Episode 4: Unpacked Cases and Mysteries

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We began this episode in the Windland where Genie and Jack training new railers. The Sector J better known as Wind Land is the rocky one where there are big rock, rock cliffs. There is also the Ferris Wheel which like Water Park and Volcano in Sectors M and Jo collects elemental energy of Wind. There were also underground caves where there miners, collect the crystals. As the guardian of this sector, Jack looks after everyone in here no matter what.

- Okay, railers. - said Jack with serious tone - This is the first time where you will became pilots for the first time.

- Remember to not forgot your jetpacks - said Genie - Without them, you couldn't help collect the energy

- Okay, any questions?

It seemed that no railers had any problems with it and were all equiped. They wear a pilot caps with a googles, blue small scarf, light brown trousers and black shoes. On their back they wear a jetpack with secured propeller on the back. Jack and Genie looked at each other nodding that they can begun the training of them.
In the same time Duke arrived here to train where he saw railer who was stressed and running. He wanted to focus on his training but decided to help the guy.
"I'm late again... I forgot the transport and now Jack and Genie starts without me"
- Um... Hey slow down!
The railer stopped when he heard Duke. He never saw the black train before, so he looked.
- Excuse me sir, I'm very busy.
- I saw that you are late and I can deliver you there
The railer had no choice but to agreed to Duke who transformed and helped climbed into his cargo.
- You... Better watch out - Duke casually said before transforming to the train mode and drove off. The railer explained where he should drove and the black train just casually listened to the yellow allien. He casually enjoyed the ride on Duke and quickly they reached the destination. The two Railwatchers were finished the preparations for training.
- Huh Duke?! - Both were surprised when he arrived there
- Thank you for the ride Duke - said Railer who slided down from the cargo and he runned towards brown and orange train - I'm sorry Jack... You too Genie. I just overslept today.
- It's fine - said Genie
- I'm glad that you took responsibility of it and arrived safe and sound - said Jack - Now please stand with other railers
The two Railwatchers looked at Duke here
- What brought you here Duke? - Jack asked
- I came here to train - he responded to them - When I saw this railer
- Do you want to stay and watch how the Train too? - Genie asked - Maybe you could have them your suggestion.
Duke refused saying that he was on his way to train and the two didn't stopped him. He left them and Jack with Genie who returned to rookies training.
- Okay, Now we can explain how to used your jetpacks
In the same time, our tricksters Mos and Dos where watching behind the rock wall.
- Phew..., Glad that black train was gone.
- He seemed kinda scary to get on his bad side, Mos
- That's why we awaiting his leave brother. We need to disrupt the wheel so they would lose wind energy. When Genie won't be looking, we will destroy the windmill controlls and check the local caves.
- Okay.
Genie tried to explain the basics coordination to them while Jack went to the top of the rock and tried to look in case someone accidentally turn off the jetpack so he could catch them before falling to the ground.
- Remember when you are coordinating the landing trajectory - said Genie - Don't worry me and Jack will asecurate you from the down.
The X twins sneaked behind wheel when no one looked and hide whenever Jack looked at their direction
- Hm...
The twins breathed deeply for a moment and sighed from relief when he turned off the sight from them. Mos broke some of the control of the wheel causing the wheel while Dos looked around so no could see them. During this the Greenie train saw the shining towards the cave and sneaked away towards it. Dos never saw that one of the regular trains who brought the kids here and watched the training made by Railwatchers. In the cave he saw some 4 colored gems which represents four sectors. He picked up some and hide in his cargo. After some minutes left the cave and saw his brother who was angry
- Where did you go Dos? You could lead us to be caught
- Uhhhh... I find out some beautiful jewels in the cave. - said Dos - Wanna see it?
- No... Let's get outta here. You almost get us spotted by Railwatchers, idiot.
They transformed and left the Wind Land. When they were escaping from the wind land, neither of the didn't saw one of the railers backpack was putted accidentally on Mos's cargo by the railer.
- Great, not Let's start the training
- My backpack was gone! - said one of the railers
"What?!" - said Jack and Genie in the same time
- We need to look for it - said Jack who jumped down to join Genie
- Don't worry railer. Leave this to Agent Genie!
Jack just rolled his eyes and tried to hold his laugh.
- I will stay with the railer rookies... Good luck with mystery. Agent Genie.
"It was a normal day. Me and my friend were ready to train a new piloy rookies when someone stole the railer's backpack. This was devastating for the poor boy. That's why me... Agent Genie will investigate the mystery and find the culprit"
Jack just sighed
- If you gonna talk to no one... Then I will just check the wheel.
Agent Genie started to investigate the area. She tried to find every clue that was gone. After the minute, she found the footprints of railer.
- A Ha! I have the first clue. - Genie activated the small scaner on her hand - Dolo, Pls analyze it
Dolo analyzed the clues
- The detected footprint located on the sand were done by the railer, however the trail ends here. It's possibly that the railer accidentally put the backpack on cargo.
Genie closed the computer and return to investigation. She walked to the Railer and asked the question.
- So, where did you left the backpack last time.
- Well... I accidentally put it on the blue chest, but It turned out that this was cargo. I didn't know that
- Hmmmmm... Don't worry. Agent Genie will found your missing backpack as fast as she can
- We have a problem Genie! - said Jack now - Some one damaged the Wheel - Now we would have a loss in wind energy and thank God we didn't turned it on, because It would be out of the control.
- What?!
- That's not all. Someone also stole the crystals from the cave.
- I saw the thief here...
- Hm... Can you tell me how he looked like?
- It was the green middle sized train who also like you too can transform into robot mode
Genie and Jack were surprised to hear that. The orange one left the Jack and the train named Kamari who was the one who took care of the railers.
"Now I have three mysteries in once. Looks like I had not deal with a thief but also a saboteur in once. This is gotta be interesting."
In the same time Duke finished the training and was ready to leave the Sector, when he saw a shine on the ground. He picked it up and saw a red gem.
- A gem... I never saw it before here.
He decided to keep it for a while. Duke didn't know that this was a stolen gem and the X twins drove there before. Now he transformed into train mode and was ready to move when he saw Genie coming on his way. He wonder why was she stressful and seemed to driving into his cargo making him worried about her.
"I haven't found any traces yet.  I'm at the starting point for now, but I'm still not giving up. This railer count on me and I can't disappoint him. I need to find the thief and saboteur of the ferris wheel as soon as possible."
Her narriation made her so confused that she hasn't saw Duke's cargo
"Watch out..."
This snapped her out of the thinking when she was very closed to cargo and she tried to slowed down only to transformed into mode falling down before she could crush into black's train cargo.
"Ughhh" - she had flashes when she saw Duke looking at her to check of she's okay.
- Genie... You okay? - Duke asked
Genie started to feel better and stand up
- I'm fine... How did your cargo appeared out of nowhere on my way?
- I was leaving - he said - When you appeared and almost crushed into it.
- I have more important thoughts right now than this - she said - I was on my mission to investigate something.
- Like investigating my Ato.
Genie was angry when Duke said this to her
- Why you...
However she noticed something shiny in the cargo
- What's in the cargo?
- Crystal - he said bluntly to her
- May I see it?
- No...
The orange one started to become suspicious towards him
- Show me the crystal Duke!
He didn't answered the question and just stared at her.
- I need to make sure that It was one of those crystals that got stolen in the morning
- There was a art thief in Wind Land?
- Yes, I need to make sure if this isn't the stolen crystal.
- Can you explain what happened?
She ignored the question.
- There was a theft in the Wind Land, that's all - Just show me the crystal or you will be suspect of the theft.
Duke started to feel irritated with Genie judgemental behaviour. He walked to his cargo and showed her the crystal. It really was the crystal from the cave that got stolen.
- That's the crystal, that got stolen in the morning. - Genie was speechless and wanted the answers - Tell me more!
- I found it on the rails when I was ready to left Sector J- he said the honest truth
- Yeah... Then have you saw the thief?
The black one sighed from annoyence.
- No I haven't
Genie started to thinking this
"I found the crystal. It is the one that I use to create the fire energy balls. So this means that Duke was a thief and sabotaged the wheel"
- So you are the one who destroyed the windmill and stole the crystals!
The black one didn't know to say, but he can't believed what Genie just said.
- I didn't stole any crystals from the Windmill... I fact I didn't know there were any crystals - said Duke
- Then how do you explain the broken windmill? - said Genie - You were the only robot train besides us there!
- I was driving one of the railers to you and then I quickly left you. - Duke just casually left her
"Ugh... You" Genie was angry the way he said that to her. No one can outsmart Genius Genie, but this train bought her in counterarguments.
She transformed into the train mode and decided to call Jack.
- Jack, I have a good news
- Hm, Did you found the Railer missing backpack?
- No, but I found the sabotaur.
- Who is it?!
- It's Duke!
The brown one couldn't believe in it, laughed in the communicator.
- Duke? - said Genie - You are so funny Genie.
- Jack!!
- The sabotage happened after he left us. How can be so sure that he was there? - said Jack seriously
- I found the the stolen crystal on his cargo- said Genie - Maybe he had accomplise to help. You know, my detective nose tells me that something is wrong here.
Jack sighed
- Sorry Genie I have to help Alf and Selly in the fixing the wheel. She had been called me a few times in the row. Bye
Genie wanted to ask him, but Jack hang out. She decided to chase Duke.
- Stop right now Duke! You won't get anyway that easily!
He didn't stopped when she was calling it. All he wanted now to be alone. The orange train didn't gave up and something she had an idea.
"Uhhhhh... She really is that close minded... "
Suddenly Kay and Selly appeared out of nowhere
"Kay? Selly? What are you two doing here?
The two looked at him very disappointed. Duke didn't recognized that It was Genie who uses her illusions. Suddenly they started to walk towards him
- H... Hey! Why are walking towards me - the black one didn't wanted to attack them remembering that he hurted them when he was infected and almost killed them
Selly touched him and at that moment Duke realized that It was illusion.
- What?! This is illusions
- Correct! - Genie appeared with her units with a smirk of it - You think that you could escaped me Duke, don't you
The black train was really pissed. She played his emotions and he now wanted to attack to her. He walked to her angrily. It looked like they wanted to fight
- You... - Duke spoked more bluntly to her
It looked like the fight was gonna start. Luckily to Genie, she got a call.
- Hey Genie, what's going on?
- Hey...
- You are in problem - he said - Let me handle this
He switched to contact Duke
- Duke don't you dare, attack her
He hesitated when he said Duke
- She played my emotions... By using holographs of Kay and Selly.
- I agree... That was cruel, but attacking her won't make it better
Both Duke and Genie sighed while staring at each other
- Please don't fight... And apologize to Duke for using the illusions.
Genie looked at Duke
- I'm sorry for using the illusions on you, but I had no choice to stop you.
Duke looked at her,
- Never ever do that again...
He didn't wanted to hear any more of her nonsense and both wanted to leave, however Jack stopped both in call.
- Wait, maybe you could work together as detectives to find the Railer's backpack, thief and sabotaur.
The orange was angry when he said. The black one just muffed and sighed angrily.
- Are you crazy Jack? Why would I work with... Him?
Duke thought kinda similar with that. Jack sighed that those two acted very childish in the call
- Look... Listen closely. - he said - Duke, you could clean your name of the accusations of theft and sabotage and Genie, you could finally solve the mystery. You two are very intelligent and together you can solve the mystery. I had to return to my job, and continue with repairs. Just please don't fight again.
He hang out and return to their job.
Some minutes later the two drove together and even they had to work together, neither of them don't talk to each other.
"I'm continuing my investigation to find the backpack, with my new detective partner who very blunt and rough thief. Who does he think he is? I would prefer working alone... But this middle sized green robot train... Who is he?"
Duke was confused to who is she saying that to.
"Um... Who are you talking to?!"
- Nothing - she said to him - Let's go and meet Kamari.
They drove to the Wind Land and meet her there.
- Kamari, tell us about the thief and how many crystals
- I saw, the middle sized green robot train near the cave. - The Train explained He also have front tooth and red eyes.
When they heard it, Duke angry murmured it. He remembered that when he was infected, he had red eyes. He also thought that this train is infected. Genie open Dolo to save the info about Dos which audience knew who he is.
- Thanks Kamari. Do you know how many crystals did stolen
- I think at least 15 gems got stolen
- Okay thanks for telling us. Do you know who also could tell us about the backpack?
- I think you could ask Oliver. He could know more.
- We will ask them. Thanks Kamari
- Wait... - Duke interrupted Genie - What was the behaviour of that train? Was he aggressive, brutal, violent?
Kamari was surprised by that question, Genie was also too.
- No... He seemed to be not smart and dangerous at all.
- Okay, that's for questions Kamari
They left her, Genie was angry. He asked out of nowhere
- What was that Duke? Why did you ask her that question? - Genie asked him but Duke ignored these questions.
"Kamari gave us some info about the question, but what was that of Duke. What kind of questions were that? Nevermind... Maybe Oliver could give them more info"
After a while they found Oliver and they started to interrogate him like a good and bad cop
- Well... There was also a light blue cargo which the backpack was on it
- Tell me more Oliver... Tell me more
- Genie... Calm down
She stared him at response
- Don't interrupt me, Mr "I asked questions out of nowhere"
Duke sighed it and Oliver finished what he said
- This might be my speculation, but I think they were driving towards the outskirts
- I believe that's true- said Genie - I think that...
- No, that's wrong - said Duke out of nowhere which surprised her
Genie was angry, that again he interrupted her again.
- What you say maybe truth, but I believe they are on the way towards their hideout.
In the same time Mos and Dos were driving towards the X's base.
- Hey Mos, there is something hanging on your cargo
Mos stopped and transformed to check on his cargo
- That's the backpack which those ugly creatures in Sector J wear. We need to get it away so those pesky Railwatchers won't chase us.
Mos took the backpack off his cargo and hide it im the one of the bushes.
- Great, now let's get out of here.
They continued their way towards Train's X base.
As for the Genie and Duke, they left the Sector J and Fountain City.
"Looks like we have a two thieves and sabotaurs to catch. But does that mean I was wrong about Duke being a culprit... No, Genius Genie never admits her mistakes."
Suddenly he stopped which forced orange one to stopped immediately.
- What was that again Duke? Why did you stopped, again?! 
Genie was more angry than before. She almost crushed into him. Duke in the meanwhile transform into robot more and walked towarss something that was in the one lonely bush and finds the backpack.
- They drove this way. They possibly drove towards the north. - said Genie who carefully picked up the two crystals which were blue and yellow
He walked towards her with a backpack
- Is this what you looked for? - he asked holding the bag with a propeller.
Genie was speechless. Looked like Duke was a better detective then her
- You found the backpack - she said - That means you ain't the culprit and I... Was wrong and I'm sorry for it.
Duke didn't showed it on his face but was glad that she admitted her own mistakes and apologize.
- Let's go...
- Wait... I will show you a short cut so we could catched up to them.
The black one nodes his head and the two drove the head. During the way Genie explained her plan to him.
Mos and Dos drove in meanwhile driving where they heard something. Both got scared and they were ready to fight. When they transformed and saw the Railwatchers. Seeing Dos summoned his unit blasters and Mos summoned his bombs.
Little did they know that these were illusions created by real Genie. In the same time when they attacked them and realizing they were illusions.
- Wait... They are illusions - said Mos before this happens
"Delta Board", that's what the duo thought before the skateboard hit them and they fell down. When they turned out they saw Duke and Genie standing over them. The first one hold a blaster towards them especially towards Dos.
- Well, Well, Well... Aren't you the two saboteurs of the whirl and thieves of the gems - said Genie with a smirk
- Who... Who are you? - Mos asked
Suddenly Duke and Genie do something unexpectedly
- I'm the genius who caught you in sight
- And I am the one who destroys evil in night
- The agents, Genie and Duke investigators of the speed of light.
- Surrender now or prepare to fight
- That's right!
Mos and Dos looked confused about them and wanted to fight.
- Now hand over the gems politely!
- Of If we won't? - said Mos
Duke walked towards them. Dos felt nervous and start shakes from fear. He looked like very serious and wasn't the person to make him on his bad side.
- Then you will regret everything to live for. - he sound right now to kill and now he looked at Dos - Especially you, you virus' puppet.
- Stop it Duke - said Genie stopping him and the twins were scared right now - We can't kill them... But they will face consequences of their action.
They were glad that they were spared from death, but they don't wanted to spare them. Suddenly Mos smiled, because he wanted to tricked these two.
- Okay, we will return the gems to you - said Mos
- Just please don't kill us - said Dos
- We won't kill you - said Genie - But show us the gems
All walked towards Dos's cargo, but once he opened it and our detectives were ready to took them when suddenly he attacked Genie out of surprised. That surprised Duke and wanted to attack the green one, but then he got attacked by Mos who used a bombs on him. However the black one was more experienced warrior than Genie. He took off the bombs and fought Mos who threw bombs at him. Duke avoided them and punched the blue one. He wanted to fight the black train, but Dos called him, they had to left. He wanted to chase them, however he decided to check on orange one because she also got attacked.
- What a bastards...
- More important think is that we know about them... And you are alright
- I'm fine. - said Genie - Let's return the backpack to the railer
The two returned to the Sector J and gave back the railer his missing backpack. It was already afternoon and the wheel was repaired. Both of them transformed into robot and walked to Jack.
- Oh hey! You're  finally here! - said brown one - Did you find the gems?
- No sadly - Genie felt angry at herself - The thieves escaped us, but we gathered few gems back
Both walked to their cargos and gave him six gems back
- Well... That's better than none - Jack sighed - How about the backpack?
Now Genie started to act proud
- Well, glad you asked. I, the Agent Genie do all investigation - Said Genie full of proudness
Duke wanted to leave them alone, but then she said something surprisingly to him
- But in truth, It was Duke who found the backpack and was a better detective... Than me. I have to admitted this, that he is great detective than me.
This surprised both him and Jack who now was impressed with it.
- Woah... Genie, this is the first time that you admitted that you aren't the best.
Genie was nervous.
- He he... You're right. I had to respecting him for that.
- Anyways, I wanna train  rookies.
- Sure - said Genie - Wanna see it?
Duke allegedly didn't wanted to it, but seeing Genie, a very proud scientist who hardly admitted that she isn't the best, admitted that she isn't the best detective and give him the credit, he decided to give it a chance and the railer who he helped in the morning. We cut to Mos and Dos who arrived to Train X's base. He wasn't very happy, but also not angry.
- You idiots... - he said - You two got exposed in the Wind Land by its inhabitants
Mos and Dos were nervous
- Well, Master... We tried to avoid but Dos
- I'm sorry, Master - said Dos - But we have something to you
Train X was interested what he said.
- Hmmmm. Show me.
Dos runend to his cargo and brought the gems. Train X evily smilled and hold the two like a proud father
- Bravo, you two - he said - I can used this in my main experiment which I've been working on.
- We also encountered Genie sir, one of the Railwatchers, but also a black train named Duke. He also was very strong.
- But he also was scary - said Dos interrupting him - He threaten us especially me to kill him
Train X sighed
- Yet he can't do it because his friends would turn on him which is his weakness - I will handle it, and you two continue to spy on them
Meanwhile Genie return to the Tower and started to search more info about Mos and Dos when someone was using the elevator.
- Sorry Maxie, I can't play with you. I'm busy now.
However this wasn't the white one, but It was Duke
- Duke, what are you doing here? - she was surprised it
- I wanted to talk
- Ummmm to be honest, I wanted too. - she said - Dolo sent the info to my base when you find it
- Okay Genie - Said Dolo
The orange scientist stand up
- I know the place - she said and the two go to the elevator. The elevator drove to the top and both left this place. Genie walked towards the barrier
- Whenever I feel disappointed in myself or don't have any ideas, I usually go here where my mind can relax
Duke joined her. Genie took a breath.
- The view is beautiful
- Indeed
They spent the time in silence.
- Hey, I wanna apologize for my accusations of you being a thief and sabotaur
- Hmmmm
The orange one really started to feel stupid of morning accusations towards the black one
- I thought that you were a thief, because of the elemental gem. We have never saw someone stolen a gems from cave for a selfish reasons. I should've been more smarter than that.
Duke remembered how trains especially Alf and Janne judged him after being cured. He understood everything from her and other perspective because of his past crimes.
Now the stars shined so brightly. Genie smiled at them.
- When I was younger, I always wanted everyone to have a good life and I tried to make some experiment, but they were out of control. Gary saw the potential in me and take me under his wing where I also met my friends, but even then I still couldn't improve very much. I decided to work hard to improve much and one day I finally succeeded in it. I hard worked myself to a good scientist to perfection. That's the reason I'm bossy and very proud person. I have to make sure others do their works because girls tend to be lazy especially Sharon.
Duke was silent, but he now saw a side of Genie that isn't proud and egoistical.
- Did you told this to others?
- It's hard to express myself with other Railwatchers. Maxie and Sharon are too immature, Jack isolated himself from us and bootle his emotions and I don't think Jose would understood me despite him being understable one.
- I also hardly talked to my friends. Despite being friends with other robot trains, the closest people I can trust are Kay and Selly.
- Sometimes you can express better to stranger with hard topics than to your friends
Duke was confused what she meant
- What do you mean?
- Maybe because the stranger could understood your problem from different perspective than the closet people I trust.
Even if he would disagreed with her about this, the black one decided to keep the suggestion about this.
- You're tired - he said
Genie brushed it off like it was nothing.
- Well, I still have some to work to do.
- You shouldn't overwork yourself and you need to to sleep.
- Don't worry, I will. - she said - I hope we could try do more detective stuff in future
Duke nodes and realizing something.
- I had to return to Train World.
- You can use the elevator
Unexpectedly to her, he showed her a gesture that and do a backflip  "Wait... Noooooo!!!" Genie was worried and looked around if Duke didn't died from jumping. Suddenly he showed up riding on the Delta Board toward the cave. She was angry, that Duke decided to troll her, but after some moments later she sighed down and smiled from the relief that he was okay. The episode ends with her getting a notification from Dolo about Mos and Dos and info about fact that they aren't any known citizens from Railworld which makes Genie speechless.

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