Chapter 1: A Case of the Mondays

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A/N: I know what you're thinking. "HetaGarden! What on earth are you doing, reposting a seven-year-old fic to Wattpad of all places?"

Well, I was thinking of posting this to another site just in case anything happens... and AO3 didn't feel like a good match. So here you go, Wattpad: a fic lampooning the whole "high school cinderella" storyline that was a huge hit back even before this was first being written back in 2015.

 Just to let you know ahead of time, there will be some things changed. The Konoha 12 will be freshmen. People like the Akatsuki will be seniors. There will be some people mentioned, some may not be mentioned, but just to give you a general idea of the age groups. And yes, I did my research. I know Tenten doesn't have a canon last name. I'm going with a fanon one for reasons. And no, there will be no 'evil stepmother or stepsisters', and the girls will not be social outcasts...maybe.

Anyway, yeah, this is not supposed to be taken seriously. Enjoy the drama and the ships!

(Please note that if your favorite ship is not here/you hate any of the main ships you are very welcome to go read something else.)


It was going to be a horrendous week for Sakura Haruno.

Monday morning, already a hated day by the stressed freshman, had started off the school week in a thunderstorm. She sighed harshly, slipped on her big round glasses, and hurried to get ready for the day.

"Karin!" She hollered, huffing in frustration as she realized she was missing part of her outfit. "Did you borrow my sweater again?"

"Which one?" She yelled back, poking her head out from behind her door.

"You know, my red one!" Sakura rolled her eyes. "The one with the big comfortable sleeves!"

"Yeah, I kinda did." Karin admitted sheepishly. She shut up any protests when she threw it at her. "Lucky for you, I washed it last night."

"Thanks, Kar!" Sakura smiled and finished her routine.

So now, with her favorite red sweater, the school's signature white pleated skirt, the school headband (With insignia in the metal plate) holding her hair back, glasses, socks and sneakers, backpack and umbrella in hand, she was ready to go.

"Karin, let's go!" She called out to her stepsister, grabbing the car keys as she rushed through the living room.

"I'm almost done, give me a minute!" The answer echoed from the bathroom, and she groaned.

"Do you really have to do your makeup right now?" She asked, annoyed.

"Yes, I do." Karin replied. "I always have to look good for Sasuke-kun!"

Ah, Sasuke.

Sakura rolled her eyes as she opened the door to the garage, flipping on the light.

He was the majority-selected freshman hottie, with enough girls in his fanbase to rival a concert held by Hatsune Miku. Of course, Sakura thought, she was probably exaggerating a bit, but it sure seemed so. Nobody could ever rival Hatsune Miku.

Just as she got into the car, Karin came rushing out, flipping off the light as she went, heels clacking on the concrete flooring. She slipped into the passenger side, letting out a breath as she smoothed her hair.

"You done, miss Barbie?" Sakura asked sarcastically, hitting a button to open the garage door.

"Of course, you bookworm." Karin snapped back, but there was a playful grin on her face that said it was all in good fun.

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