💕I hate that man!

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I hate that man!


Ralph talks shit abt Jack and Piggy like 'ay yu homo repressed

The blazing sun beat down on the deserted island, making the sand hot enough to scorch anyone's feet. Ralph stomped around, his frustration palpable. Piggy watched him with a confused expression, his broken glasses perched on his nose.

"Who?" Piggy finally asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

"Jack," Ralph spat out, snapping his head towards Piggy. "He's so sassy and stupid, boasting about his singing abilities like anyone cares."

Piggy couldn't help but giggle at Ralph's ranting, but quickly stifled it as Ralph turned back to him. "Calm down, Ralph. It's not like he killed your parents," Piggy said with a snort.

"You literally hate him too, fatso!" Ralph snapped, immediately regretting the words that had escaped his mouth. He quickly apologized to Piggy, who seemed to brush it off with ease.

"Why are you so mad at him?" Piggy asked, trying to get to the root of the problem.

Ralph paused, not really sure of the answer himself. "He's ginger, and he doesn't help, and all he does is hunt," Ralph stated, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Piggy nodded in agreement, but it was clear that he wasn't convinced. "He's just always on my mind," Ralph said, throwing himself onto the hot sand in frustration.

Piggy looked at Ralph with a grin on his face. "Have you ever considered that you like Jack?" he said, unable to contain his amusement.

Ralph's face crinkled with disgust, but Piggy could see the puffy blush spreading across his cheeks. "What? No! Ew, gross!" Ralph snapped, looking away from Piggy and chewing nervously on his bottom lip.

"You totally do," Piggy continued, scrunching up his nose in disgust. "And Jack's ugly too."

"Shut up, man," Ralph said, chuckling as he threw a handful of sand at Piggy.

As Piggy wiped the sand from his face, Ralph cringed at the thought of Jack. He hated everything about him - his freckles, his ginger hair, his stupid singing voice - but there was a part of him that couldn't help but love him. As much as he tried to deny it, Jack had wormed his way into Ralph's thoughts and feelings, and he didn't know what to do about it.

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