the bloody half bloomed flower -pt 4

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"okay but seriously, please at least try and give him hints okay? I don't want to lose a friend because of some stupid disease!" Tighnari said frowning. "I'll try...."

Tighnari looked at Kaveh with concern and worry in his eyes "Please,be careful..I..j don't want to lose a friend.." Tighnari said frowning. Kaveh looked at his friend and smiled warmly then took his leave.

Meanwhile with Al Haitham:

Al Haitham went straight home after he coughed the half bloomed Sumeru rose and went to change his clothes since he got some blood on them.He took a shower then changed and sat on the couch reading.

Al Haitham was coughing from time to time while reading but it wasn't a coughing fit like the one he had in the city earlier today.

As he was reading he heard the door and looked to see Kaveh entering the house. He was pale and had dark eyebags under his eye and that made Al Haitham worried. "Uh Kaveh? Are you alright?" The gray haired man asked. "I'm fine... Now please leave me alone for a while..." Kaveh said as he went to his room before Al Haitham could say anything. 'I really fucked up this time..."

As Al Haitham said that he started coughing again,but this time bloody petals were coming out of his mouth and then finally,a half bloomed, bloody sumeru flower...

Al Haitham wiped his mouth of blood then looked at the bloody mess on the floor "fuck..." He murmured under his breath as he started cleaning up.

On the other side,Kaveh was laying in his bed while looking at the ceiling when he heard Al Haitham cough. Even tho he was worried he didn't dare go and look what was happening, instead he just continued to lay in his bed. As the blonde was laying on his bed motionless he eventually fell asleep.

When Kaveh woke up it was already night outside,he looked at the clock it it said 1:27 am.

"Oh..I guess I fell asleep" he said to himself quietly. He slowly exited his room, careful not to wake Al Haitham up, and went to the kitchen to get some water for his sore throat. But as he got to the living room he saw that the lights were still on,and then he noticed Al Haitham in the couch, reading.

"What are you doing up so late?" Asked Kaveh,with a tint of concern in his voice. "Oh..uh I just can't fall asleep that's why." Said the grey haired man with the same monotone tone. Al Haitham didn't want Kaveh to know the actual reason he was still up so he just lied instead. "But why are you up so late then?" Al Haitham questioned Kaveh. "I wanted to get a glass of water why else would I be up?" Kaveh said with a sarcastic tone.
"Oh really? I thought you'd be working on another project." The man sitting on the couch said.

"Listen I am not in the mood to argue with you right now so let me just go get some water." The blonde said as he headed to the kitchen grabbing a cup and pouring water in it.

Al Haitham didn't said anything and just let him be as he wasn't looking towards an argument either. After Kaveh drank the water he headed to his room and closed the door. He wasn't tried so he just sat on the bed, pulling out of his pocket the petals he coughed today and looked at them.

He sat there wondering how is it possible for someone to create this,to create flowers from their own body...He sat there and looked at the flowers for at least 15 minutes before pulling out from on his drawer a book about biology and diseases that he got from the House of Deana and stared reading.

He read and read but found nothing about hanahaki. When he looked at the clock it was almost 4 am so he decided to finally go to sleep.

In the morning

Kaveh woke up around 10 am because of the door slamming. He got up and went to the living room finding it empty. 'Huh..Al Haitham must've left..' He thought to himself as he headed to the kitchen to make himself some breakfast. That's when he saw a note on the table saying: "I'll be out for a while so the house is yours for a few days" . Kaveh read the note and sighed. "At least he told me that he's not gonna be home... maybe there's a chance's impossible.." Kaveh started talking to himself but soon realised that he started breathing heavily. He felt his lungs closing then started coughing.

He coughed for a good 6 minutes but then he looked at the petals on the floor his blood ran cold. There was blood. The petals were bloody..

The blonde started panicking a bit but composed himself rather quickly then began cleaning the mess. After he cleaned he made himself a fried egg and stared eating,but as he took his first bite and swallowed he felt a sharp pain in his throat. "Goddam.." he said to himself hearing that his voice got a bit rasppier. He got some water then continued to eat.

After he ate,he cleaned the after himself then went and took a shower. The shower was long and relaxing,he really needed that. After the shower he changed and decided to go out a bit.

As he was taking a stroll around Sumeru city he spotted Nillou. "Nilou! Hey!" He said as he approached her. "Oh! Hello there Kaveh! What brings you here?" He said with a sweet voice. "Oh nothing really,I was just taking a stroll!" "Sounds fun! Can I join?" "Why of course!" He said happily.

The two started walking around,Kaveh coughing for time to time, making the red haired woman worried. "Are you alright Kaveh? You've been coughing a lot this walk.."she said in a worried tone. "I'm alright! Just a little cold, that's it." Kaveh responded trying not to sound suspicious. "Alright...if you say so.."

Meanwhile with Al Haitham

Al Haitham decided to go to Aruu village for a few days since it was quite and no Kaveh. Nit that he hated him ,heck! He loved him,but because now he can at least concentrate on something other than him.

He arrived there and was greeted by Candace,who was talking with a villager. "Al Haitham? What are you doing here?" She asked confused. "I'm .. just gonna stay around for a few days if it's okay..?" He replied getting an affirmative nod from Candace.

The grey haired man proceeded to find a quite place where he can sit and read his book,but when he found it his peace was soon disturbed...


YESSSSS FINALLY 🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥

anyways if I made speling mistakes please tell me💋

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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~Padisarah petals~ a Haikaveh hanahaki au story Where stories live. Discover now