Chapter 2 - Welcome party. Part 2

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- It was great.

- Yes, nice.

- We will repeat it somehow, right?

- Yeah.

- So, what specialty are you on?

- Is there any difference?

Armin adjusted his shirt as he got dressed. Behind him, on the bed, lay a girl.

- Give me your phone.

- For what?

- I'll leave my number.

- Oh, okay.

Armin handed her his phone and she quickly added a contact.

- Call me?

- Maybe.

- Then I'll text you, tell me your number?

- Not worth it. I'll go, I promised my friends to give them a ride home. Maybe see you again. Bye, Kara.

- Lara...

- Yeah, Lara...

And he left the room.

Armin walked down the already familiar corridors of Historia's penthouse, already forgetting about the girl in that room. She was just one of many - not the first and far from the last. They're all the same, after all, that's all they need.

- Hmm, Armin, have you found a victim for today?

He stopped, exhaling noisily. He turned to look at his interlocutor.

- Ymir. What do you want?

- Nothing as long as you don't touch Historia.

- You know, Historia is my friend, why you always repeat the same thing?!

- Who knows you, Armin, who knows what goes on in the head of people like you.

- People like me?

- Those who think they can do anything.

- Oh, back off.

He turned and walked on, searching the crowd for Eren, Jean or Connie. It was in this composition that they planned to leave today.

- «And in the end, there will be someone who will put your brain back in place, Arlert!» Ymir called after him.

- «Fuck off, Ymir», Armin muttered under his breath.

Going downstairs, he saw crowds of already quite drunk students, none of them attracted his attention. Ymir ruined his whole mood, as only she could. It was her talent to pry into other people's business.

- Armin!

He turned and his best friend was walking towards him.

- Eren, I'm looking for you.

- And I'm looking for you. Thought you already left.

- I promised to give you all a ride.

- I thought that you... as usual, left with someone and...

- No, I was upstairs. Where are the rest?

- I saw them about an hour ago - they were already drunk, so...

- All right, as usual. Do you want to leave now?

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