Chapter 1

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"Baylee!" Henry shouted, waving his hand in front of my face. I had completely zoned out on the Losers. 

"Huh? What?" I asked closing my locker and snapping out of it. 

"What the fuck were you looking at?" Henry asked as he looked in the direction I was looking. 

"Oh, nothing" I lied.  I mean how could you not look at the Losers they were laughing and smiling and I knew we would ruin that in the next hour. I did feel bad for bullying them sometimes but if you didn't wanna be bullied then you had to be the bully, especially since our group practically ran the place. We lived in a little town, Derry Maine where everyone knew everyone, if you were new in town everyone would already know who you were before you even showed up to school. In Derry, everyone had a group but the two main groups were, The Losers Club, run by 4, 12-year-old boys, Bill Denbrough the stutterer or Stuttering Bill, Eddie Kaspbrak the Hypochondriac, Richie Trashmouth Tozier the kid who can't shut up for the life of him and wears glasses that make his eyes look huge, Stan Uris there is too much wrong with this kid to list. Then there's our gang. Bowers gang. We were all 15 - 16 and we were run by Henry Bowers the Psychopath then there was Belch Huggins the brupper, Victor Criss the brains, Patrick Hockstetter The sociopath, and Me Baylee Sullivan the only girl of the group. Now since I was the only girl in the group they all thought it was fun to flirt with me, Belch and Victor weren't too bad they did it as a joke but Henry and Patrick god they know how to piss me off.

"Bullshit what were you looking at?" Henry asked again. I rolled my eyes. 

"Why does it matter?" I asked as I leaned against my locker. Victor looked at me like I was stupid.

"Because if you were looking at The Losers with that look on your face we'd have some problems," He said. I chuckled at his comment. Victor always tried to act tougher than he was. Not that Victor wasn't tough but it was funny when he pushed it. 

"No Vicky I was zoned out thinking about what someone had said in French class," I lied. Victor gave me a look. He hated it when I called him Vicky. 

"Why did you even take French?" Patrick asked crossing his arms. 

"So I could talk shit about you guys in front of you" I chuckled. They all gave me a look. 

"yeah fuck you too," Patrick said. 

"I bet you would" Belch jumped in. I gave him a gross look. Ew. Patrick was my best friend. ew. Patrick gave him a death stare. The losers walked by and we all gave them a look and smiled. This was gonna be fun. 

It was the last day of school so everyone was throwing out their stuff in garbage cans. "Wanna have a little fun?" Henry asked. 

"Always" I smirked. The Losers were standing by one of the garbage cans out front. Henry and Belch went around the busses to get in front of them so they wouldn't see and Patrick and I stayed behind to get up behind them. 

"You know the Barrens aren't that bad, who doesn't love splashing around in shitty water?" Richie said before Henry pulled him to the ground by his backpack causing Richie to take Stanley down with him. Stanley's kippah fell off his head and Patrick squatted down and picked it up. 

"Nice frisbee flamer," Patrick said. I chuckled. 

"Give it back!" Stanley whined as he tried to reach for it but it was too late since Patrick then threw it into a bus window like a frisbee then got up and laughed. 

"Fucking losers" I laughed. Belch burped in Eddie's ear and Henry knocked Bill's shoulder before we began to walk away. 

"You sss-suck Bowers!" Bill shouted. We all turned around to face them. Wow. Bill talked back. That never happened. 

"Shut up Bill" Eddie whispered to him. I smiled at how they thought we wouldn't do anything. 

"You s-s-s-say something? B-B-B-Billy?" Henry asked mocking Bill's stutter. Henry got closer to Bill and we followed behind. "You got a free ride this year because of your little brother, rides over Denbrough," Henry said, getting in his face. "This summer's gonna be a hurt train for you and your fucking friends," Henry said then licked his hand and wiped it on Bill's face. We walked away laughing. Bill's little brother went missing a couple of months ago and they still haven't found him so everyone thinks he's dead. He probably is, to be honest. 

"I don't get why Baylee's even in the group," Stan said. I listened in. I needed to know what they were saying about me. 

"She's the sex appeal dude, I mean look at her she's probably only there so they can take turns getting in her pants," Richie said. Patrick turned around quickly and then walked over to them. Henry just rolled his eyes and got in the car. Shocker. Belch leaned against his car and gave me a heartfelt look. He felt bad. I walked over to Patrick to make sure he didn't kill anyone. 

"Watch it losers or I swear I'll make this summer much worse than it will be," Patrick said. I pulled him away and then pulled out of switchblade from my bad pocket. 

"Say that bullshit again and you lose a tongue," I said to Richie. They were scared. I smiled at them before we walked back to the car. 

"You don't deserve to be talked about like that" Patrick mumbled. He was pissed. I don't know why he was so mad, especially about something they said about me. 

"Patrick it's fine ok? I've been called worse" I said. He got even angrier. Maybe that wasn't the best thing to say.  We all got in the car. I guess Victor had waited in the car since he was in the back seat. Henry and Belch were in the front and Patrick and I were in the back with Vicky. We decided to drive around town with our heads out of the windows flipping people off and yelling at them. I stuck my head of out the sunroof since I was in the middle seat. 

"Baylee get the fuck back in the car!" Henry shouted as he looked back at me. I rolled my eyes and sat back down with Patrick making sure I don't fall. 

"Way to ruin the fun," I said. Henry rolled his eyes at me then turned around. 

"There's a kid down there," Belch said looking down an alleyway. Henry told him to go down there and then sat down on the edge of the car window. We sped down the alley and the kid fell down to the side.

"Stay the fuck outta my town!" He shouted at the kid as he threw his gum at him then we drove off. "We gotta find the newbie, show him who's boss," Henry said as he sat back down. The guys cheered and I smiled. I liked seeing them happy. After another hour it started to get dark so Belch started taking us home. 

"Whose house am I dropping you off at?" Belch asked as he looked at me through the mirror. 

"Mom's," I said. My parents were divorced since my father was an abusive drunk and beat the shit outta my mom until she finally divorced him. Now he beat me instead. Henry and I bonded over it I guess since both our fathers beat us. We joked about it as a coping mechanism. 

"You can just drop me off too," Patrick said. Patrick was my mom's neighbor which is what made us best friends.  

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