It all starts with one - Part 1

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"Just how many times have I told you to stop buying random furniture Al Haitham?! WHY WON'T YOU EVER LISTEN TO ME?! ".

Kaveh and Al Haitham were fighting again because of some furniture Al Haitham bought. As someone who works with house designs, Kaveh was furious each time Al Haitham bought something that wasn't fitting the decor of the house but this time he had enough. "Just shut the fuck up Kaveh! I'm literally sick of hearing your voice everytime I do some you don't like. And don't forget in who's house you're staying!? Seriously can you just fuck off?!".

The room went silent. Kaveh was taken aback by the fact that Al Haitham snapped. The way Al Haitham said what he said made Kaveh shut up but also made him in the verge of tears for some reason. The blonde turned around and ran to his room. He slammed the door and locked it and sat on his bed ,silently starting to cry.

To be completely honest he didn't knew Al Haitham's words could hurt him so much. ' maybe I should just stop talking...that way he's not gonna get angry and hate me anymore...' . Kaveh knew this is not a wise idea but what will he not do for the person he's been in love with for months? Yes you heard it right, Love.

Ahh, Love, such a scary yet amazing and beautiful emotion, exept it can even kill you sometimes.

Thinking about all this stuff, kaveh suddenly felt as his lungs were closing and he couldn't breathe. He started coughing really hard and he could feel something coming out of his throat. He covered his mouth with his hands so that whatever it was gonna come out if his throat won't get on the floor.

After 2 minutes of hell his coughs finally stopped, he looked in his palms and saw a singular Padisarah petal. He was speechless. The man didn't know how to react so he did the most logical thing he could think of -- He hid the petal somewhere in his clothes and went to the akademiya library to do research.

When he got out of the room he saw that Al Haitham was reading his book, not even caring that Kaveh was in the room. Kaveh look at him and all he could feel was sadness.He decided to just go and don't waste any more time.

On his way to the Akademiya he bumped into the traveler and decided to ask him if he wants to join him to the library. He trusted the traveler with this little secret. Aether agreed since he didn't really had anything to do , so with that said , both males made their way to the Akademia.

At the Akademia~~

"Soo for what book should we look for? 'Cause this place is huuugeeee..." Paimon said. "I don't know , something about diseases?"The tall blonde man spoke. "Oh right, you have told me about your unusual sickness." the traveler said .

Kaveh took a deep breath and spoke- "Alright listen. Before I tell you, you have to promise that you won't tell anyone okay? -Aether nodded - Good. Okay so basically me and Al Haitham got into a fight again and he snapped which took me by surprise and I guess you could say it did hurt my feelings and so I went to my room and started crying but then my lungs strated closing? and I couldn't breathe and strated coughing really hard. When I finished coughing I saw this Padisarah petal in my hands which is weird because I don't have any Padisarah flowers anywhere...."

As Kaveh explained Aether was listening carefully. He came to the conclusion that searching in the library would be a waste if time since it's probably gonna take hours. So he suggested: " Look Kaveh, how about we go and try to find Nahida? it would be easier for both of us."

Kaveh gave it a thought and ended up agreeing since the traveler was indeed right, searching in the library would've taken hours.


After him and the traveler left the Akademiya Kaveh spoke again. " Soo where are we supposed to find Nahida?" he asked confused. "At the Sanctuary of Surasthana of course." said Paimon.

End of chapter.

Yes ik this is short af buttt I promise the next one is gonna me longer:((((

~Padisarah petals~ a Haikaveh hanahaki au story Where stories live. Discover now