Episode 5: The amazing power of Maxie

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We began this episode with Maxie waking up in her base happily. Her base was very girly with white and pink on it.

- Time to wake up Maxie - said a base

Maxie woke up very happily

- Hi, - said white train who was energetic suddenly - Maxie will have a great day!

- What's with the energetic attitude? - her platform asked

- Maxie had an amazing plans to spent with her friends. Like playing with Becky, listening to Gary story and do some joking with Duck. Maybe even racing with Kay.

The last words she said with infuation towards the blue one.

- Will you open the gate? - she asked

- Passage granted.

We then see the process of Maxie leaving her base and driving through Sector M. Her base is pink and white on the outside and It is looking  like a small doll house. On the inside there was a main platform and another platform which functioned as her caretaker and monitor her condition. There were plushies and dolls inside. The cargo clinged to her and she drove towards the exit. She drove past the one garden base with unique flowers in this world and also greeted everyone else during the ride. Maxie drove to the Fountain City where she saw Duck.

- Duck!

- Oh hey Maxie.

- Let's do some fun jokes with Maxie

- Sorry Maxie, but today me and Alf promised to have a trip together. Maybe next time, we could do some jokes together.

He left her and Maxie was disappointed. That doesn't stop her if he couldn't have any fun with others.

She decided to drove to Sector J where she wanted to help Jack patrol.

- Maxie, that's nice of you, but this time I prefer patroling alone.

This upset Maxie, but she decided to ask others. Unfortunately to her most of people refused to play with her because they were busy. The white one had two more people to ask. She saw Kay and Sharon talking to each other in the outskirts.

- Sharon!! Kay!!

- Hi Maxie! - said the blue one

- Hey! - The yellow one waved to her

- Kay, wanna race with Maxie? - the white train was desperate to play with someone.
Kay was nervous, but had to be honest with her.

- Sorry Maxie. Selly and Genie are finishing the new simulation and I promised them to test it.

- Sharon?

- I had to deliver some packages to others. I just wanted to ask Kay how is the progress of the simulation.

She transformed into train mode and left these two and Kay also returned to Train World.
Feeling disappointed and sad she transformed and drove to the tower. She used elevator to drove on the first floor. She left it once it reached the first floor.

- Maxie, what's with the sad face? - Gary asked -  It's a nice day today.

- Not for Maxie. No one wants play with Maxie or her nelp. Maxie feels useless in Railwatchers.

- Useless? - asked Gary - I believe they want to spent some time with you, but need to work or right now also with each other.

- I'm not fast as Sharon, strong as Jack, smart as Genie or calculating as Jose, Gary. What Maxie can do?

Gary smiled at her.

- Maxie, everyone has their respective places in the teams including you. You do more in the team than you imagine like you understood the most the railers and their thinking and you also took care for them. Everyone has a special place in the team.

He gave her a ballon with Kay on it which makes her feel better.

On the screen appeared Kay doing some cool action. Maxie was so happy to see him, since at some time right now she adored Kay the most and looked at him. However she noticed that he also trains too since he also wasn't the perfect train and had to train to become who is he now.

- Nobody is perfect Maxie. - he said - We all have flaws and special place. You have a special place in the team.

Maxie was relieved to hear that when both got interrupted by Genie who walked to the panel.

- Sorry guys to disturb you, but I have to work today- she said sitting on her place quickly

- Calm down Genie - said Gary politely - Doing something in hurry won't work. I was ready for a chess match with Dolo.

Gary left the girls to his room and Maxie left soon a few minutes after him. We cut to Sector G where the white train go to at least play with the kids.

This sector was the hottest sector in the whole Railworld. A orange and yellow agriculture sector where the crops  were growing. There were a sunflowers which generates sun energy. The white robot train drove to the kids and gladly she play with some of them. At the same time the post office in the world Sharon was delivering the packages for the other trains. She delivered almost all packages and there was a one packages left.

- Okay, that's one more left - she said

- I got this package in the morning - said a postman train - But I have no idea where to deliver

- I got one - said yellow one - It says that the delivery is on the... Sunflower field. Okay, delivery is delivery.

Sharon put the package in the cargo and drove to the field and left the post office.
No one saw Mos and Dos who watched the and laugh at it. It was them who switched the destination address causing her to get lost in the sunflower field and weakened her up.

- Heheheh, she didn't know what's coming for her - said Mos who thought that this was a prank.
Sharon drove to the destination and transformed into a robot mode

- Cargo S!

On her words, the units appeared and once she equipped herself, she took the package. She activated the booster and she rushed so fast towards the field. She drove towards the destination. Some minutes later she reached the place, but It was empty and no one joined her.

- What?! Is that kind of joke! It's not funny.

Suddenly she got attacked from the back unexpectedly to her for the dodge and fall into the ground.

- Good job Dos - said Mos

- Shouldn't we don't attack her - said Dos

- Don't be too sensitive. Master said that they are our enemy.

They left her laughing and run away towards Train's X base. 

- Hey!! Come back, you idiot pranksters!

However they were too away from her and the kick was too strong.

In the base Genie was continuing monitoring Kay with Selly where suddenly the emergency alarm start to rang.

- Code Red!!! Code Red!!! Someone is in danger!!! Emergency, someone is in danger!!

- Code Red?!!! Oh, No!!

- Genie, what is happening?!

- Someone is in danger. Kay, the training is over.

- What - said Kay in the training simulation

- It's Code Red! - said Genie - One of us in serious danger!

- What?! Okay! - he said seriously - We will continue next time.

- I need to contact everyone - said Genie seriously - Dolo, gimmie location and tell me who was it?

Dolo gaves her means and the scientist was shocked that It was Sharon of all trains.

At the same time Maxie was playing with kids where one of the local trains named Bonnie drove to Maxie on the Sunflower Square.

- Hey Maxie!

The white and pink train was so happy to see her, yet Bonnie noticed that something troubles me.

- Something bothers you sugar? U can tell mah, If you want.

Maxie explained everything to her and the two talked to each other about the troubles.

- Maxie, Ah can understood ur problems sweetie pie

- Really? - Maxie was surprised about it

- Ah used to have a problem with my cybernetics after Ah lost the 3 limbs and Ah felt useless to everyone, but with my friends by mah side I realized that Ah contribute smething to the group. You also do the same and you need to be stronger for myself and others. You can do this Maxie.

- Maxie feels better, Maxie understands this now. Thank you Bonnie.

- No problem Maxie.

Suddenly she saw saw something and out of curiosity run to it. During this she heard a call of Genie who was calling everyone.

- Maxie can you hear me... There is red alert. You are the closest one to her. Everyone is far away from her. You must get to Sharon.

- Red Alert? Sharon?! Maxie will get to Sharon as quick as Maxie can!

The white and pink robot train transformed and left Bonnie alone who smiled at her.

Soon she saw Sharon's cargo nearby the sunflower field

- Huh??! Sharon's cargo? - Maxie was confused and she runned into the sunflower field as fast as she can.

- I'm coming Sharon!!

During this she lost her balloon of Kay she holded as she came there with it.

- My balloon!! - she got worried but she knew that her friend is more important than a ballon.

By saying this, the engine of her started to cumulated energy and her eyes started to glow blue energy. Now she runned faster and very fasted reached Sharon and then it stopped when she reached her. She touched it and big burst of energy come in. Genie watched this shocked and saw on the monitor level of energy slowly rising from 5% to 10%, then 20% and slowly reaching up to 70%.

Looks like her engine started power up unconscious Sharon energy.

- Maxie?! How is that possible?! No one can giving their own energy to other trains without shutting down their engine. - Genie was proud of Maxie where Dolo informed about the energy of the engine rising up.

- 80% of energy... 90% of energy

After the while, she energized Sharon completely. She opened her eyes slowly and saw Maxie relieved.

- Maxie... - she smiled at her - You... Saved me.

Maxie was happy and then she realized that her ballon is missing

- Wait a second. - she said and dashed away to get her ballon back. After a minute she returned with it.

- I'm proud of you little sis... Or you aren't actually a little one - she said standin up with the white train's help - Let's return to the Tower!

In the same time Train X was watching this from his base

- What?! This little train has so powerful engine that can energize trains when her engine can cumulated energy by itself. She's just a child and she's very inexperienced in that!!!

Train X tried to calm down himself.

- I must get this engine no matter what. With this one it could contribute into my parts of my plan no matter one... I need to start my plan now! - he said while the monitor switched from her to Duke. He was looking at the black train who was driving towards the Tower with others.

Meanwhile Sharon and Maxie reached the base where everyone was waiting for them when they entered the upstairs. Everyone was waiting for them.

- Sharon! You okay?! - Jose asked

- I'm fine - she said - All thanks to Maxie.

- You got saved by Maxie? - Kay asked speechless

- Yeah!! - Sharon said - You need to admit loudly that you are proud of Maxie. Now!

Kay was kinda reluctant, but he take a breath and said this

- Congratulations Maxie! I'm impressed! Keep it up!

He gave her a thumbs up and Maxie jumped out of happiness.

- Sorry to interrupt this proud talk, but we need to talk about Maxie's power - said Genie

- Oh yeah - said Alf

- This power is strong for sure and Maxie proved herself that she is. - said Gary

- Yeah and we will now let Maxie participate in the missions. - said Sharon

However Jack looked bothered about this.

- I'm not sure - he said

- What is it Jack? - Victor asked

- I cannot deny Maxie's bravery, however her engine is way too strong even for her.

- What it could do? - asked Duck worried

- Such powerful power can be dangerous in the wrong hands - said Jack seriously - We don't know anything about how strong Maxie is.

- Right! - said Selly - I need to check on Maxie. Becky, scanning beam!

- Becky!

Becky scanned Maxie which the white one kinda feel like it tickles her.

- That kinda Maxie tickles

- Maxie stay still - said Alf

- Woah, her engine... is really powerful - said Selly not joking.

- Does that mean that she is as strong as Kay? - Jeffrey asked

- No, she can't be strong than Kay because Maxie cannot match Kay's Alpha power. However she is as strong as Duke or Sharon if not stronger than these two.

Everyone was in shocked. Genie then broke the silence after few minutes.

- Maxie also can energizing train and restore her - said Genie

- Is it possible? Are there actually any trains who can do this? - Jack asked

- Well - said Alf - Duke also can do it as well

- Wait... Amigo are you serious? - asked Jose

- Alf isn't joking - Duke spoke finally - I can indeed do this.

- Oh my... - Railwatchers looked for each other shocked

- However I received this, after absorbing Alpha Train power. - the black train finished talking

- And you almost were shut down due to it's power - added Alf who remembered it all clear back in Area V and Duke just sighed in response remembering this

The Railwatchers were in shocked. The silence was broken again, but this time by Sharon herself.

- I know what we can do to avoid it! We need Maxie to train her power so she could use it about more safety.

- Yes - said Selly - Maxie needs a serious training which helps understood her power. Without it, she couldn't control her powers and they would went out of control

- Right and I know who could get this task - said Sharon and then she looked at Kay and Duke!

- Kay!! Duke!!! You guys will teach Maxie!!

Both trains were in shock when she said this. Kay didn't know what to say and Duke preferred to train alone if necessary, not to be a young kid leader.

- Why us? - The blue one asked - Couldn't you teach her?

She rolled out her eyes of annoyance.

- I already taught her everything - she said - Maxie looked up to you Kay and you are the fastest train alive where you could control her speed. While Duke can control her healing and strength since you are the only one besides her who can do it. I hope you can take that risk.

They were reluctant and skeptical at first. This was a huge risk for them since they weren't never a teachers before and they don't have any experience before it.

- Sharon, may I and Duke talk about this in silence?

She agreed and they left the tower. They started talk to each other, but after a while the silent discussion they had with each other despite not wanting too at first, they decided to give it a try.

- We accept - said Kay

- Great - said Sharon looking - Maxie tomorrow, you started training with them

- Ok

- Now we can end the meeting.

- Wait I have something important to tell you - said Genie stopping almost everyone

They stopped and turned to her

- Dolo! May you show it please? - she said this with sass

Dolo showed a photo of Mos and Dos.

- I recognized them now!! - said Sharon angry - Those two were the ones that tricked me and attacked me

Everyone besides Genie and Duke were surprised to heard this.

- Indeed and you ain't the only one. 
- May you explain? - Victor asked her

Genie smiled

- Dolo...

- The robot trains known as Mos and Dos are a local thieves who are possibly related to each despite not looking like brothers. They love causing chaos in Railworld, but they doesn't seem as big threat. However they aren't registered as citizens in Railworld before and It's unknown where did they came from

- Thank you Dolo - said Genie and now she continue the talk - Me and Duke also met them when we investigated a backpack one. They also stole a gems from the caves in Wind Land...

- One of them had a red eyes - said Duke interrupting her

This surprised Selly which realized that maybe there is a virus in the Railworld.

- Duke, did he acted aggressive and violent?

- Uh... No - said Genie confused by this statement - What's with this ask?

- This was question for Duke, Genie - said Selly trying to not be rude

- No, she is right Selly. - he said - He wasn't angry and more like... stupid.

- Anyways... - said Sharon - Everyone needs to aware of those two. We do not know them but we need to be prepared if they are enemies. That's all!

"I will get them in my bare hands if the gems will be use for evil" Jack thpugh this to himself not loudly

- Do not judge people immediately by the book if they are trustworthy or not.  - said Gary

- Okay, now we can go to sleep.

- One thing is for sure - said Genie

This episode ends with both Genie and Train X saying this "I won't let this power in the wrong hands/I must get this by power now"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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