Chapter 9: The Morning After

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A/N: I was going through my old fic again, and did you know I had the chapter title "The Aftermath" twice? I'm still cringing at how I never caught that.


The next day was, for the most part, lazy.

Sakura washed the non-permanent dye out of her hair, and she was glad to see it back to its normal vibrant pink color. She sighed, holding a limp, wet strand of hair. "Great, I'm back to normal."

Ino had to spend the night at Sakura's house because Hinata's parents were too strict and Tenten's parents were out of town and didn't want anyone over.

She glanced from the bathroom to her room, where her door was slightly ajar.

Karin was still sleeping in, and Ino was still unconscious from last night's events.

Turning from the mirror, to the door, and back to the mirror, she decided.

"Man, I've had enough of trying to wash out my hair. I'm gonna make breakfast." She muttered to herself, shutting off the light as she exited.

Akane was in the kitchen, making breakfast when Sakura entered. She glanced up with a small smile. "Good morning, Sakura. You hungry?"

"Am I ever." The pinkette took a seat at the island counter and watched her stepmother work.

"How's Ino doing this morning?" Akane asked, her voice lowering.

"Still conked out, I'm afraid." Sakura frowned. "She's taking it pretty hard about Shikamaru."

"Who's that? A friend of yours?" The redheaded woman turned back to the rice that was cooking.

"Oh, totally. An ex-friend by now." Sakura said sarcastically, crossing her arms.

"What's wrong this morning, sweetie?" Akane scooped some rice on a plate and placed it in front of her with a frown. "Did you have a rough night last night?"

"Little bit." She yawned. "What time is it? I forgot."

"It's a little after eleven." Akane checked her watch. "I'll have to be leaving at eleven-thirty today. They want me in for a surgery again. You know what to do by now."

"I know. Watch the house, and if I go out, make sure everything's locked." The pinkette recited with a dull voice as she got up and grabbed some eating chopsticks out of a drawer in the kitchen.

"Make sure Ino and Karin get some rice too. I have to go soon. I love you." She kissed her forehead and grabbed her bag (no doubt filled with her scrubs and hospital shoes), keys, and walked out the front door.

Sakura mumbled a goodbye through mouthfuls of rice, and just as the front door shut, Ino walked down the hall sleepily, rubbing one eye.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Sakura swallowed her food and gave her a half-smile. "Get enough sleep?"

"I guess I did," Ino said, yawning. "What time is it?"

"It's..." Sakura squinted at the clock above the stove. "About eleven-sixteen."

"Okay, I see." Ino grew quiet and sat down next to her.

Sakura finished her rice and stood, ready to take the bowl into the kitchen, but stopped once she saw Ino's face.

"Ino, what's up? I've known you for eight or nine years already, and not once have you ever been this quiet."

"I just..." The blonde sighed, resting her elbows on the island table. "I still can't wrap my mind around all that happened last night."

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