Chapter 1: Won't Bite

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I was eight years old when I got my quirk, in the middle of the day. I had normal white hair up until the day that truly changed my life. I had been picked on before, by multiple classmates, even older kids in older classes. But today they had taken it too far.

I was sitting eating my lunch, by myself of course. No one wanted to sit next to a girl who liked the most unlikeable things. But I was fine sitting by myself, in fact I was too busy in ‘dreamworld’ as teachers liked to call it, to even notice I was alone.

A hand slammed down on the table. “Kiyomi!” A boy yelled. I looked up at him. He and his group were the worst of it, they constantly pulled on my clothes, drew over my paintings, stepped on bugs, or did anything to make me upset.

“Hello.” I greeted, “We have a gift for you!” One boy said. I nodded, oblivious to what was going on. Next thing I knew, a dead frog was thrown into my rice. I stared at it. “Ew!” I  heard, more kids from surrounding tables came over to watch. I stared at the frog, it was so small, easily had just left its froglet phase.

That's when I felt two people grab both my arms, they pulled me to the ground and held me down, a crowd had formed now. The boy who had the frog originally grabbed it out of my rice, “I think she's hungry!” He said, “Who wants to see the freak eat it!” he yelled, holding up the dead frog. I was betrayed as all of my peers shouted in excitement.

“Please stop.” I said, too quietly though as they tried to feed it to me. I wish I was louder, I moved my head around trying to avoid the dead amphibian. But they held me straight and before I knew it I had a dead frog in my mouth. The three boys got off of me and backed up, I immediately spit it out. I looked up to everyone talking behind their hands. The three boys were laughing and everything was getting louder.

Stop, no no no, stop, please stop! I hate you, I hate you I hate you I hate you! Die! Get out of my life! Just Die! Die! Die! Die!


Then screams. I looked up to see the boys that were attacking me, on the ground now being attacked by snakes. I just watched. Everyone else had left, scared. I stood up and the snakes stopped attacking them, they retracted to me, I had attacked those boys. They were bleeding out. They were dying. I killed them. A rough hand grabbed my upper arm. “What did you do?!” A teacher yelled at me before dragging me off. My hair now has a sort of flouting aura with a few snakes coming from the smoke like hair.

The rest of that day was a blur. In fact the following few years were. What I do know is that I killed them, all three of them. I had been detained by police and my parents faced some huge legal trouble. A judge had ordered me to go to a ‘Quirk Rehabilitation Center’ for a maximum of four years. They tried to help me. But while there, my quirk evolved, and I killed more doctors, guards, and other patients in a ramepage when I was ten.

I spent four years there and underwent four surgeries to hopefully reduce my quirk. But nothing ever worked, at least to limit my quirks power. I had one surgery that was basically a lobotomy that has caused me to lose sight of color, now I can only see in grayscale. Eventually time was up and I was mandated to return to my parents, but I still have weekly check ins.

Now it's been three years since then, my parents have moved across the country after I was released so I could hopefully have a fresh start. I'm in my last year of middle school. And I have no idea what to do after. I wish my parents understood that, they've been off, to say the least, ever since I was released. Theyer so soft and nice now. I hate it. I want to go back to where we wernt living a lie. Where we were a true happy family.

My mother likes to collect dolls, haunted dolls, she says she feels their auras. She also likes to paint, mainly what she feels, since that has a lot to do with her quirk. My dad says that when I was away she only painted sad and depressing pieces. My dad owns a large pawn shop, the biggest in the district I believe. Whenever they get a new doll he always tells mom and she checks it, haunted dolls can go for more.

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