6- Pacify.

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Six minutes. Six long minutes; was all she could hold her resolve for. Whether she was drawn to Naruto or his darkness she wasn't sure; but she knew it was a dangerous path she was on. It felt like the very same thing that had drawn her to Sasuke. The problem wasn't that she wanted to 'fix' them, the problem was she wanted to be them. They were essentially a breath of fresh air from her ordinary life; they had purpose- meaning. She had, laundry and an old guitar. They brought a sense of excitement and danger without her actually being caught up in it. That's what drew her in; like a moth to a lightbulb.

There she was, six minutes after Sasuke had warned her, sitting across from him; staring into his ocean colored eyes and lightly strumming her guitar.

"Did anyone ever tell you, that they got lost in your eyes?" She watched Naruto's face heat up as if everything was normal; but it wasn't. He shook his head, for a moment his eyes changed red before turning back blue.

"Anyone told you that you looked like an angel?" His question sailed her away on the mysterious waters of his eyes.

She and Sasuke sat on the floor of her livingroom eating rice cakes- Sasuke's favorite.

"Remember-" She started. "the first thing you ever said to me?" Sasuke stared past her, and let his eyes settle on the front door. He remebered it like it was yesterday, because it was probably the first time he'd ever said 'thank you'. "You said, 'thank you'." She chuckled. "It was weird because thank you doesn't seem like the type of word that would come from your mouth."

"Hmpf." His notorious answer came from his mouth. But she remained unfazed; she always had.

"The second thing you said, well asked was: 'are you an angel?'" Sasuke stopped reaching for another rice cake. He remebered thinking she looked like one, he had no idea the words actually came from his mouth.

"No." She said finally, even though it had been a lie. If she had told the truth, he would have gotten angry and used her to get back at Sasuke. Maybe, maybe if she kept it going like this he'd remain calm and not do anything drastic. This was something she also did often: have pipe dreams.

Naruto watched her intensely; the way her fragile fingers stummed that guitar, the way her eyes only looked into his for brief intervals, and the way she was almost hesitant to speak.

"Something's off about you." He observed. But his voice sounded far away, as if he wasn't saying it. He didn't feel like himself.

"What if there's something off about you?" Could she tell? Could Sasuke? That he had been having episodes where he wasn't himself, where he felt angier, blacked out even.

"What's off about me?" He found himself asking. It was something he didn't want to know, not from her. Wanting to remain perfect in her eyes was his concern.

"Your eyes are different." She said, strumming a chord that sounded rich and deep. "They aren't yours." He chuckled nervously.

"What do you mean?"

"They're so dark. There's a storm raging on in those ocean eyes of yours. The waters thrashing around and there's this dark hole ready to pull you in." She sound like she was singing lyrics.

"Are you scared?" She stopped strumming immediately. Was she? After all, she let herself be drawn to the the darkness- his darkness.

"Yes." Naruto's eyes widened.

"I would never hurt you." She smiled lazily, at him, like her mind was somewhere else.

"You already have." He heard the words, but they sounded muffled.

"What?" He panicked.

"I didn't say anything." She strummed. Naruto's eyes turned wild.

Primal Love (Naruto)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora