Just Know that if You Hide

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Tell me how you feel about omnipresent pov
i kinda needed to get into everyone's head so this being part allows that
shits hitting the fan in this chapter


The fear that had an iron grip on Olivia was so consuming she wasn't sure there was much left of herself in her own body. Just like that every once of bravery seemed to pour out of her and what was left was that terribly numb feeling. She was frozen as she looked at Derek. He'd been apart of this madness maybe because of Paul or maybe because of her. It didn't really matter now, he was dead. His eyes had been so lifeless. Mickey's hold on her was the only thing that kept her from not floating away.

    "Everyone get down here," Detective Reece called upstairs. Mickey had to carry Olivia in. Her eyes spaced out and face pale and clammy. Ashley was crying, her entire body shook like it had been all night.

    "Olivia, please look at me," Mickey whispered to his sister. He rubbed her shoulders as he crouched down in front of her. Her lips were trembling. She desperately wanted to say that she was fine but, then she remembered it was her fault that he went out there. Derek was dead because he was trying to be a good boyfriend to a woman that didn't even love him. Detective Martin stomped into the room and slammed his phone closed.

    "Damned service is shit out here." He said. "I can't get ahold of anyone." That made Ashley sob a little harder. Billy, Stu and Jamie came tumbling down the stairs. Jamie noticed the serious vibe in the room before the guys did. She stepped down one last step before walking over to Olivia.

    "Is she okay?" She asked Mickey. Billy followed after Jamie and came over to Olivia.

    "Where were you three?" Detective Reece asked but it was pointed at Billy. He looked at Olivia, Mickey and then to the Detective.

    "We were exploring the upstairs, that's all," He said cooly.

    Martin turned to Mickey, "Is there any other way for someone to get to the first level of the house, other than these stairs?" He pointed.

    "No," Mickey said as he stood to face the detective. "Olivia and I used to try and sneak out that way but the jump is way higher than you'd think. Anyone who jumped that would break a leg." Billy bypassed Mickey and got level with Olivia's gaze. Mickey watched as Loomis inspected his sister and he felt a burning in his gut. He ought to have ripped that guy away from Olivia but he had to play it cool.

    Martin looked at Reece, his wrinkled forehead creasing harshly, "I'll be right back he said." Billy looked to Reece. Stu slipped past Detective Reece and walked into the living room.

    "What's happening?" Billy asked only looking way from Olivia for a moment. Jamie sat beside Olivia, her big blue eyes filled with worry.

    "Where's Derek?" Stu asked before taking the last few steps toward Olivia. Mickey was no idiot, Stu was obsessed with his sister but no one would ever be good enough for Olivia. Her three new friends had destroyed the woman he knew and Mickey would make sure they paid for it.

    Jamie rubbed Olivia's back as she slowly sat down beside her friend. She met Mickey's stare, and for a second she thought she saw guilt. Stu's question made Ashley sob a bit harder. Billy stood and moved to sit on the arm rest beside Jamie. It was Stu's turn to check over Olivia. He sat on the other side of her. He gently reached his fingers toward her chin and turned her face toward his.

    "We just need everyone to stay in here," Reece said.

    "If something is going on we have a right to know," Billy said with a stern tone. Reece took a step toward Billy.

little dark age  || Stu Macher x OC || Billy Loomis x OCWhere stories live. Discover now