Chapter 18: Sasuke's Thoughts

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The party lasted well after midnight, and after getting tugged away by her friends, Akane wished Sasuke a good night.

"Please, may I take you home?" He asked, fiddling with his key ring.

"Oh, no, it's okay." She shook her head, giving him a patient smile. "I'll hitch a ride with Tenten-san."

"But I insist," he stepped closer. "I've wanted to see where you live for quite a while now."

"I'm sure you'll see it sometime," she promised. If you saw, you'd definitely remember me.

Before he protested again, she pecked his lips, shocking him enough for her to slip away.

As soon as Tenten's car doors shut, he remembered what he wanted to do and quickly ran to his room, grabbing the shoe. He slid down the banister and rushed out the door, jumping into his car and slamming the door.

"Shit, Ten, he's trying to follow." Sakura groaned, watching him out the window.

"I gotcha, Sak." She nodded and sped away faster, making a sharp left into the woods.

"Wait, where are we going?" Hinata asked, a little worried.

"Don't worry, I know these woods like the back of my hand." The brunette gave her a grin in the rear-view mirror. "We'll lose him in five minutes, promise."

"If you say so," Ino sighed dreamily. "I wish I could have stayed with Sai a little longer."

"You two were the cutest couple on the dance floor," Hinata chimed in with a happy giggle.

Ino suddenly seemed to remember something and turned to face the backseat. "Oh, yeah! Sakura, don't think I didn't notice that necklace you're wearing!"

She blushed red and looked away. "Oh, yeah... Sasuke gave it to 'Akane'."

"He really was at the jewelry store looking for a gift, huh..." Tenten muttered. "Well, now we know he feels the same!"

"Yeah, with Akane. Not me." Sakura sighed, fiddling with the jewels. "He kissed Akane, not me. If he knew who 'she' really was, he'd begin bullying me himself."

"Whatever happened to the loud, confident Sakura Haruno I know?" Hinata asked her, a stern look on her adorable face.

"She left, along with the chance of having a normal life." The pinkette shrugged. "Whatever, though. All I have to do is hide all evidence of tonight happening, and we'll be in the clear."

Hinata was quiet for a few moments before Ino spoke up.

"But you don't want to forget, do you?"

Sakura flinched at the question and merely stared out the window.

"Maybe not," she admitted quietly.


The rest of the weekend passed by quietly, although Sakura spent most of it mooning over the necklace Sasuke had given her. She had taken it off before falling asleep, and ever since it had been in its box on her nightstand, next to her framed photo of herself and Sasuke as children.

Monday morning came, and Sakura was quietly going about her usual tasks. Hinata watched her all throughout the day, and during lunch approached her on the roof.

Sakura was staring up at the sky, eating a sandwich, when the heiress sat down next to her with a tray.

Neither of them said a word, although Sakura acknowledged her presence with a subtle nod and a glance.

"How's Hanabi?" Sakura asked, breaking the silence as she finished the sandwich.

Hinata paused before her first bite of onigiri. She frowned. "She's... taking the news rather well."

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