2- Don't Be Afraid.

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Naruto stood there staring at the mountains in the distance. His hands were in his pockets, and his mind was somewhere else. A part of him felt regretful for what he did to her; but deep down, he would do it again-the feeling of her skin, the way her lips moved against his...was something he would move mountains for.

For once in his life he didn't feel like a loser or unwanted. For once he felt limitless; like he could do anything, and with her, he could. One question buried itself deep in his mind, it ate away at him: What would become of them?

"Dobe." Sasuke's irritating voice came from behind him. His answer was silence. Kurama stirred in irritation; he wanted to tear Sasuke apart. That was one thing he wouldn't let Kurama do; as much as Sasuke got on his nerves, or made him feel inferior, he could never part with him. Somewhere along the silly fights and arguing, he had a soft spot for Sasuke...but maybe it wasn't his soft spot, maybe it was hers, something she planted inside him. "Dobe." Sasuke said again, louder this time.

"That's not my name." Naruto's voice said boldly. This came as a surprise, this wasn't him; this wasn't how he talked. He turned to Sasuke and smirked, in his newfound confidence. Sasuke's dark eyes narrowed at him for a moment and Naruto silently wondered if he knew that his lips touched her skin?

"So, that's what I call you." The smirk faded off Naruto's face and his eyes turned threatening.

"Whatever." He spat and harshly brushed past Sasuke, about to make his way inside, but Sasuke's voice stopped him.

"I can smell you on her..." Naruto's lips curved into a wicked smirk, but it wasn't him, it was the Kyuubi that lurked deep within. Kurama forced Naruto to face Sasuke with that same smirk, and stare him straight in the eyes.

"Good." He said simply.

"You better not had touched her." Sasuke said through gritted teeth, but then he let off a chuckle. "It was probably just a hug anyway, she would never let you touch her like that." Naruto's head tilted thoughtfully; if Sasuke would have seen how she begged him to touch her, how his name fell from her lips; he wouldn't be saying what he was now.

"Yes, I just gave her a very friendly hug." His voice was nonchalant and full of amusement. He could see it eating away at Sasuke and it fueled him, made him crave to see Sasuke squirm at thought of his fingers on her delicate skin. Naruto could see it in Sasuke's eyes that he was imagining all the things Naruto could have done to her-things that Sasuke himself hasn't accomplished.

"She isn't yours." Sasuke challenged, it wasn't a surprise; Sasuke was always stubborn and cocky; that mentality would be his downfall. Naruto scoffed at his self-assured behavior.

"And you think she is yours?"

"She has always been mine." Kurama's dark laugh rumbled out of Naruto's mouth. He didn't know what he found more hilarious, the fact that Sasuke thinks he could go up against a beast, or the fact that he doesn't know how dead wrong he was. "What's so funny?" Sasuke asked lowly, getting in Naruto's face. Their faces were so close, Naruto could feel the hatred in his breath; he knew it was hatred, because it was the same breath that he released from his mouth.

"She was never yours." Naruto said finally, ending the conversation and proceeded to walking off, but Sasuke grabbed his wrist and he turned back with a feral look in his eyes.

Sasuke saw the vicious look in Naruto's eyes and immediately let go. He watched Naruto's retreating form, stalking back into the house. This wasn't normal; he and Naruto argued all the time, but never to this extent...never did it get this serious. Questions frantically whispered through his head: what was that insidious aura behind Naruto's eyes, what had cause this, and the one questioned that whispered the loudest: will he ever get Naruto back?

Naruto opened the screen door, fuming; he could feel Kurama growling inside his soul. His nails wanting to tear everything in his path to shreds; his eyes burned with an animosity so deep, he felt anything he looked at would cower under his gaze. He threw the bedroom door open, and slammed it close, trying to calm himself.

"Kurama what the hell?" He whisper shouted. A pain shot through him, causing him to double over; eventually sending him to the ground.

"How Dare that pathetic, puny human touch me!" Kurama shouted in Naruto's mind. Naruto grabbed his head in pain, he couldn't hear his own thoughts; Kurama's voice was the loudest thing.

"Calm down." Naruto told him, trying to calm the beast that lived within him. The whole ordeal was sending him spiraling further away from reality, he could barely touch it because it was barely in his reach.

"Insolent fool! The next time his fingers even touch me, it'll be when I am strangling him and his fingers are clawing mine, struggling to breathe." Kurama threatened. However, Naruto knew the Kyuubi never made empty threats-it was at best, a promise.

"Naruto...?" Her silk like voice called out to him in the darkness, while he laid there curled in a fetal position, grabbing at his blonde spikes. "Naruto, are you okay?" She called out again; and he came to; his face holding a scowl, his nails and teeth still sharp. Her scared gasp shot him like a kunai to the heart, and the fear that danced in her eyes drove that kunai in deeper. She scooted back from him, when he reached for her; the kunai twisted inside his chest.

"Don't, be afraid!" Naruto said quickly staring at her backed away from. "I would never hurt you...I promise." But could he keep it? He slowly got up, walked over to her, and held out a hand, noticing his hands were back to normal and Kurama's voice was no longer howling through his mind. She looked up into his eyes, before taking his hand and letting him help her up.

He could still see the uncertainty in her eyes and the restraint through her touch. They continued to stare into each other's soul; her full of beauty and gentleness-his feral and consumed by hatred; but there was more to him than that. He had another side to him, the one where he was always kind, happy and naïve.

"Naru-" She started but he seized her with his lips and kissed her like he needed her and touched her like he craved her. The greatest part about it was, it was him; no Kurama guiding his actions. Her curls tickled his fingers when he ran his hands through them; and he wanted that feeling to last forever.

When he pulled back slowly, still leaving her lips wanting more, and leaving his tingling from the passion; he looked at her eyes with his blue ones.

"Don't be afraid..." He whispered, but it wasn't demanded. It was more like pleading her-begging her to never recoil in fear from him. His whisper touched her lips and wavered through the air. Again, he kissed her lips, and all the unspoken words began to sing.

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