Chapter 2: Coming Undone

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Walking into school the next day, everyone was talking about the huge villain attack. All Might came and he saved the day. Saving two hostages, two teen boys. But as much as I wanted to care about that, I was just happy that dad and Hiroshi were alright, as well as the others they had saved.

They were able to evacuate everyone from the back, the front was damaged but not as bad as some of the surrounding shops. It would be a bit to fix though. Business men came around to ask about damages and to figure out how much dad was owed for the damages.

I searched the lunch room, I had never been in here before, usually opting to eat lunch in the library. But I was looking for Midoriya. I finally spotted him. He was sitting alone eating his lunch. I quickly hurried to him, I sat across from him. "Oh, hi Himura." He started.

"Where did you go yesterday?" I asked quickly. "Oh! Um, I, Um, Well you see, um," He stuttered out. I sighed. "Your hair." He said, finally noticing it, after using my quirk yesterday, it hasn't exactly been the same. Now instead of floating around by itself, it had about 3 snakes showing at all times now.

After explaining this to him he started gushing. "It's like snake skin! Snakes shed their skin after growing, maybe your powers evolve after you overuse your quirk. There is also a Hydra from Greek mythology that once its head is chopped off the Hydra would regrow two heads." He talked.

"You're avoiding my question." I said. He let out a sigh, "I'm sorry. I grabbed onto All Might's leg after he saved us, I honestly forgot that you were there." He spoke honestly. I nodded, "I know what I want to be when I grow up." I admitted after a brief minute of silence. "I want to be a hero."

I looked up from my meal. He had a huge smile on his face. "That's awesome! What made you realize that?" He asked. "Yesterday, during that villain attack in the shopping area, my brother called me, he and my dad work in a shop close by. They had a bunch of shoppers and other vendors in the store. I wanted to be there. To help people, to comfort them because they were scared." I told him strongly. He gave a smile and a nod.

For the next ten months we strived for that. Working out, quirk training, and staying on top of school work. However it wasn't the easiest thing to do, especially for me. In order for me to even apply to UA Iwould have to talk to my therapist about it, who would then talk with my doctor, and after that would talk to a judge.

The judge would have to then talk with the three victims' families, and they would have to sign a wafer of some sort. I had to get all three signatures too, after that though it was pretty simple. The judge would call us into the court house, give the verdict, and then we would be on our way. Of course if I got past that point, UA would be notified about my past problem and then would choose to accept me or not.

The odds were slim to none to say the least, and I would probably end up working at the family business for the rest of my life.

"So, do you have any plans this weekend?" Midoriya asked. "Yes I have a court appearance on Sunday." I told him. Silence. "A court appearance? What happened?" He asked, concerned. "When I first got my quirk I hurt 3 boys by accident. I was then sent to a Quirk Rehabilitation Center, and if I ever want a job working with my quirk, I need a signed paper by all three victims' families, the judge, and my therapist." I told him. He stopped eating. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I told him. "No! No! Not at all! I just didn't realize that was what happened." He said.


I walked into the court house, I sat next to my dad, Hiroshi and mom were in the audience. Across from us were 3 lawyers, each one representing a victim. The lawyers were with their respective parents. In the audience on their side were the extended families of the victims. "All rise." We all stood, the judge came in. "You may be seated." We sat back down.

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