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Emo Ralph

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Ralph was shoved roughly to the ground, his face grinding into the wet dirt. He tried to rise but felt the sharp point of a spear digging into his back. It was the ginger painted savage's weapon, and Ralph knew he couldn't resist it. He flopped back onto the ground, resigned to his fate.

Jack, the savage, looked down at him with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. He tossed his spear aside and flipped Ralph over, staring into his dark brown eyes.

"Why aren't you fighting back?" Jack asked, but it was more of a statement than a question.

"No point," Ralph sighed, refusing to meet Jack's gaze.

Jack was surprised by his answer, but then anger boiled up in his face. "Fuck off! This is just another one of your lies to catch me off guard!" he yelled, gripping Ralph's neck and squeezing hard. Ralph winced in pain, and his fingers grasped at Jack's wrist.

"Just kill me," Ralph whispered, looking up at the furious boy.

"What?" Jack was taken aback.

"Just kill me!" Ralph repeated, his voice trembling.

Jack stared at him, confused and angry. Ralph tried to hold back his tears, but they flowed relentlessly down his cheeks. He felt embarrassed and vulnerable, but he couldn't stop the tears from coming.

Jack got off of him and sat on his knees, looking at him with a new tenderness in his expression. Ralph sat up and sniffled, trying to wipe away his tears.

"Ralph," Jack said softly, reaching out to touch the blond's tear-stained cheek.

Ralph hesitated, but eventually leaned into the touch. He gazed into Jack's eyes, surprised to find a genuine concern there.

Jack pulled him into a tight embrace, holding him close and stroking his hair. "Shh..." he whispered, trying to soothe Ralph's sobs. "It's okay. I've got you."

Ralph felt the warmth of Jack's body against his, and he couldn't help but feel comforted by the embrace. He clung to Jack, grateful for his unexpected kindness.

Jack continued to hold him, rubbing his back and murmuring soothing words. Ralph's sobs gradually subsided, and he felt a sense of calm wash over him.

Finally, Jack released him and pulled away, looking down at him with a mixture of tenderness and annoyance. Ralph wiped away his tears and looked up at him, surprised by the change in his demeanor.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, his voice soft and gentle.

Ralph nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude towards the boy who had just comforted him. "Thank you," he whispered, looking up at Jack with newfound appreciation.

Jack smiled at him, a genuine warmth in his expression. "Anytime," he said, reaching out to brush away a stray lock of hair from Ralph's face.

Ralph felt a flutter in his chest, a sudden awareness of the boy's closeness. He looked up at Jack, feeling a newfound curiosity and attraction towards him.

Jack leaned in, their faces inches apart. "Ralph," he whispered, his breath warm against Ralph's skin.

Ralph's heart raced as Jack brushed their lips together softly, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. Ralph blushed, feeling a warmth spread throughout his body.

Jack pulled away, looking at him with a mix of affection and uncertainty. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Ralph shook his head, feeling a sudden rush of emotion towards Jack. "Don't be," he said, leaning in to kiss Jack on the lips.

As they pulled away from the kiss, Ralph looked up at Jack, feeling a sense of completeness that he had never felt before. He took Jack's hand in his own, interlacing their fingers.

"I never thought that this could happen," Ralph said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jack smiled at him, a warmth in his eyes that made Ralph's heart skip a beat. "Me neither," he said, squeezing Ralph's hand.

They sat there for a moment, basking in the comfort of each other's presence. Ralph couldn't believe how much had changed between them in just a few moments.

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