Chapter 13

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Baylee's POV

When I got to Bill's everyone was already there. 

"Sorry, I'm late I had to learn to walk again," I said. Richie gave me a weird look. 

"What? oh," He said when he realized. "Who was it with?" Richie asked. 

"I'm not telling," I said. Richie groaned then walked away. I chuckled then sat down on a box in their garage. There were maps of the Derry sewer systems taped to the wall with a projector over them. Mike had shut the garage door so it was dark. Stan was pinning blankets to the windows to make it darker and Riche and Eddie were setting up the projector. Ben gave Bill projector cards, and Eddie put one into the projector. I think it was a map of the old Derry sewer systems. Everyone sat down on boxes and such and Bill stood behind the projector. 

"Look, it's where G-Ge-Georgie disappeared," Bill said, pointing to this sewer drain on Jackson Street. 

 "There's the ironworks, and the black spot, everywhere it happens it's all connected by the sewers and they all meet up at-," Bill said

"The well house," Ben cut him off said. What the fuck. 

"It's in the house on Neibolt Street,"  Stan said. 

"You mean that creepy-ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Riche asked. I laughed. 

"That's probably where you'll be in a couple of years" I laughed. Richie hit my shoulder. 

"You're talking" He rolled his eyes. 

"I hate that place," Beverly said. Eddie started to panic and grabbed his inhaler and inhaled it once. "it always feels like it's watching me" She continued. I felt the same way. I had been scared of that stupid house since I was a kid. 

"That's where I saw It, That's where I saw the clown," Eddie said trying to catch his breath. 

"Th-that's where It lives," Bill said. Oh, fuck that. 

"I can't imagine anything wanting to live there," Stan said.

"Of course, he lives in that shit hole...It matches his personality" I smiled. Richie laughed. At least I can lighten the mood for one person. 

"It matches yours too," Richie said. 

"Oh, you little bitch" I said as I turned to face him. Eddie was panicking again and inhaled from his inhaler a couple of times. 

 "Can we stop talking about this?" Eddie asked as he got up and stood in front of us and the projector light was on him. "I-i-i-i can barely breathe, th-this s-summer we're kids, I c-can b-barely breathe, I'm up here having a fucking asthma attack!" Eddie said. We all just sat there looking at him. 

"Is this normal?" I whispered to Riche. 

"Yeah" He whispered back. I nodded and leaned back against a couple of different boxes behind me. 

"I'm not doing this!" Eddie shouted then ripped the sewer map off the wall. 

"What the hell? Put the map back" Bill said pointing to the wall.

"Mmm-mmm" Eddie hummed as he shook his head no. The projector then started to flip to pictures of Georgie. What the flying fuck. 

"What happened? What's going on?" Bill asked. 

"I got it, hold on," Mike said then tried to fix it. It showed this one picture of Bill's family. They all looked happy. They were dressed nicely and were standing in front of this nice-looking building. Then it started zooming in on Georgie's face getting faster each time then it started zooming in on their mom. It was like a stop-motion video because her bright red hair was moving. 

"Oh fuck this," I said getting up. The clown started to appear on the screen it was like Bill's mom had turned into It. 

"What the fuck!" Eddie shouted. "It's it!". The light flickered faster and faster and we all backed away from the screen. 

"What the fuck is that! What the fuck is that!" Riche screamed. I shouldn't have come here. I just wanted to be with the guys right now where I know I'd be safe. 

 "I don't fucking know!" Eddie screamed back. 

"Turn it off, turn it off!" Beverly shouted. Bill just stood there. 

"Turn it off!" I shouted then Mike kicked the projector down onto the ground. The projector was still working. How was it still working? The clown was frozen on the screen then It started zooming in on his face, with each click of the projector, the room would go dark. On the last click, the clown disappeared and it was silent. The only noise to be heard was the sound of Eddie's heavy breathing. And then the worst thing possible could have happened. It came out of the screen only 5x bigger than normal. It was smiling with huge pointy teeth and its yellow eyes were bulging out of their sockets. It giggled and smiled at Stanley who was standing right next to it. I stood there in terror. 

"Run Stanley!" Riche yelled. The projector still clicked on and off making the room go black every second. We all ran to the sides as It crawled across the floor. I could barely breathe. The guy's yelling became muffled once It looked me dead in the eyes as we were face to face. I couldn't breathe. I was terrified. Tears started falling down my face as It reached out its hand. I just blocked my face. They had opened the garage door because when I opened my eyes again it was gone. I quickly wiped my tears and put myself together. I couldn't act like I was scared. I needed to be who I always was. Baylee Sullivan, part of the Bowers Gang. 

 "It saw us, It saw us and it knows where we are," Eddie said. 

"It always did, s-so let's go," Bill said. 

"Go where?" Ben asked. 

"Neibolt, that's where Georgie is," Bill said. 

"After that?" Stan asked. 

"Did you not just witness what happened?" I asked. 

"Yeah it's summer, we should be outside,"  Riche said. 

"If you say it's summer one more f-f-fucking time..." Bill trailed off then got on his bike and left. We all looked at each other. 

"Is that motherfucker on drugs?" I asked. They all got on their bikes and left, following Bill. I ran behind. I should have gone home. I should have gone to Patrick's or Henry's somewhere I would be safe and happy. Anywhere but where I was about to. 

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