The Exit

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strap in. prepare yourselves. enjoy.
just a little warning the ending is mainly omnipresent POV if you see a scene cut by "—" take that as like the camera cutting to another character rather than the whole scene changing.


This was the worst part of any one of Billy's plans. They wanted her to wait. They wanted her to grab Mickey when she heard the cue and try to escape with him. She was going to admit that Billy and Stu were killers and he was going to, in heavy quotations, lash out against her. Olivia would think that Jamie was trying to protect herself.

It would be a lie that would go with Jamie to the grave but, she knew her best friend better than anyone. Olivia would never forgive them if they killed Mickey on purpose. It would have to be an accident and it couldn't be Stu or Billy it had to be her.

She'd been pacing, just like Billy always did. When suddenly, she turned and jumped back. A Ghostface stood at her door. How long had he been standing there?

"Billy?" She asked. She still had her long nasty Ghostface costume on. Her mask was on the ground somewhere but her knife was clasped in her hands. The Ghostface that faced her was completely still. "If this is you, your being fucking dumb..."

A horrible gut feeling slammed into her abdomen like a wrecking ball. That was not Stu or Billy. She was alone, with the other killer. Jamie was on her own.

"You really are persistent aren't you?" She asked.

"Want me dead?" Jamie asked. "Don't you get that's not how these movies work?" She tilted her head to the side. "I'm Billy's fucking final girl! I can't die bitch!"

The Ghostface mirrored her head tilt and slowly revealed a shiny knife. Jamie took in a breath and gripped her knife tighter. "Two can play at that game fuck face!" She charged the killer and raised her knife. The ghostface dodged but was quick to turn around and slice down at Jamie. She ducked out of the way and slammed into the wall. Her shoulder stung but adrenaline was one hell of a drug. She grabbed a vase on a shelf and threw it at the ghostface. The killer stumbled back and tripped over a chair. Jamie should've run, but something was telling her to face her killer head on.

She jumped over the chair and landed on top of the ghostface. She was about to pull the mask off when the killer bucked his hips and she went flying sideways. Jamie's head slammed into the side of the coffee table by the chair and she grasped her forehead. The world was blurry as she stood to get distance from the Ghostface. The killer's hands curled into her hair and pulled her back. She slammed her elbow into his abdomen and the killer let out a grunt. Jamie slashed her knife at the killer and her weapon met skin. She heard a hiss from behind the mask. Jamie's vision was fading but she shook her head. She couldn't lose consciousness, not now.

Jamie wasn't prepared to be tackled to the ground but she did and the floor beneath her rattled with a hard thud. She looked up as the killer pried the knife from her hand. She struggled beneath the killer's weight. Her thoughts were hard to grab onto and her body felt weak. She whimpered and let out a scream.

"Billy!" She shouted out.


"What the fuck are you doing?" Olivia seethed. Mickey's grip was harsh and unyielding. She couldn't stop looking at Billy and Stu's shocked stares.

"Don't you two move," Mickey said from behind her. "Don't want little Livvy to end up like Ashley, do you?"

"You'd kill your sister?" Billy asked.

Mickey shrugged, "That's show biz, baby." Olivia felt her heart crack a bit at his words. "I don't want to, don't get the wrong idea, but sometimes you gotta kill your darlings."

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