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What's good?

Let's make this quick and easy.

I want to thank you guys so much for giving this book a chance. So here's the thing:

I'm a Christian.

An Apostolic Pentecostal Christian, to be exact.

This book is a Christian book, so that means there will be no cursing.

This also means that there will be no smut.

Again, no smut.

Now, I understand about 90% of y'all just exited out of this story, and that's understood lol

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Now, I understand about 90% of y'all just exited out of this story, and that's understood lol. It's Wattpad. However, my goal is to make this book enjoyable for anybody who decides to read it.

Another goal I have is to tackle problems that I feel lots of Christians don't necessarily like to talk about. So this story will be dealing with divorce, addiction, depression, abuse, suicide, struggles, etc.

I want to show others that we're not all perfect and struggle with things as well.

What's a Wattpad book without trauma, ya kno?

If there's a chapter that I feel may be sensitive to certain viewers, I will try my best to put a trigger warning in the beginning- that way all are aware.

Now, some of y'all may be coming over from my other book: Witness

If I'm being completely honest, I lost so much motivation and I want to edit/change the book a little. So yes, I do plan on finishing the book but in the meantime, I hope you guys enjoy this book while you wait for me to get my life together and stop procrastinating so much :)

Last, but not least- This is my book.

I don't want to have to put this whole entire 374738383 page essay about Copyright and explain to you how wack it would be for anyone to steal anything from my book and act like it's their own, so let's just do the right thing.

And if there's anyone out there who's already thinking about copying my book, I just want you to know that Christ is watching and I hope you scooter your ankle. Maybe step in a puddle with socks on, while you're at it.


If you have any questions, comments, concerns, prayer requests, or you just wanna talk- don't be afraid to message me! Ya girl doesn't really have anything interesting to do with her life anyways.

If you're already this far into the book, I just want you to know that you're da bomb.

Enjoy reading my book, mwah!

Enjoy reading my book, mwah!

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(Pronounced: Zuh-My-Ruh... for those who were wondering lol.)

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