Episode 2: Kay's Truth

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Our heroes are driving towards the Tower. During the way, they saw some of the landscape.
Near the center of the place, they saw a fountain, but different from the one back hone. At some point of driving, there stopped to admire modernized rails.

Railworld trains were looking for them very curious and gossiping about them. Some even trying to get their attention, but Sharon excused them, as they are very busy. However, later they might be able to spent some time with the new Robot-Trains.

-Looks like everyone likes you. -said Sharon.

-That's very nice of them -said Alf smiling and chuckling.

Then the yellow and violet leader decided to explain them the bases of the Railworld.

- You see... This the most modernized part, of all Railworld, The Fountain City. In this place, we also gather energy in the fountain, though, in a different way from yours. From this part there are a few roads leading to each sectors. There are 4 sectors here, Sector M known as WaterLand which is Maxie's Sector, Sector G known as Sunnyland is Genie's sector, Sector J known as Windland is Jack's sector and Sector Jo known as Mountainland which is Jose's sector. There is also one road leading to my base.

- What do you mean in different way? - Duck asked puzzled by the question

- In the fountain, we gather the four elemental energies. As you see, this land is created by using a rainbow energy.

- Rainbow energy?! - asked Selly - But how...

Sharon became sad when she got that question.

- That is the question that I wished I would have the answer. You see long ago, the land was very empty, the land was very empty that no train was able to live there. Until one day, one powerful train used his rainbow energy to create a new land and the trains started to colonize it with that train as a guardian. Everything was peaceful, until one day. His best friend got so jealous about his power that he stoled his rainbow power, but he wasn't strong to hold it that It was strong to corrupt him, in the process he became Shadow Train. He used his power to corrupt the world into the eternal darkness. Seeing his friend who fell into despair, Rainbow Train was able to use his power to create a rainbow ball which was able to counter shadow energy. Using this power on Shadow Train and also in process killing his friend. Almost on the verge of the death, he sealing his sinister power into the energy balls where he hides in secret place. As for the Rainbow Train It's unknown what happened to him. That's all I know sadly. If you guys wanna know more, I suggest you to ask Gary. He is an old retired scientist that knew more than me, but If you ask me, his stories are basically tiresome. As for me, this world was covered by shadow energy once and I will make sure this won't happened again.

- Maxie will help Sharon too!

- Thanks Maxie. - She was glad to have a white train by her side

Duke was thinking if the shadow energy was basically a equivalent of a virus in Train World, but even if it was, he swears to destroy it with no hesitation. He doesn't want anyone to suffer as much as him. Nothing would stop him to destroy any viruses or similar dark energy to them.

- That's enough from me - said Sharon - Maybe you can tell me more about your world and story to cheer up the mood. It would probably be much more interesting than ours.

Kay was surprised by the question, but tried to answer them.

- The Train World was possibly created by Train called by possibly the strongest train ever existed, Alpha Train. However despite him being a powerful train, he fall into the pieces. Nobody know what happened to his cargos. Everything I know, was a story I knew from our future teller named Stella. You need to ask her if you want to know the rest of the story and possibly your future.

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