing about the past 5 years of my life.
When I was done I reapplied the spell and locked the door and went in search of dany. I was passing by the dining hall when a servant informed me that ser Willem was looking for me. I went to his room."ser willem"
"Come in princess . Take a seat"
"The servant said you were asking for me "
"Yes princess.."
"I told you multiple times before ser you can call me Aelora "
Willem sighed and gave a smile" Alright aelora I wanted to talk to you about something . I received a message from dorne informing that prince oberyn wants to meet us."
"Let me guess doran wants viserys to marry Arianna martell and dany to marry quentyn and dorne will help us take back westeros since oberyn is in exile no one will bat an eye if he comes to bravos now"
"I see I have taught you well lora"
She grinned at that. " Yes even though that was not mentioned that's the purpose of this visit"
" I will talk to viserys . when is the prince coming ?"
" the messenger is still waiting for reply if we accept we can meet the prince tomorrow morning at the sea lord's mansion "
"Alright .I am going to find viserys now"

AN : viserys is not mad in my story. In the Canon looking after dany with all the assassination attempts is what overwhelmed him and led him to become mad. Since he has Aelora to look after him in the story he is not that paranoid so yeah he won't become insane.

Walking to the garden I found viserys playing with dany. Seeing me dany ran and tackled me in a hug
"Lora did you came to play with us?"
"Sorry sister I have to talk to viserys now but we will play with you later"
She pouted at that but ran off inside to play with her toys. Me and vis watched it with a smile as we took a seat on the ground."So what did you wanted to talk with me lora"?
"Ser willem received a message from prince oberyn . He wants to meet us. Although the messenger didn't say anything further the main reason for this meeting is to build an alliance. "
"When are we meeting the prince. I swear if any of them ask for your hand in marriage I will cut it out"
She gave him a smile at that . It was safe to say that her brother was a bit protective of her despite being 2 years younger.
"No brother none of prince doran's children are closer to my age. So it is likely that they will ask a marriage between you and princess arianne so when you become king his daughter will become queen. Same scenario like rhaegar's and Elia's."
"Brother I understand if you Don't want to marry.."
"I didn't mean that lora I will marry her since we need that alliance . I remember meeting her during the tourney of harrenhall its fine."
"Then what?"
"I said I won't become king. I may be our father's only living son but you are his first born child."
"Vis the lord's of the realm won't accept me as their ruler".
"They will they if don't want to know what our house words mean the hard way. Aegon usurping rhaenyra was stupidity at its finest. A mistake our house paid the price for "
"You have grown up" she said softly with a proud smile on her face."
"But I will always be your little brother "
"Aye that you will be and I when I am queen you will be my hand."
Viserys hugged her and she gladly returned it
"So what do you say should we go and check on dany"
"Let's go " viserys replied.

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